I know I've promised a review for this product a long time ago, but for some reason I don't even know (lol right?), I never got the chance to write about it. I've read about it on Diana's blog (Bydee make-up and more), she talked about it so nicely that I felt the urge to go and buy it right away, which I did, that's a thing I rarely do, but I was really curious about it and if I am going to like it as much as she did, the price and the quantity were also very tempting :)
Va sunt datoare cu acest review de foarte mult timp, din motive pe care nici eu nu le cunosc (culmea, nu? :D), n-am mai apucat sa va povestesc despre acest produs. Am citit prima data despre el pe blogul Dianei (Bydee make-up and more), asa frumos povestea despre el incat am simtit nevoia ca in saptamana aceea sa ma duc sa-l caut si sa-l cumpar, ceea ce rar mi se intampla, eram curioasa sa vad daca o sa-mi placa la fel mult ca si ei, mai ales ca pretul si cantitatea primita erau si ele la randul lor tentante :)
Name / Denumire: Elmiplant Skin Moisture CC Cream ALLIN1 SKINPERFECTION;
Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?: I have no idea if you can get it internationally / Supermarket-uri si diverse site-uri;
Price? / Ce preţ are?: 17-20 lei;
Shades Available / Nuanţe disponibile: 2 shades available / 2 nuante disponibile;
Amount / Cantitate: 50ml.
We have talked many, many times before about BB Creams, the Asian ones are my favourite, the give the coverage and that I need and they look super natural. We haven't discuss about CC Creams yet (Color Control Cream), they've appeared on the market after the BB Creams (I have no idea at what letter they are now), they provide a small to medium coverage and some companies say they are designed to reduce the appearance of skin redness and to improve uneven skin tone (the last part is written also on the Elmiplant packaging). Elmiplant CC Cream comes is a squeeze tube, for its price I really like its packaging, you can get the products out with ease, but you do have o be a little bit careful when doing so because it's on the liquidy side and if you squeeze the tube too hard you'll get a lot out.
Despre BB Cream-uri v-am mai povestit de nenumarate ori, cele asiatice sunt preferatele mele, ofera acoperirea de care am nevoie fara a incarca tenul. Despre CC Cream-uri (Color Control Cream) n-am povestit insa, ele au aparut dupa BB Cream-uri (acum nu stiu la ce litera s-a mai ajuns), ofera o acoperire mult mai mica decat cele dintai mentionate si unele companii afirma ca au rolul de reduce aspectul de roseata a tenului si de a uniformiza nuanta pielii (ultima parte regasindu-se si pe cutiuta CC Cream-ului de la Elmiplant). Produsul de astazi vine ambalat intr-un tub de plastic, pentru pretul lui mie una mi se pare ca e tare prezentabil, dozarea se realizeaza fara prea multe probleme, fiind un produs destul de lichid se recomanda putin atentie in momentul in care vreti sa-l scoateti din tub.
(my skin is super light on this part of the arm / am pielea extrem de deschisa pe partea asta a bratului)
(my skin is super light on this part of the arm / am pielea extrem de deschisa pe partea asta a bratului)
It is difficult to choose your shade when there are only two shades available, shade Light isn't going to match all people with light skin (as Medium won't either). In the tube shade Light looks pretty dark, but applied I think it matched my skin tone pretty well. I like to use it when I want something very natural on, I apply it with my fingers and I get a light coverage, it does even out my skin tone, but it doesn't reduce the appearance of skin redness (as you can see in the photos below). It does hydrate the skin very well on its own (no need for a moisturizer) and it does have SPF 20, it might not be a high SPF, but I'm glad it has it. The perfume smell is quite pungent, you can smell it even after you apply it, so if you have sensitive skin I don't know if you are going to get along with this product and also if you have a sensitive nose you might want to smell it before buying it. It is not transfer resistant. The only thing I don't like about it it's that my face looks so oily after I apply it, in the summer even with the powder applied the shine comes out quickly, so I think for my skin type (combination) it is better that I use it when it gets a little bit chilly and the skin needs special attention :)
E dificil sa iti alegi nuanta atunci cand ai doar doua disponibile, e clar ca o singura nuanta intitulata Deschis nu se va potrivi tuturor celor cu tenul deschis (la fel ca si cea Medie). In tub nuanta Deschis mi s-a parut destul de inchisa, dar aplicata mi s-a parut ca mi se potriveste destul de bine. Imi place sa-l aplic atunci cand vreau ceva foarte natural, il aplic cu degetele si obtin o acoperire mica, intr-devar imi uniformizeaza nuanta tenului, insa nu-mi ascunde absolut deloc roseata (ceea ce veti vedea si-n pozele de mai jos). Hidrateaza foarte bine de unul singur (puteti sa sariti peste aplicare unei creme) si are factor de protectie 20, nu este un factor de protectie ridicat, dar ma bucur ca este prezent. Mirosul de parfum este destul de pregnant si se simte si dupa aplicare, nu stiu cum s-ar intelege cu cineva care are tenul sensibil sau daca sunteti sensibili la mirosuri incercati-l mai intai in magazin (cred ca exista testere). Nu este rezistent la transfer. Singurul lucru care nu-mi place la el este ca-mi face fata incredibil de lucioasa, vara chiar si cu pudra aplicata luciul a iesit foarte repede la suprafata, de aceea cred ca pentru tenul meu (mixt) este perfect pentru lunile mai reci cand tenul are nevoie de atentie speciala :)
No makeup / Fara machiaj
1 layer of CC Cream applied / Cu produsul aplicat (1 strat)
Full makeup / Machiaj complet
No makeup / Fara machiaj
1 layer of CC Cream applied / Cu produsul aplicat (1 strat)
Full makeup / Machiaj complet
Have you tried the products? How do you feel about it? :)
Ati incercat produsul? Care este parerea voastra despre el? :)
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***