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Just some thoughts...


I was looking yesterday at the calendar on my computer and I couldn’t believe that it’s November already, with the latest sad events that happened over here, I spaced out from everything, I don’t know where the days went, I don’t know where this year went. For a while now I have realized that I no longer appreciate time, time must be appreciated all the time, at work, with your loved ones, when being alone even when things are going wrong because time is priceless, you can have it today, you can have it tomorrow, but you might lose it because of someone else or because of faith. Nothing will guarantee you’ll live forever so enjoy everything you have, time, health, family, friends, in life, your experiences count the most, they are your wealth, good or bad, learn from them, they’ll stay with you forever, they are your stories to be told.

Ma uitam ieri la calendarul de la calculator si nu mi-a venit sa cred ca suntem deja in luna noiembrie, cu ultimele evenimente petrecute n-am prea mai fost atenta la nimic, nici nu stiu cand au trecut zilele, nici nu stiu unde s-a dus anul acesta. De ceva vreme mi-am dat seama ca nu mai apreciez timpul, timpul trebuie apreciat culmea…tot timpul, la serviciu, alaturi de cei dragi, in singuratate chiar si in momentele mai proaste pentru ca timpul e nepretuit, il poti avea astazi, il poti avea maine, insa timpul iti poate fi luat de altii sau de soarta. Nimic nu iti garanteaza viata pana la adanci batraneti asa ca bucurati-va de tot ce aveti, timp, sanatate, familie, prieteni, in viata experientele sunt avutiile noastre, bune sau proaste, din ele invatam, cu ele ramanem, despre ele povestim.

I’m wearing a very simple outfit because: it was the week-end and it was cold. Sometimes I don’t  feel being all glamorous on the week-end, but I do match Ollies outfit, he was wearing green also ;) High waisted jeans are still my favourite type of jeans, parka jackets will never go out of style, they are super versatile. I loved the blouse as soon as I saw it on the website, it’s a loose semi backless turtleneck. If I would have to choose from showing cleavage or showing a little bit of back, I would always go for the second option. The boots are new in and I would have never expected to receive so many compliments about them, I really, really like them a lot.

Port o tinuta cat se poate de simpla din doua motive: era week-end si era frig. Cateodata n-am chef sa fiu glamorous in week-end, insa ma asortez de minune cu Ollie care si el la randul lui purta verde ;) Blugii cu talie inalta au ramas in continuare preferatii mei, parka din punctul me de vedere nu o se demodeze  niciodata, mi se pare o piesa foarte versatila. Bluza mi-a placut la nebunie cand am vazut-o pe site, este un fel de helanca larga cu o portiune de spate gol, daca as avea de ales intre a arata decolteu sau a arata spate gol, as alege intotdeauna cea de-a doua varianta. Bocancii sunt o achizitie noua, nu ma asteptam sa primesc atat de multe complimente in ceea ce ii priveste, insa si eu sunt extreme de incantata de ei.

Parka: New Yorker;
Shirt / Bluza: Zara via Kurtmann (disponibila inca pe site);
Jeans / Blugi: H&M
Boots / Bocanci:

Bonus photos (my baby dino ♥ ♥ &hearts) / Fotografii bonus (puiul meu de dinozaur♥ ♥ &hearts)

When I have free time I am spending it with the new member of our family Ollie, Ollie is not just a puppy, he’s a honorable member of our family because there is no soul more loving, good and pure than his and I love him with all my heart, no matter how tired I am I will move mountains for him, I feel truly blessed that he chose us to be his family. I spend my week-ends with him and my boyfriend. We might sometimes go without him to take photos, but mostly it’s the three of us. He likes fashion just like his mommy and he wanted to show you his new dinosaur hoodie, RAWR, but he’s a busy little dinosaur, we have to understand :D

Cand am timp liber ma bucur de noul membru al familie noastre, Ollie nu e doar un catelus, Ollie este un membru de onoare al familiei noastre, pentru ca nu exista un suflet mai iubitor, mai bun si mai pur ca al lui si-l iubesc cu toata fiinta mea, oricat de obosita as fi, pentru el as muta si muntii, ma simt binecuvantata ca ne-a ales sa ii fim familie. Week-end-urile mi le petrec de regula impreuna cu el si cu prietenul meu, mai plecam din cand in cand pentru a face poze pe blog, insa la sfarsitul saptamanii iesim toti trei impreuna afara. Am incercat sa fac o sedinta foto cu el imbracat in hanoracul de dinozaur pe care l-a primit de curand, insa din pacate nu ne-a iesit, e un dinozaur ocupat, trebuie sa intelegem :D

Have a lovely day, many kisses :*

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :*