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Surrounded by happiness!



Wow, now this feels weird, really nice, but weird! When I decided to take a break from blogging in May I had no idea if it was going to be a short break or a long term/definitive one. A lot of things have happened in my life this year, a lot of great things and they came one by one, very fast and I had no idea how to deal with everything so I decided to let time settle everything in place and it did. Today I am returning to one my greatest passions, I am returning to you, I am returning to be because with this blog I do not feel complete!

Woooow!  simt ciudat, bine, dar ciudat! Când am luat decizia în luna mai de a lua o pauză, n-am ştiut dacă o  fie o pauză pe termen scurt sau va fi una definitivă. S-au întâmplatfoarte multe lucruri frumoase anul acesta, au venit aşa în valuriînsă la timp foarte scurt unul după celălalt şi n-am ştiut cum   mai ocup de toate aşa  am lăsat timpul  leaşeze pe toate şi le-a aşezatAstăzi  întorc la una dintre marile mare pasiuni,  întorc la voi şi într-un fel  întorc la mine pentru  fără blog nu  simt completă!

I decided to start with an older set of photos, we did them at the beginning of summer and they are very dear to me, I was happy, but very tired. Ollie was still a baby, now he's almost an adolescent, I never thought he will bring so much happiness in my life, I am totally changed person because of him and I love the kind of person I changed into.

Am ales  încep cu o ţinută mai veche, pozele le-am făcut undeva pe la începutul verii, îmi sunt tare dragi, eram fericită, dar foarte obosită. Ollie era mititel, acum păşeşte către adolescenţă, n-am crezut  poate -mi aducă atât de multă bucurie în viaţăsunt un om total schimbat de când a intrat în viaţă noastră şi-mi place omul care am devenit datorită lui.

I love high-waisted pants, they are awesome in the summer with a crop top, awesome in the winter because they keep you warm and they also hide the weight around your waist which I totally have to hide :D I decided to really show them so I wore them with my top tucked in, a pair of colorful sneakers and a colorful jacket perfect for the beginning of summer/autumn. I totally obsessed on shopping online on H&M, they have a lot of awesome offers, things that I cannot find in stores, its the heaven of shopaholics I tell you!

Iubesc pantalonii cu talie înaltasunt grozavi purtaţi vara cu un crop-topsunt grozavi iarnă pentru  îţi feresc spatele de frig şi pe lângă asta mai ascund şi sunculitele inestetice a cărei posesoare sunt :D Am ales  îi port în toată splendoare lor cu o bluza băgată înăuntru, o pereche de tenesi coloraţi şi o gecuţă perfectă pentru începutul verii/ tomanei. Sunt de-a dreptul obsedată  fac shopping online de la H&M, au o grămadă de oferte, produse care nu se găsesc în magazin, raiul shopaholicelor pe pământ :)

Jacket / Bluza: Walktrendy;
Shirt / Tricou: Takko;
Jeans / Blugi: H&M;
Bag / Geanta: New Yorker;
Sneakers / Bascheti: H&M.

Have an awesome day, many kisses! :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat! :***