If I were to believe the weather forecast
then we shouldn’t get sad soon because of the weather that is coming our way,
we should be happy because October is coming our way with 20+ degrees weather
and a lot of sun, YAY! The problem is that many times the weather forecast is
not very accurate so I thought I would quickly get my pretty little naked legs
outside asap. Even though I am not a big fan of Starbucks drinks, me and my
boyfriend wanted a treat on Saturday so we thought it would be the perfect time
for a Pumpkin Spiced Latte and to get lost for a moment in discussions, plans
and dreams.
Daca as sta sa ma iau dupa prognoza meteo
inca nu ar trebui sa plangem dupa vremea frumoasa pentru ca luna octombrie
debuteaza cu temperature de 20 grade + si soare, YAY! Problema este ca de
foarte putine ori prognoza meteo se portiveste cu ce se intampla afara asa ca
am zis sa profit acum si sa-mi scot piciorusele golase la plimbare. Desi nu
sunt o fana inraita a bauturilor de la Starbucks, am cazut de acord ca week-end-ul
este prilejul perfect de a savura un Pumpkin Spiced Latte si de a ne pierde in
discutii, planuri si vise pentru cateva ore.
Even though I love the combination between skirts/dresses
(no tights) + boots I don’t know why when it comes to me wearing it I am having
such a hard time, maybe because when I was younger people wore them with
tights, I am probably having a hard time adapting to stuff (:D), I am kidding
of course, I never found the perfect time to wear it and I am always feeling
cold so that’s why I always need tights when it’s chilly. The dress I am
wearing today is made out of really nice material, flowy, I am loving it (like
McDonalds right :D). I decided to wear it with my favourite pair of boots and a
boyfriend denim jacket. Feminine + masculine = always a lovely combo. And how cute is my golden headband?
Denim jacket / Geaca de blugi: No Name;
Dress / Rochie: Elite99;
Boots / Ghete: H&M
Bag / Geanta: Front Row Shop;
Headband / Bentita: H&M.
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***