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Special gifts: The Soufeel charm bracelet!


Hello! :D

Throughout the year there are numerous occasions where you will have to offer gifts, whether it is a holiday, a birthday, an anniversary or even for no reason at all just because you want to show your love and appreciation for the special people in your life. Of course you don’t have to show you love and appreciation solely through gifts and the gift does not have to be expensive for it to be very special, a DIY gift where you put your heart and soul into it can definitely top any expensive gift out there. But today I am not going to talk about DIY gifts I am going to talk about something very dear to my heart.

De-a lungul anului se ivesc nenumarate ocazii de-a oferi cadouri, fie ca este vorba de sarbatori, fie ca este vorba de o zi de nastere, aniversari sau chiar fara niciun motiv ci pur si simplu din dorinta de a ii arata persoanei de langa tine aprecierea si iubirea ce i-o porti. Bineinteles, acum sa nu ma intelegeti gresit, nu-i obligatoriu sa ii aratati asta printr-un cadou, iar cadoul nu trebuie sa fie scump ca sa fie special, un cadou facut cu manutele voastre poate sa intreaca cu siguranta un cadou cumparat. Insa astazi nu o sa vorbesc despre cadouri DIY, ci o sa vorbesc despre ceva foarte aproape de inima mea.

My interest for the bracelets that tell the story of the one who wears it started in November 2015, before getting my charm bracelet I remember seeing offers from Soufeel so that’s how I heard about them. If you are not familiar by now with Soufeel this is what I can tell you about them: the company was founded in 2011 in Hong Kong and they are focused on offering quality and reliability. The jewelry is made with 925 silver and colored gems, there are over 500 charms to choose from and the cool thing is that you can customize some of them. They deliver worldwide and offer free shipping if you spend more than $50 (they also offer gifts with purchase).

Interesul meu pentru bratarile care spun povestea celei care o poarta a inceput undeva pe la sfarsitul anului trecut, cred ca undeva prin noiembrie, imi aduc aminte ca deja incepusera sa apara ofertele de sarbatori si inainte sa ma decid la bratarica mea mi s-a intersectat de foarte multe ori calea cu ofertele celor de la Soufeel. Daca inca va sunt necunoscuti cei de la Soufeel va pot spune despre ei urmatoarele: compania a fost fondata in anul 2011 in Hong Kong si sunt focusati pe calitate si seriozitate. Bijuteriile sunt din argint 925 si pietre colorate, aveti la dispozitie peste 500 de charm-uri pe site si un lucru foarte important de mentionat este ca pe unele dintre ele le puteti personaliza dupa bunul plac. Livreaza oriunde in lume si ofera transport gratuit la o comanda mai mare de 50$ (am vazut ca ofera si cadouri la comenzi).

This bracelets isn't telling my story and that’s because it was not meant for me, this bracelet will tell the story of my mother and I am happy that now I can gift her from time to time special charms to add to her bracelet. So this is what I chose for her:

Bratara nu spune povestea mea pentru ca nu am ales-o pentru mine, bratara de astazi va spune povestea mamei mele si sunt extrem de fericita ca acum ii pot darui charm-uri la ocazii speciale din viata noastra. Iata ce charm-uri am ales pentru inceput:

My mom loves the sea so I looked for a charm that will remind her of the beautiful sea she loves so much, I chose this seashell which has a small pearl inside of it and it also has some pretty blue rhinestones on it.

Mama e indragostita de mare asa ca am cautat un charm care sa ii aduca tot timpul aminte de ea, am ales o scoica care se deschide si inauntru are o mica perla, de altfel nu lispsesc nici pietricele, scoica e decorata pietricele albastre tare frumoase.

I am sure my mom knows how much I love her, but I don’t know if she know how much I appreciate her, I know I don’t show my appreciation very often so the second charm is a heart shaped one, on one side it has clear rhinestones and on the other side it says “Devoted Mom” because she is a devoted and extremely loving and caring mom.

Sunt sigura ca mama stie cat de mult o iubesc, nu stiu insa daca stie si cat de mult o apreciez, cred ca nu ii arat foarte des lucrul acesta asa ca am ales pentru ea un charm sub forma de inimoara cu o parte plina de pietricele transparente iar pe cealalta parte are gravat urmatorul mesaj: “Devoted Mom”, pentru ca este o mama devotata, o mama extreme de iubitoare si grijulie!

The third charm is her birthstone, my mom love sparkly stuff (like mother like daughter right? Haha :D) so I wanted to choose sparkly charms, but with a meaning to them. It is really pretty, it has small hearts on the side.

A treilea charm este piatra lunii in care s-a nascut, mamei ii plac pietricelele (nici nu aveam cum sa nu semanam haha :D), asa ca am vrut sa aleg charm-uri care sa aiba pietricele insa care sa aiba si o semnificatie. E foarte frumos, pe margini are mici inimoare.

The fourth charm is her zodiac sign, she always told me that her zodiac sign totally represents her, I think that’s where she’s got the for love for the sea/water :D

Ce de-al patrulea charm este zodia ei, zodie in care se regaseste in totalitate dupa cum imi spune ea :D Cred ca o mica parte din dragostea pentru mare/apa de aici i se trage :D

And the last charm is her name initial, I was on the fence with this one, after some thinking I went with it, I think it looks great with the rest of them, it is not too big, it’s tiny and cute ^_^

Iar ultimul charm este initiala numelui ei, am stat mai mult sa ma gandesc daca sa ii aleg initiala sau nu, insa in cele din urma am ales-o, mi se pare ca se potriveste perfect cu restul charm-urilor, imi place ca e micut, finut si dragut ^_^

As soon as she saw the bracelet she fell in love with it and from the moment she put it on it’s like it became part of her because she won’t take it off, that’s how I am with my bracelet, I am so happy she loves it!

I-a devenit draga din momentul in care a vazut-o, iar de cand a primit-o nici ca o mai da jos de la mana, o inteleg, exact asa sunt si eu cu bratara mea, ma bucur nespus de mult ca o indrageste atat de mult.

Having a Pandora bracelet and seeing and touching a Soufeel bracelet now, I thought you might want to know if I have noticed any differences between them. The price difference it is super obvious, the charms are super well made, they have the weight that the Pandora ones have (I have a fake one from eBay and that one looks and feel cheap), they are really pretty and I would definitely wear them on my Pandora bracelet. Now regarding the bracelet, the Soufeel bracelet is a lot more flexible than the Pandora one and it does not have the two stoppers and that means that the charms can move freely on the bracelet. I took a photo of both of the bracelets so you can see for yourself.

Avand o bratara Pandora si acum vazand si atingand bratara de la Soufeel, ma gandesc ca poate sunteti curioase sa aflati daca mi se pare ca exista sa nu diferente intre bratari sau charm-uri.  Diferenta de pret intre cele doua este foarte evidenta, charm-urile mi se par foarte bine lucrate, au aceeasi greutate ca si cele de la Pandora (detin si o bratara fake de pe ebay si acelea sunt usoare si destul prost lucrate), sunt foarte frumoase, le-as purta cu drag pe bratara mea Pandora. La bratara am observat doua lucruri diferite: este mult mai flexibila decat cea de la Pandora si nu are cele doua  opritoare pe care le are bratara Pandora, asta insemnand ca charm-urile se pot misca in voie pe bratara. Am facut si o poza ca sa le vedeti in paralel.

I think that Soufeel charm bracelets are the perfect gift for any occasion since we have always celebrated Mother’s Day on the 8th of March, this makes a perfect gift for your mother and I am sure she will absolutely love it as much as my mom does ♥

Consider ca bratarile Soufeel sunt cadoul perfect pentru  absolut orice ocazie, este imposibil sa dai gres cu o asemenea bijuterie  Pentru ca noi am sarbatorit intotdeauna Ziua Mamei pe 8 martie, e un cadou deosebit pentru mamele voastre si sunt sigura ca o sa o indrageasca la fel de mult pe cat o indrageste si a mea draga mama ♥

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Ii puteti gasi si aici: Facebook, TwitterInstagram.

What do you think about these beautiful charm bracelets?

Ce parare aveti despre bratarile cu poveste?

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***