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My Week In Photos (11.08 - 17.08)


Helloooooo! :D

I just had one of the most beautiful weeks, incredibly beautiful! There wasn't a single day where I got bored, tired or wanted to do something else, I loved every activity I had to do, enjoyed all of the minute I got to spend with my boyfriend (I always do), we laughed, we took full advantage of the free time we had, it was just...beautiful! ♥

Saptamana aceasta a fost frumoasa, incredibil de frumoasa. N-a fost zi in care sa zic ca m-am plictisit, ca am obosit sau ca as vrea sa fac altceva, mi-a placut fiecare activitate in parte, m-am bucurat de fiecare minut petrecut alaturi de prietenul meu (asa cum o fac de fiecare data :D), am ras, am profitat din plin de timpul liber pe care l-am avut, a fost frumos! ♥ 

Monday / Luni
The week started with two lovely surprises, one from Dove (they have a new range of products, you can read about them here) and one from Clotier, I won a contest and received my prize, a beautiful T-shirt, it was really worth the long wait, it's gorgeous ♥

Am inceput saptamana cu doua surprize, una de la Dove (au lansat o noua gama de produse GoFresh Revive, puteti sa citit despre ea aici:..) si una de ka Clotier, am gcastigat un tricou la un concurs, a meritat lunga asteptarea pentru ca e absolut superb ♥

Tuesday / Marți
Have you seen this weeks Fashion 2sday? Here's the link to it Braids in my hair, flowers on my kimono! :D I was busy all day and because it was super hot outside, I wore a super casual outfit, almost all white. Once I got home I enjoyed a delicious ice cream :D

Marti ati vazut o noua tinuta pe blog: Braids in my hair, flowers on my kimono! :D Pentru ca am avut treaba mai toata ziua, am optat pentru o tinuta super lejera aproape all white si spre sfarsitul zilei m-am tratat cu o pedichiura si o inghetata :D

Wednesday / Miercuri
Wednesday I went to get the only product that can solve the problems I have with my nails, I got two because the place where I got it was pretty far from home (thank you Never Spoiled Enough for letting me know where to get it). I went again with a super casual outfit, almost all white again because it once again very hot outside :)) Then I went to the Mall and it happened to pass a store that had crazy sales and I got a foot bracelet and 2 pairs of earrings :D In the evening we went to see Guardians of the Galaxy which was amazing I highly recommend going to see the movie ♥

Miercuri am plecat in cautarea produsului minune pentru unghiile mele distruse si mi-am cumparat doua ca sa le am (multumesc Never Spoiled Enough, daca nu le vedeam la tine nu afalm niciodata de unde sa le cumpar :* - le gasiti la Piata Victoriei la metrou intrarea de la Orange). Am purtat din nou o tinuta foarte lejera si aproape all white pentru ca au fost 1000 de grade afara :)) Apoi am dat o fuga pana in Mall si intamplarea a facut sa trec pe langa magazinul MOA unde aveau 70% reducere si mi-am luat o pereche de cercei si o bratara de picior :D Seara am fost la film (mi-am mai luat o pereche de cercei de la MOA), am vazut Gardienii Galaxiei, a fost bestial, il recomand ♥

Thursday / Joi
Thursday was a pretty chill day, I blogged a little bit :D The heat is killing me, I was crying for summer weather and now I need some chilly days haha :D When i'll get my chilly days I'll complain that I didn't get to wear all my summer clothes :))

Joi a fost zi chill, am gatit si-am scris cateva articole pentru blog :D Ma dispera caldura asta, plangeam dupa ea si acum cand e aici vreau racoare ca papoi sa plang ca n-am apucat sa-mi port toate hainele de vara haha :))

Friday / Vineri
I made some pastry with bacon and cheese (thank you Adriana for the idea, I don't know if you follow my blog, but I follow me on my Facebook page :D), then we went to take some photos for a new outfit and from there we went out and got this amazing Profiterole, which we shared because it was ginormous :D Oh and I almost forgot i posted another outfit: Keep calm and blog on!

Am pregatit niste saleuri cu bacon si cascaval (ii multumesc Adrianei pentru idee, nu stiu daca-mi citeste si blogul, dar ma urmareste pe pagina de Facebook :D), apoi am plecat la noua sedinta foto si-am poposit si la o terasa unde am impartit un Profiterol imens :D Ah si era sa uit, am mai postat o tinuta: Keep calm and blog on!

Saturday / Sâmbătă
We spent the entire day with our family, ate some delicious barbecue, we mostly didn't do anything haha :))

Sambata ne-am petrecut toata ziua impreuna cu familia, la un gratarel :D In mare parte am super lenevit haha :))

Sunday / Duminică

And I ended the week in a very peaceful note, I blogged a little bit, I rested a little bit and now I am ready for the new week to comes :) 22 Jump Street is one funny movie :D

Si-am incheiat saptamana cu o zi la fel de linistita ca si cea de sambata, am scris pe blog, m-am odihnit si sunt pregatita sa incep o noua saptamana :) 22 Jump Street e un film foarte haios :D

How was your week? :D

Cum a fost saptamana voastra? :D

You can also follow me on Instagram, I post new photos almost everyday: @missrux :D

Va invit sa ma urmăriti si pe Instagram, postez aproape zilnic poze: @missrux :D

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***