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New Year's Eve Make-up - 10 seconds until midnight


   In curand va trebui sa imi iau la revedere de la acest frumoase beculete pe care le-am pus in fiecare postare si o sa-mi fie tare dor de ele :D Imi aduc aminte ca la fiecare inceput de Decembrie ne intrebam unde petrecem Revelion, anul acesta nu avem un plan bine stabilit, am hotarat sa-l petrecm acasa pana dupa 12,  apoi sa mergem pe la familie si prieteni sa le uram "La Multi Ani". :) Daca vreti sa vedeti machiajul de anul trecut va rog sa dati CLICK AICI. Anul acesta am vrut un machiaj mai dramatic, am avut niste gene false cu care de-abia asteptam sa ma joc si o noua paleta de farduri cu niste culori SUPERBE! :D

   Soon I will have to say goodbye to this pretty little lights that I've been using in my posts and I'm going to miss them :D New Year's Eve is right around the corner, this year we are not going to any party, we are just going to visit friends and family and wish them a "Happy New Year" :) If you want to see the look that I've done last year you can CLICK HERE, this year I wanted something more dramatic, I had some cool lashes to play with and a new palette with amazing colors :D


How I achieved this look and what colors I used:

1. Am aplicat pe pleoapa superioara baza de la Manhattan si creionul metalic de la p2 in nuanta 090 midnight flirt.
2. Am aplicat culoarea 1 pe toata pleoapa superioara.
3. Am folosit culoarea 2 doar pe jumatatea dinspre exterior a pleoapei superioare.
4. Culoarea 3 am folosit-o in pliu si am urcat cu ea inspre arcada, am avut ceva de blenduit.
5. Pentru iluminarea arcadei si pleopa inferioara am folosit culoarea 4.
6. Am folosit culoarea 5 pentru a blendui putin in coltul intern culoarea 3.

1. I applied my Manhattan eye shadow base and then I applied p2 metallic style eye pencil in 090 midnight flirt on my upper lid.
2. I applied color 1 on my upper lid.
3. I used color 2 on half of my upper lid.
4. I used color 3 in my crease and blended and blended and blended some more :)
5. For highlighting my brow bone I used color 4, I also applied it on my lower lid.
6. I used color 5 to blend color 4 in the inner corner of my eye.

   Pot sa spun ca sunt super entuziasmata de acest machiaj si ca sunt indragostita de culorile folosite? :D Imi plac foarte mult si genele false folosite, sunt super confortabile si culmea, se poate folosi lipiciul din pachetel, o sa-mi cumpar cu siguranta mai multe. Sper din tot sufletul sa va placa :D

   Can I say that I'm really excited about this make-up and that I LOVE the colors? :D And I also like the false lashes that I used, I showed them HERE. They are super comfortable and I love the fact that they have glitter on them, even the glue that they come with is pretty awesome, I'm going to buy more. I really hope you like it :D

Produse folosite / Products used:

   Acesta este machiajul meu pentru acest sfarsit de an, chiar daca nu o sa facem nimic special, cred ca o sa-l port, vreau sa intampin noul an aratand bine hahah :)))

   So this is my make-up look for this New Year's Eve, even though we are not doing anything special this year, I think I'm going to wear it, I will welcome the new year looking pretty hahah :)) 

   Care sunt planurile voastre pentru Revelion? Unde petreceti noapte dintre ani? :) / So what are your plans for New Year's Eve? Do you have something special planned out? :)

Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :*:*:*

Have a lovely evening, many kisses! :*:*:*