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Hello Kitty Moisture BB Cream


Hey :D

  Ati fost neascultatori sau cuminti anul acesta? V-a adus Mosul ce v-ati dorit? ♥ Eu cred ca anul acesta am fost destul de cuminte pentru ca Mosul a fost extrem de generos cu mine, am primit tot ce mi-am dorit, ziua de 24 Decembrie a fost una dintre cele mai fericite zile din viata mea haha :D Am petrecut Craciunul cu familia, am mancat (mult), am ras, m-am jucat cu nepotii toata ziua si pe la 10 seara deja ma luase somnul, eram super obosita :)) Una dintre verisoarele mele nu a ajuns la masa de Craciun, dar vine astazi in vizita cu prietenul ei si m-a rugat sa ii fac si un machiaj, YAY! :D

    So were you naughty or nice this year? Did Santa bring you what you wished for? ♥ I think I was pretty nice this year, Santa was really generous and I received what I wished for, 24th of December was one of the happiest days of my life hahaha :D We've spent Christmas with our families, we ate, we laughed, I've played with my grandson and with my nieces, I always love to play with them and at 10 pm I just wanted to sleep, I was sooo tired :)) I didn't have the chance to see one of my cousins so she is coming today with her boyfriend to visit and I am going to do her make-up YAY! :D

   Dupa cum stiti deja, sunt un mare fan al BB Cream-urilor, am primit un urma cu cateva saptamani un BB Cream de la Uniqso sa-l testez :D Uniqso este un site care comerializeza lentile circulare, cosmetice, produse pentru ingrijirea fetei, etc. Dasa sunteti fani Hello Kitty, atunci o sa iubiti ambalajul BB Cream-ului, e super dragut :D

   As you already know I am a BB freak and I received from Uniqso a few weeks a new BB Cream to try out :D Uniqso is an online shop based in Malaysia, they sell circle lenses, eye make-up, face care, etc. If you are a fan of Hello Kitty. then you'll love the packaging of this BB Cream because it's super cute :D

Denumire/NameHello Kitty Moisture BB Cream *** ( va rog sa verificati disclaimerul pentru a afla ce inseamna cele trei stelute / please check disclaimer to find out what the three stars are for)
Cantitate: 50 ml;
Culoare / Shade: Alb / White;
De unde il pot achizitiona/Where can i buy it from?: Uniqso;
Cat costa?/ How much does it cost?: 19.90 $
Alte observatii/ Other observations: 

  • Sunt disponbile trei nuante: alb, bej si verde / The BB Cream comes in three shades: white, beige and green;
  • Acest BB Cream este japonez / The is a Japanese BB Cream;
  • Ambalajul este foarte practiv, poti apasa pe el pana iese tot produsul / The BB Cream comes in a squeeze tube;
   M-am indragostit de ambalaj, desi nu sunt o mare fana Hello Kitty, mi s-a parut mult prea dragut :D Mi-a fost foarte greu sa-mi dau seama ce nuanta sa-mi aleg, in momentul acela nu exista niciun review pe internet, dar din poza de pe site nu-mi dadeam seama mare lucru. Nuanta se numete "Alb" si am crezut ca este precum cea de la L'oreal, adica in momentul in care o aplici se observa nuanta, ei bine nu-i asa, chiar e alba, ceea ce o face perfecta pentru persoanele cu tenul foarte deschis.  Stiti ca am tenul deschis la culoare, dar nici chiar atat de deschis :D

 I fell in love with the packaging, I can't say that I'm a big Hello Kitty fan, but this BB Cream is too cute :D It was really hard for me to choose a shade because at that time there were no reviews on the internet and I'm always scared that I pick a wrong shade and guess what, I did :)) Because the shade is called "White" I though it is going to be like the L'oreal one, once you apply it you see the color, but no, this one is white, which is awesome for very fair skinned people. You know that I have fair skin, but not that fair :D 

(Dupa 15-20 de minute / After 15-20 minutes. Nu cred ca o sa observati din poza, dar are un subton roz, culmea e ca nu am putut sa vad asta cand am aplicat-o pe fata, ci doar cand am aplicat-o pe mana / I think you won't be able to see in this picture, but it has a slightly pink undertone, I didn't see it on my face, but I could see it today on my hand)

 Are o consistenta groasa, cremoasa si un miros dulceag, nu ar trebui sa va deranjeze foarte mult mirosul :D Are SPF 30 si e destul de de hidratanta, nu e grasa. Nu stiu ce ingrediente contine pentru ca nu pot sa citesc pe ambalaj. Nu mi-a cauzat vreo iritatie, nu mi s-au blocat porii si nici nu mi-au aparut mai multe cosuri.

   It has a thick and creamy consistency and a sweet scent, the scent won't bother you too much, I really like it to be honest :D I love the fact that it has SPF and it feels very moisturising, not to greasy. I  can't read the ingredients on the back of BB Cream so I have no idea what it contains. It didn't break me out or cause any skin irritations.  

   O sa ii contrazic, nu acopera petele si nici cosurile sau roseata, puteti sa vedeti asta in pozele de mai jos. Zona T nu mi s-a ingrasat foarte tare pe parcusul zilei.

 I'll have to dissagree with the: conceal blemishes, you can see in my pictures that it doesn't. I didn't get very oily in my T-Zone so it might be good for people with oily skin.

   Acoperirea este mica, chiar si cu doua straturi este mica. Nu acopera roseata, acest BB Cream este destinat persoanelor cu un ten cu foarte, dar foarte putine probleme care nu vor sa foloseasca fond de ten ci doar sa foloseasca ceva :D Pentru tenul meu cu probleme acest BB Cream nu prea face nimic.
   When it comes to coverage, I have to say that the coverage is light and even with two layers it's still light. It doesn't really cover redness so it's good for people with good skin that don't want to use foundation, but still want to use something. You know that my skin has some problems so this BB Cream doesn't really help me :/

Fara BB Cream / Without BB Cream:

Cu un strat / With one layer:

Cu doua straturi / With two layers:

   Daca aveti un ten foarte deschis la culoare si un ten cu foarte putine imperfectiuni atunci BB Cream-ul acesta este pentru voi. Daca oferea un pic mai multa acoperire puteam sa spun ca-l indragesc foarte mult, dar nu-i nimic, pot sa-l amestec cu alte produse pentru fata care sunt in nuante mai inchise :D

   So if you have very fair and not to much troubled skin, then this is the BB Cream for you :D I would have loved it if it would have had more coverage, but I can still use it to mix it up with some of my darker shade BB Creams or foundations :)

   Cei de la Uniqso au pe pagina de Facebook un cupon de 15% reducere.

   They have a coupon for 15% discount for your purchase on their Facebook page Uniqso

Ce v-a adus Mosul? / What did Santa bring you? :D

Sa aveti o seara minunata, v-am pupat :*:*:*

Have a lovely evening, Many kisses :*:*:*