Sunt foarte entuziasmata de acest review :D Cand am inceput sa ma uit la videoclipurile de beauty de pe Youtube pe la inceputul anului 2011, foarte multe fete vorbeau despre paletele de farduri de la BH Cosmetics, pe atunci nu aveam nicio paleta de farduri si bineintele ca imi doream una tare mult :)) Asa cum bine stitit la sfarsitul anul trecut Alexandra mi-a daruit o paleta de farduri (cea de la Cosmetic Scents) si-am fost tare fericita, era prima mea paleta cu foarte multe farduri in ea. Anul acesta am primit o paleta de la BH Cosmetics si alte cateva bunatati despre care o sa va vorbesc astazi, daca ati putea sa-mi vedeti fata, ati vedea cat de entuziasmata sunt :D
I'm so excited for this review ♥ When I started watching beauty videos at the beginning of 2011, there were a lot of girls talking about BH Cosmetics, at that time I didn't own a big palette full of awesome eye shadows and yes of course, after watching so many I wanted one :)) As you all know by now, last year I received my first eye shadow palette from Alexandra and oh boy I was so happy (my Coastal Scents one) and this year I received a BH Cosmetics palette and some other goodies from them :D If you could see me right now you could see the enthusiasm on my face haha :)) So today is my time to review them and tell you if I like them or not :)
Denumire/Name: BH Cosmetics 28 Color Smoky Eye Palette ***
De unde il pot achizitiona/Where can i buy it from?: BH Cosmetics website;
Cat costa?/ How much does it cost?: 10$ (e la reducere de la 21.95$/ on sale for 55% off)
Alte observatii/ Other observations:
- E facuta dintr-un plastic dur / It's made from hard plastic;
- Are o oglinda maricica inauntru / It has a good sized mirror inside;
- Langa oglinda gasiti doua aplicatoare buretel / It comes with two sponge applicators;
- Singura probema atunci cand vreti sa comandati produsele este transportul, se calculeaza in functie de tara si pentru fiecare produs adaugat creste / The shipping costs might be a problem: they calculate it based on where you live and for every item you add you pay extra.
Paleta contine 28 de farduri: 5 cu sclipici, 9 mate si restul metalice si cu finis satinat. Sunt destul de mari, mai mari decat o moneda de 50 de bani.
You get 28 BEAUTIFUL colors: 5 glitter eye shadows, 9 matte eye shadows and the rest of them are metallic or have a satin finish. The size of the eye shadows is pretty big, they are the size of a quarter.
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Nu le-am swatch-uit peste un primer si nici n-am insistat sa adaug cat mai multa culoare. Sunt cateva culori care nu sunt atat de pigmentate (unele mate si unele cu finis satinat), dar daca folosit un primer sau o baza nu aveti niciun fel de probelem. Se aplica foarte frumos, nu am avut probleme cu ele cand m-am machiat si nu sunt prafoase. Iubesc fiecare culoare din acesta paleta, sunt foarte frumoase si puteti sa creati o multime de look-uri folosindu-le. De-abia astept sa ma joc mai mult cu ea. Daca vreti sa vedeti look-ul pe care l-am creat folosindu-le, va rog sa dati click aici: 10 seconds until midnight.
I didn't use a primer when I swatched them and I didn't insist on adding that much color to the swatch. There are some colors that are not that pigmented (some matte ones and some satin ones), but if you use a primer or a base, then you won't have a problem with them. They go on very smooth I haven't experienced any fallout when i was applying them. I love every single color, I think they are gorgeous and you can create awesome looks using them. I can't wait to play more with this palette. You can see the look I've created using this palette if you click here: 10 seconds until midnight ♥
Denumire/Name: BH Cosmetics Jumbo Concealer Pencil; ***
Culoarea/Color: Light;
De unde il pot achizitiona/Where can i buy it from?: BH Cosmetics website;
Cat costa?/ How much does it cost?: 4.46$ (25% reducere / 25% off)
Alte observatii/ Other observations:
- Aveti nevoie de o ascutitoare potrivita pentru acest timp de creion / You need a sharpener with a wider hole;
Cu acest produs am o relatie de iubire-ura, imi place foarte mult acoperirea, dar simt ca imi usuca putin zona de sub ochi (imi e tare complicat sa explic :D) cred ca s-ar putea sa fie asa din cauza consistentei. Are o consistenta ca a fondurile de ten mousse, asa as putea sa-l descriu cel mai bine, acoperirea este medie catre mare. Desi nuanta lui este Light, nu este potrivita persoanelor cu tenul foarte deschis.
I have a love-hate relationship with this concealer, I love the coverage, but I feel that it's a little bit drying, now I don't know if that's because of its consistency or because that's how it is. It has a mousse consistency (if you ever tried a mousse foundation you'll know what i mean), it has great coverage, I would say medium to high. It's not that light as you would think so very fair skinned people might have a problem with it.
Se aplica foarte frumos si nu se seteaza in riduri, as putea spune ca este unul dintre corectoarele mele preferate in acest moment datorita acoperirii foarte bune.
It blends really nice, it doesn't set in to the fine lines, I love to use it under my eyes, I could say this is my favourite concealer at the moment because of the coverage I get from using it :D
(nu am cine stie ce cearcane, dar se observa o diferenta :D l-am aplicat direct pe piele, nu am folosit fond de ten / now I don't have big dark circles but i think you can see a difference ) S-fara, D-cu / L-without, R-with.
Si ultimul produs este.... / And the last product i tried is...
Culoarea/Color: Brunette
De unde il pot achizitiona/Where can i buy it from?: BH Cosmetics
Cat costa?/ How much does it cost?: 4.45$ (25% reducere/ 25% off)
Sunt tare suparata pe mine pentru ca mi-am ales gresit nuanta ughh...Imi place foarte mult ambalajul si produsul (l-am folosit in casa), se aplica frumos si e rezistent. Culoarea este un maro ciocolatiu cu un subton rosiatica (sincera sa fiu nici nu stiu daca ar arata bine in general). Vreau sa-l incerc pe "Soft Brunette" data viitoare, mi-a fost firca sa-l aleg, am crezut ca e prea deschos :))
I'm mad at myself because i chose the wrong color and I can't use it ughhh...I love the packaging and the product (I used it at home), it's long lasting and it's easy to apply. The color of Brunette is a chocolate brown with a reddish undertone ( I really don't know if it would look that great on someone). I think I'm going to try out the Soft Brunette next time, the one that I should have picked from the start, but I was too scared because I thought it's going to be too light for me :))))
Vreau neaparat sa incerc un fond de ten, e doar 4.50$, primerul de ochi si blushurile :D Imi fac un nou wishlist pentru anul viitor haha :))) Au produse foarte bune la preturi foarte accesibile, mai putin pretul transportului de care imi e frica =))) Daca vreti sa aflati despre ultimele noutati si reduceri ii puteti urmari si pe pagina de Faebook: BH Cosmetics.
I really want to try out their foundation, it's only 4.50$, their eye primer and the blushes :D I'm making a new wishlist for next year haha :))) I think they are great products at very affordable prices, except the shipping price wich i'm afraid of it :D D If you want you can Like them on Facebook, you'll find aout about their new products and disscounts: BH Cosmetics.
Ati incercat pana acum produsele BH Cosmetics? Ce parere aveti despre ele? / Have you ever tried BH Cosmetics make-up? What did you think about them?
Va doresc o seara minunata! V-am pupat :*:*:*
Have a lovely day/evening, many kisses :*:*:*