No matter what you do at some point you are going to have to wear a dress at an event. It might be overwhelming at first, you have no idea which style suites you the best, what style you like, you might want it to be simple, you might want it bold, you don't know what colors suit your skin tone. And maybe you feel like giving up and going back to the things you know work for you, relax, take a deep breath, it's very simple. Think about your favourite colors (you must have clothes in your wardrobe in colors that look awesome on you), do you like shiny crystals or not (I am all for the shiny crystals, but if you don't like them on your dress you can go for a simple dress and wear some fancy accessories), you might like simple lines or you could go for interesting cutouts, just take a look at your wardrobe and you'll be able to tell what your style is. Today we can enjoy the shopping experience form the comfort our own home thanks to the many online stores that make the whole experience fun and easy :)
Orice ai face la un moment dat tot ai sa te lovesti de nevoia purtarii unei rochii. Si-o sa fie coplesitor la inceput, habar n-ai ce model ti se potriveste, ce model iti place, vrei sa aiba pietre, vrei sa fie simpla, dar oare ce culoare se potriveste cu nuanta pielii tale? Si poate ai vrea sa renunti, sa te intorci la ce iti e tie mai simplu, linisteste-te, trage aer in piept si priveste in ansamblu, totul e foarte simplu. Gandeste-te care sunt culorile tale preferate (sigur ai haine in sifonire ale caror culori stii ca te prind foarte bine), daca iti plac sau nu pietricele sclipicioase si daca te simti confortabil purtandu-le (parerea mea e ca putina stralucire nu strica niciodata, dar putem opta pentru accesorii stralucitoare daca vrem rochii simple), daca iti plac liniile simple sau poate vrei ceva cu decupaje interesante. Astazi pe langa magazinele fizice avem si magazinele online (perfecte pentru lenesi si pentru cei care vor sa isi faca cumparaturile din confortul casei lor) care pun la dispozitia noastra toate mijloacele posibile de a face cumparaturile online sa fie cat mai distractive si usoare :)
Tidebuy is one of these online shops, with an impressive selection of dresses (for all tastes and styles), it has very affordable homecoming dresses and oh boy they are pretty. From sexy homecoming dresses, to vintage inspired dresses, to beautiful midi dresses it is almost impossible to not find the dress of your dreams. I didn't find just one, I found six, now, let me show them to you:
Tidebuy este unul dintre aceste magazine online, cu o selectie impresionanta de rochii (pentru absolut toate stilurile si gusturile) la preturi accesibile, una mai frumoasa ca cealalta. De la rochii sexi scurte de seara, la rochii de inspiratie vintage, la superbe rochii midii, este absolut imposibil sa nu gasiti rochia viselor voastre. Eu una n-am gasit doar una, ci am gasit sase, iata care sunt acestea:
I divided the dresses I like in two categories:
Am impartit in doua categorii selectia mea de rochii si anume:
- The nude ones, covered in shiny crystals and pearls / Cele nude, in culori pudrate, acoperite cu pietricele stralucitoare sau cu perle:
Here - Here - Here
Here - Here - Here
Of course I chose to show you the dresses I liked, but if you go to: you can find a wide variety of dresses, simple dresses, midi dresses, short dresses, dresses with crystals, pearls or any other kind of beading, all kind of dresses to match your own personal style :D
Bineinteles, eu am ales sa va prezint rochiile care sunt pe gustul meu, dar cum fiecare are gusturile lui, daca accesati site-ul: aveti la dispozitie o selectie foarte mare de rochii, simple, cu pietricele, cu fundite, scurte, midi, ce absolut toate felurile :D
Would you wear any of the dresses I chose? If so, which one? :)
Ati alege sa purtati vreuna dintre rochiile prezentate de mine? Daca da, pe care? :)
Have a lovely day many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***
- And the bold colored ones, in different shades of blue and greens with shiny crystals or simple designs / Si cele in culori puternice, nuante de albastru sau verde, evident nelipsite de prezenta pietricelor stralucitoare.
Here - Here - Here
Of course I chose to show you the dresses I liked, but if you go to: you can find a wide variety of dresses, simple dresses, midi dresses, short dresses, dresses with crystals, pearls or any other kind of beading, all kind of dresses to match your own personal style :D
Bineinteles, eu am ales sa va prezint rochiile care sunt pe gustul meu, dar cum fiecare are gusturile lui, daca accesati site-ul: aveti la dispozitie o selectie foarte mare de rochii, simple, cu pietricele, cu fundite, scurte, midi, ce absolut toate felurile :D
Would you wear any of the dresses I chose? If so, which one? :)
Ati alege sa purtati vreuna dintre rochiile prezentate de mine? Daca da, pe care? :)
Have a lovely day many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***