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Fashon 2sday: Changes!


Hello! :D

Let me see if I still got this :)) I've been MIA for a while because I've been super busy, Ollie is keeping me pretty occupied and I'm loving every second of it, I never thought I was capable of this kind of love, I love this little guy with all of my heart, he brings so much joy and happiness into our lives :D Though I've been really sick I really wanted to go out this past week-end and take some photo so that's what we did on Sunday, I needed a lot of tissues to survive, but I made it successfully! :)

Haideti sa vedem daca ma mai pricep la asta :)) Am facut o pauza destul de lunguta, n-am disparut definitiv, insa efectiv n-am mai gasit timp sa scriu, sa fac poze, imi dedic marea majoritate a timpului liber lui Ollie si nu regret absolut nicio secunda, n-am crezut ca sunt capabila de astfel de o iubire, iubesc sufletul asta mic nespus de mult si-mi aduce atat de multa bucurie, nici nu va puteti imagina :D Desi ma lupt cu o raceala groaznica de cateva zile, am vrut neaparat sa ies week-end-ul ce tocmai a trecut sa pozez, imi era dor, asa ca duminica m-am echipat cu multe servetele si am iesit :)

Jacket / Jacheta: Persunmall;
Turtleneck / Helanca: Zara via Kurtmann (pe rosu la numai 12 lei; aici)
Skirt / Fusta: Choies
Boots / Ghete: H&M.

The outfit I am wearing in this post was perfect for the weather we were having, I said we were having because today the weather changed, it got cold and rained all day. I love this skirt and I love navy blue, pretty obvious right? The turtleneck sweater from Zara is not too thick not too thin either, perfect for the beginning of spring.The neck part is a little bit to tight for my liking so it makes it a little bit uncomfortable to wear, but I like the material, it is cozy. Come on spring, what's wrong with you?

Tinuta pe care o port a fost perfecta pentru vremea ce-am avut-o si zic “am avut-o” pentru ca de luni am pierdut-o haha :)) Iubesc fustita asta din reiat si de-abia asteptam sa o port, bleumarinul este de altfel una dintre culorile mele preferate, asa ca am abuzat complet de el. Puloverul helanca de la Zara este suficient de subtire pentru a il purta cand e mai cald, insa destul de gros pentru a il purta si atunci cand este mai racoare, cu gulerul nu prea m-am inteles, putin cam stramt, eu una daca port ceva stramt in jurul gatului simt ca ma sufoc, asa ca asta e un un lucru de luat in seama. Haide primavara, haide!

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***