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My Week In Photos (18.05 - 24.05)


Hello! :D

I kept making promises, telling you I will be back and I will be more active on the blog, oh well, doesn’t my absence make me look like a fool? I don’t know how I keep myself super busy all the time, I’m always not in the mood of nothing else but sleeping, but….but..from now on I am not going to make anymore promises I am just going to do what I have to do even if I feel too tired or not in the mood. I was thinking of taking a break from blogging, but first I can’t do this to myself , or you so I am going to give my best and even if I will fall asleep with my head on the keyboard I am going to press POST on the article ha! I am going to start with something easy, let’s see how my week went .

Am tot facut promisiuni de vreo doua luni incoace ca ma intorc pe blog, ca o sa ma vedeti des, ca totul o sa fie bine, ei bine, n-a fost asa. Sunt bizi pana peste cap, timp liber ciu-ciu, chef de altceva in afara de somn n-am, insa…insa…n-am sa mai promit nimic de acum chiar o sa fac tot ceea ce mi-am propus chiar daca nu o sa am chef sau o sa fiu prea obosita. Ma gandisem sa iau o pauza pe termen nederminat, dar nu pot face asta, nu-mi pot face in primul rand mie asta, mi-ar fi enorm de greu sa renunt la blog, la voi, asa ca o sa dau tot ce e mai bun din mine si chiar daca o sa adorm cu capul pe tastatura tot am sa-mi postez articolul ha! Incep timid asa cu saptamana in imagini sa vedeti ce-am mai pus la cale.

Monday / Luni
This cutie keeps me company all day long, I love waking up to his beautiful face, he makes me so happy and no matter how tired or sick I feel I always make time for him.

Dulceata asta mica imi tine companie toata ziua, iubesc sa ma trezesc si sa ii vad mutrita asta frumoasa, ma face atat de fericita, oricat de obosita as fi sau oricat de rau mi-ar fi intodeauna imi fac timp pentru el.

Tuesday /  Marti
On Tuesday I wore an all white outfit and I can’t believe I got home without a stain on my outfit! I am so happy the weather is awesome so that I can wear all of my skirts and dresses J

Tinuta de luni a fost albaaaaa imaculat si asa am si plecat cu ea acasa, nici nu-mi vine sa cred! Ma bucur atat de mult ca in sfarsit a venit vremea sa-mi port toate rochitele si fustitele J

Wednesday /  Miercuri
Wednesday it was cloudy for the most part of the day so I chose a colorful outfit, I’m in love with my H&M sneakers.

Miercuri a fost inorat marea majoritate a zilei asa ca am optat pentru o tinuta super colorata, sunt total indragostita de tenesii mei de la H&M.

Thursday / Joi
The day started great, I was a fairy for the first part of the day :D I wore a white skirt again and I had my not so healthy lunch out on the balcony, loved it!

Joi am inceput foarte bine, pentru prima parte a zilei am fost o zana :D Am optat din nou pentru o fusta alba, am servit la serviciu pranzul mini terasa noastra frumoasa, n-a fost el un pranz sanatos insa a fost unul delicios.

Friday / Vineri
A little bit of chocolate didn’t hurt no one right? :D Great way to end the workweek!

Putina ciocolata nu strica, nu-i  asa? E perfecta pentru a incheia cu success o zi de munca :D

Saturday / Sambata
Total relaxation :D We love taking walks in the park with Ollie and we are happy when he is happy and I think he is pretty happy when we runs around ♥

Recreere :D Iubim plimbarile prin parc cu Ollie, daca el e fericit si noi suntem fericiti si pare foarte fericit cand se joaca afara  ♥

Sunday / Duminica
Pure love and happiness!

Dragoste pura si multa bucurie!

You can also follow me on Instagram, I post new photos almost everyday: @goldandsilversparkles :D

Va invit sa ma urmăriti si pe Instagram, postez aproape zilnic poze: @goldandsilversparkles :D

How was your week? :D

Cum a fost saptamana voastra? :D

Have a lovely day many kisses! :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***