The weather was lovely, just lovely this year, we had a beautiful October and a beautiful beginning of November, we had sun and not that much rain. When winter is I don’t wear dresses or skirts that often, I am always cold, but because the weather was kind to us I took advantage of the weather and wore them a lot.
Pot sa zic ca anul acest clar vremea a
tinut cu noi, am avut un octombrie frumos si-un inceput de noiembrie cu
temperaturi de primavara, cu soare si cu foarte putine ploi. Iarna ma indrept
mai putin catre fuste si rochii asta din cauza ca sunt extreme de friguroasa,
insa pentru ca vremea mi-a permis sa umblu, asa, mai golasa, mi-am permis sa le
port mai des.
The dress I am wearing today I didn’t
really like it at first, I had to make a change so I could wear it. I love the
print, it reminds me of a dress I saw at H&M and it reminds me of autumn, I
think that is because of the colors in it. I am not impressed by the material,
it is very thin, the type of material scarves are made of, it doesn’t look
cheap, but you could feel that the material it is not that great. I had to take
out the cord and put it where I wanted it to sit, otherwise the dress wouldn’t
look that great, I never thought I would be able to wear i ! I do love this
type of tunic dresses, and now I can wear it the way I want to wear it so I
will hold on dearly to it and wear it with pleasure every time I’ll wear it.
Rochia pe care o port astazi mi-a devenit
draga abia dupa ce am facut eu o mica modificare. Sunt indragostita de print, imi aduce aminte
de o rochie pe care am vazut la H&M recent si ma duce cu gandul la toamna,
asta poate si datorita culorilor pe care le are. Nu sunt impresionata de
material, e foarte subtire, eu il numesc material de esarfa, insa nu iti dai
seama de lucrul acesta decat daca o atingi, pe corp de aseaza foarte frumos.
Mica modificare a constant in: a trebuit sa ii scot cordonul si sa il pun eu in jurul taliei pentri ca arata
pe mine ca un sac, n-am crezut ca o sa o pot purta vreodata. Imi plac la nebunie
rochiile acestea gen tunica, asa ca o voi pastra si purta cu drag de fiecare
Boots / Ghete: Deichmann;
Have a lovey day, many kisses :*
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :*
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :*