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Fashion Wednesday: The animal print vest!


Hey! :D

Sunday is the day most of the working people are waiting anxiously for and that’s because it is a part of the week-end and on the week-ends….well…you don’t do much, but at the same time is the day that reminds you that Monday is very close, I always had a love-hate relationship with Sunday, especially when I was in school :)) (I know some of you shared my “pain”) Last Sunday we left the “kid” with my parents (he wasn’t allowed to go out yet) and went out for a walk /drink something – eat something…so we can end the week-end with something to talk about, I have no problem to spend the two free days that I have in bed doing nothing. This is what I wore:

Duminica este ziua pe care o astepti pentru ca face parte din week-end si week-end-ul in mare parte este destinat relaxarii, insa in acelasi timp este si ziua care iti aminteste ca urmeaza luni, eu una intodeauna am avut o relatie de iubire-ura cu ea, mai ales in perioada scolii :)) (hai ca stiu ca nu sunt singura :D) Duminica ce tocmai a trecut, dupa ce-am lasat “copilul” (nu avea inca voie sa iasa afara) in grija parintilor am iesit la o scurta plimbare prin parculet/terasa…asa ca sa incheiem week-end-ul triumfator si sa avem si noi despre ce sa povestim, ca atfel, eu una sunt multumita cu doua zile de leneveala continua. Iata ce am ales sa port:

Vest / Vesta: Milanoo;
Maiou; Bershka
Clutch: New Yorker;
Boots / Ghete: Tally Weijl.

For me these two words “animal print” and “boyfriend” jeans would be enough to describe the outfit.  You know how much I love these two, I wear them often and I see me wearing them for a long time from now on, I never stopped wearing something because it was out of style. Mixed together they are one my favourite things to wear. I don’t usually wear vests, but when I saw this animal print vest I just had to give in and get it. It’s pretty, it is well made and the material is nice, it had a wide belt with a big silver buckle, but I didn’t like it so I decided to wear it without it. The shirt belongs to my boyfriend, sometimes his side of the dresser always save me from the critical situations I am in and I must admit that I love wearing his clothes. The rest of the items I am wearing you have already seen before :)

Daca as scrie in postarea aceasta doar aceste doua cuvinte “animal print” si “blugi boyfriend” eu una n-as mai avea nevoie de alte cuvinte in plus. Mi-am declarat dragostea pentru cele doua in repetate randuri, le port des si nu ma vad renuntand la ele in viitorul apropiat, niciodata n-am renutat la ceva doar din simplu motiv ca nu se mai poarta. Combinate creeaza unele dintre tinutele mele preferate. Veste nu am prea multe, asta pentru ca nu obisnuiesc sa le port, insa am cedat in fata unei veste animal print , pur si simplu n-am rezistat tentatiei de a o lua. E frumoasa, frumos lucrata, iar materialul este destul de calitativ, venea insotita de o curea lata cu o catarama mare argintie, insa nu mi-a placut, asa ca am decis sa nu o port. Maioul l-am imprumatat de prietenul meu, cateodata partea lui de sifonier ma salveaza din situatiile critice in care ma aflu si recunosc ca-mi place sa ii port hainele :D Restul pieselor nu va sunt straine, au mai aparut pe blog de-a lungul timpului :)

Si inainte sa-mi iau la revedere, va anunt ca pe Kurtmann sunt reduceri de 40% - la TOATE produsele de pe site :D

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***