Heya! :D
Almost a year ago I was getting my first kimono, little did I know kimonos are going to get this popular, I was in love with its print...I rarely wore it...mostly because it got chilly pretty fast and I couldn't wear it with something on top of it. This spring it was my favourite piece of clothing, you've seen it a lot on my blog and you will probably see it again, I find it to be so beautiful that i just can't hide it, I have to show it over and over again. Today it is not about that kimono, it's about another one, today I am wearing a floral kimono, in the colors of summer ♥
In urma cu aproape un an imi cumparam primul kimono, habar n-aveam ca o sa ajunga sa fie atat de popular, m-a atrasese la el print-ul...l-am purtat rar...bine, asta si pentru ca a venit destul de repede frigul, iar modelul nu-mi permitea sa-l port cu ceva deasupra. Primavara aceasta insa a fost una dintre piesele mele vestimentare favorite si si-a facut aparitia destul de des pe blog si probabil ca-si va mai face, mi se pare atat de frumos incat nu pot sa ti-l ascuns in sifonier. Astazi insa nu este vorba despre el, este vorba despre altul, astazi port un kimono floral, colorat ca vara ♥
You tell me this kimono isn't amazing, I won't believe you if you say that haha :)) Even though I had many windows open in my explorer with things I liked from the website, when I saw this kimono I said to myself: The hello with the others, I am taking this one! :D When I got it my initial thought was that I'm going to die of heat in it, but it was really so, I wore it this Sunday when it was mega hot outside and I felt great in it, I love the print the bold colors and the tassels are really cool even though the get caught in everything, who cares, I am wearing an awesome floral kimono ♥
Ziceti voi ca acest kimono nu-i absolut genial ca nu va cred haha :)) Desi aveam mai multe ferestre deschise cu articolele vestimentare care-mi faceau cu ochiul cand am vazut kimono-ul acesta mi-am zis: La naiba cu restul, eu pe asta il vreau! :D Initial cand l-am primit am crezut ca o sa mor de cald in el, dar se pare ca n-a fost asa, l-am purtat duminica cand a fost mega-super cald afara si mi-a fost chiar bine, imi place la nebunie print-ul, culorile sunt foarte vii, iar chestiile alea care atarna (cum se numesc?) sunt foarte tari, problema e ca se cam agata, dar nici ca-mi pasa, sunt misto in kimono-ul meu floral ♥
Ziceti voi ca acest kimono nu-i absolut genial ca nu va cred haha :)) Desi aveam mai multe ferestre deschise cu articolele vestimentare care-mi faceau cu ochiul cand am vazut kimono-ul acesta mi-am zis: La naiba cu restul, eu pe asta il vreau! :D Initial cand l-am primit am crezut ca o sa mor de cald in el, dar se pare ca n-a fost asa, l-am purtat duminica cand a fost mega-super cald afara si mi-a fost chiar bine, imi place la nebunie print-ul, culorile sunt foarte vii, iar chestiile alea care atarna (cum se numesc?) sunt foarte tari, problema e ca se cam agata, dar nici ca-mi pasa, sunt misto in kimono-ul meu floral ♥
And for the picture to be complete I am wearing these beautiful off-white floral printed shorts, I have to admit that the length of these shorts scared me a little bit, but the fact that they are not that tight make me feel a little bit more comfortable in them (not that they aren't comfortable, I just had an issue with the length), I love the fact that they are 100% made out of cotton. I don't know why, but I've got a feeling that this pair of shorts is going to be my favourite pair of shorts this summer :D
Si ca sa fie tabloul complet am si pantaloni scurti cu imprimeu floral, trebuie sa recunosc ca m-a speriat nitel lungimea lor, dar faptul ca sunt mai larguti ma face sa ma simt confortabil in ei (nu ca n-ar fi ei confortabili, ci lungimea era o problema), masura in cazul meu a corespuns perfect, 36 port, 36 am luat, un mare plus pentru faptul ca sunt 100% din bumbac. Nu stiu de ce-am impresia ca o sa devina perechea mea preferata de pantaloni scurti cat mai tine vara haha :D (gasiti pe site-ul Kurtmann aproape toate masurile disponibile).
Shirt / Tricou: Takko;
Shorts / Pantaloni scurti: Pull & Bear via Kurtmann (multe marimi disponibile)
Bag / Geanta:
Headband / Bentita: Meli Melo;