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My Week In Photos (13.04 -19.04)


Heya! :D

I am a very busy mamma :)) For those of you who don’t know what I am talking about, no, I don’t actually have a child, but our family recently welcomed a new member, Ollie who’s a very spoiled little & cute bichon maltese.  Time flies and I know I haven’t kept my promises regarding the frequency of my blog posts, but I do try as hard as I can to get to my normal schedule. Now let’s see what I have been up to lately.

Sunt o  “mamica” de baietel tare ocupata :))Pentru cine nu stie despre ce vorbesc, nu n-am devenit inca mamica, insa de apoape o luna familia noastra s-a marit cu un bichonel pe nume Ollie.Ollie este un rasfatat si jumatate si creste atat de repede, nici nu-mi vine sa cred. Timpul trece repede, eu nu prea reusesc sa ma tin de promisiuni in ceea ce priveste articolele pe blog, insa incerc pe cat posibil sa revin la un program normal. Haideti insa sa vedem ce-am mai facut in ultimul timp

Monday / Luni 
We spent the second day of Easter mostly inside, we did go out for a walk in the evening, ate the worst boiled corn and doughnut in my life, but the weather was lovely so none of these things really mattered.

Ne-am petrecut cea de-a doua zi de Paste in casa, ne-am odihnit, spre seara am iesit la o scurta plimbare prin parc, am mancat un porumb si o gogoasa de mai bine nu le manacam, groaznice, insa vremea a fost atat de frumoasa incat nimic n-a mai contat.

Marti/ Tuesday
How cute is Ollie? ♥ On Tuesday my order from H&M finally arrived, I am loving everything I ordered, can’t wait to wear them and put some outfits together for you.

Cat de scump e Ollie? ♥ Marti mi-a sosit  comanda de la H&M, sunt indragostita de tot ceea ce mi-am comandat, n-am apucat inca sa le port, insa de-abia astept, o sa le vedeti si in tinute pe blog.

Wednesday / Miercuri
Another order arrived on Wednesday this time from Kurtmann, in also love with the items. I am having in mind some awesome outfits. And I also did for the first time a fish egg salad, I always heard it is a difficult recipe to make, but I didn't find anything hard about,  it is time-consuming though, but it was delicious!

Miercuri mi-a sosit comanda de la Kurtmann, sunt super incantata si de ea, am gand sa pozez niste tinute grozave :D Si-am facut pentru prima data icre, am auzit ca sunt complicat de facut, insa sincera sa fiu n-am intalnit problem si nici nu mi s-a parut ca e ceva foarte dificil, insa iti ia timp, au iesit foarte, foarte bune.

Thursday / Joi

I tried to catch the subway and I managed to rip one of my favourite bags :( I noticed when I got home, was so sad, I was running and one of my straps got caught in the metal thingy, it would have been funny if I have fallen in my butt because of the tension :))

Joi in incercarea de a prinde metroul (o cursa pe viata si pe moarte cateodata) am reusit sa imi rup una dintre gentile preferate, am observat asta cand am ajuns acasa :( Mi s-a prins breteaua in chestia aia de fier care se roteste, eu fugeam, bine ca nu m-a tras inapoi haha :))

Friday / Vineri
I am fan of the FruFru salads, the tuna and salmon one and the tuna and pasta one are awesome!

Am devenit o fana infocata a salatelor de la FruFru, cea cu ton si somon si cea cu paste si ton sunt absolut deliciose, le recomand!

Saturday / Sâmbătă
The week-end has come, for the first part on my Satuday I stayed at home and played with Ollie and then we went out to do some shopping and shoot an outfit for the blog, but because it rained and we were tired we skipped the photo shooting part and went straight home.

Si-a sosit si week-end-ul, sambata ne-am jucat ce ne-am jucat prin casa, iar apoi am plecat la cumparaturi, am vrut sa facem si o sedinta foto insa a inceput sa ploua iar cum eram si foarte obositi am lasat-o balta.

Sunday / Duminică
Sunday was the perfect day for relaxation since I am in a serious lack of sleep I slept as much as I could.

Duminica a fost zi de relaxare totala si de multe repreze de somn, am foarte mult de recuperat la capitolul somn asa ca duminica a fost ziua perfecta pentru asta.

 You can also follow me on Instagram, I post new photos almost everyday: @goldandsilversparkles :D

Va invit sa ma urmăriti si pe Instagram, postez aproape zilnic poze: @goldandsilversparkles :D

How was your week? :D

Cum a fost saptamana voastra? :D

Have a lovely day many kisses! :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***