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Fashion Wednesday: Flower Power!



Uh la la look at the beautiful weather we've been having lately, I just can’t believe it! My mood is more than amazing, I really can’t describe how I am feeling, it’s like I am walking of clouds (my head is not in them haha), I love the sun, the warm weather and I can’t wait for Sunday when will go on our first walk with Ollie (I am also sad at the same time because my boy is growing up way to fast), he is going to be so happy! Besides all the things I mentioned above I am also excited about my blog, I am preparing lots and lots of interesting post, I finally feel I am on a normal path with it :D

Uh la la dar ce vreme frumoasa avem noi de ceva vreme incoace, nu-mi vine sa cred! De doua zile starea mea de spirit nu este doar grozava, daca stau bine sa ma gandesc nici nu stiu cum sa o descriu, parca merg pe norisori (nu sunt si cu capul in ei haha), iubesc soarele si vremea calda si astept cu nerabdare sfarsitul acestei saptamani cand o sa facem prima plimbare cu Ollie (si-n acelasi timp sufar pentru ca bietelul meu creste), vai ce fericit o sa fie! Pe langa toate acestea mai sunt entuziasmata si in ceea ce priveste blogul, va pregatesc postari multe si frumoase, simt ca in sfarsit am ajuns pe un fagas normal :D

Blouse / Bluza: No name;
Necklace / Colier: Happiness Boutique;
Pants / Pantaloni: Bershka via Kurtmann;
Boots / Ghete: H&M;

This week I am so boho-chic, in autumn and in the beginning of spring I am army and from the middle of spring and all summer I love the boho-chic style and I find myself in it, in winter I am all over the place, definitely not fashionable at all J) I started this outfit from the pants which I think they are awesome, I don’t care for the material though, it is a very stretchy material, the feel like leggings, but because they are so awesome and they fit just like I imagined they would I am going to overlook the first part. Now I could talk about this necklace everyday from now, it is gorgeous, really well made and it has a very nice feel to it, I wanted one like in forever and now that I have it I am going to wear it very often, it does feel a little bit heavy, but you can wear it all day without a problem. I feel that it completes the outfit and it adds to the summer-ish vibe I wanted to give to the outfit. You can find it here: and so you know it is not the only beautiful necklace on the site, you should definitely check them all out because they all are amazingly beautiful. Happiness Boutique - they are from Germany, but they deliver worldwide and guess what, the shipping is free! You must take a look on the website I am sure you are going to fall in love with what you will see!

 Saptamana aceasta sunt boho-chic, toamna si la inceputul primvarii sunt army, iar de la mijlocul primaverii si vara iubesc stilul bono-chic si ma regasesc in el, iarna in schimb sunt peste tot, foarte putin fashion J) Tinuta am alcatuit-o pornind de la pantalonii colorati evazati care sunt absolute geniali, singurul lucru care nu-mi place la ei este materialul din care sunt realizati, un material supraelastic, foarte asemanator cu cel al colantilor, insa pentru ca sunt atat de frumosi si-mi vin exact cum trebuie, trec cu vederea absolut orice.  Despre colier as putea sa va vorbesc in fiecare zi, mi-am dorit extrem de mult unul si sunt singura ca o sa-l port foarte des primavara/vara aceasta, este extrem de frumos si bine lucrat, atarna destul de greu, insa poate fi purtat cu usurinta toata ziua. Mi se pare ca intregeste tinuta si vibe-ul pe care am vrut sa-l redau. Daca va intereseaza il gasiti aici: Happiness Boutique isi desfasoara activitate in Germania insa livreaza in toata lumea, transportul fiind gratuit, comercializeaza atat bijuterii cat si hainute, trebuie neaparat sa aruncati in ochi pe site, sunt sigura ca o sa gasiti o multime de lucrui care sa va placa!

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***