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Maybelline The Collosal Volum' Express Mascara


I think it took like forever to choose a new mascara. I always loved Maybelline for my mascaras (The Falsies Waterproof was my HG) so I’ve decided to go once again with Maybelline, but this time I chose a different one, one that is loved by many of you and is highly praised. Luckily there is a sale going on and I got it at for almost half off, how could I have said no to that kind of offer? Ok, so let’s get to the review part of the post.

Cred ca a durat o vesnicie pana am reusit sa ma decid ce rimel vreau sa-mi cumpar.  Cel mai bine pana acum m-am inteles cu rimelurile de la Maybelline (The Falsies varianta waterproof mi-a placut la nebunie) asa ca am decis sa merg tot pe Maybelline, insa am vrut sa incerc ceva nou si de data aceasta am ales un rimel tare indragit de multe dintre voi si super laudat. Neaparat trebuie sa mentinonez ca momentan se afla si la reducere, eu l-am luat din Auchan Titan si mai costa 18 lei si cativa banuti, in mod normal pretul lui este undeva la 30 + lei. Bun, haideti sa trecem la povestit.

Name / Denumire: Maybelline The Collosal Volum'' Extreme
Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?: from stores or online / din magazine sau online;
Shade / Nuanta: Glam Black;
Price? / Ce preţ are: 30+ lei.

The Collosal Volum’ Express is its name and collagen its last name. Not really, but its formula is enriched with collagen, formula + mega-brush = instant volume, or that’s what they claim. Before we get to the formula, let me tell you a few words about the packaging. If you ever owned The Falsies, then you already know the packaging, it’s a little bit bulky, pretty colored and the mascara wand sits nicely in place. The brush is pretty thick, it has small bristle at the top and bottom and longer bristles in the middle, luckily the bristles are not the silicon type which I really don’t like.

The Collosal Volum’ Express este numele lui, colagen este prenumele. Nu chiar, insa formula lui este imbogatita cu colagen, formula + mega -periuta = volum instantaneu, cel putin asa afirma cei de la Maybelline. Pana insa sa vorbim despre formula haideti sa va spun doua-trei (20+) cuvinte despre ambalaj. Daca ati avut The Falsies, ambalajul este foarte asemanator, culoarea difera. Un tub gros din plastic, frumos colorat, al carui capat (despre partea cu periuta vorbesc) sta foarte bine inchis. Periuta este si  ea grosuta, peri mici in capete, peri mai mari in partea de mijloc si spre bucuria perii nu sunt din plastic.

It has a creamy formula, the kind of formula that will probably dry faster in the tube, but I really dislike the watery type of mascara so this is not a problem for me. The thing that I am really amazed by is that despite the fact that it has a thick brush I manage to not look like panda after applying it, this is a great thing. You will see from the photos below that it gives volume and length , if I try to push my eyeglasses too far on my nose, my lashes touch the glass. It is not runny, it is not flakey, it stays in place all day long and you can easily remove it, it’s like…the perfect mascara. I am really, really pleased with it so I might keep repurchasing for a while!

Formula sa este cremoasa, pare genul de formula care se va usca mai repede decat a celor care spre exemplu au o forma lichida (pe care le detest). Culmea, cuuuulmea, resusesc sa il aplic fara sa arat a panda si prin asta vreau sa zic ca nu ma murdaresc, nu stiu exact cum reusesc pentru ca peria e groasa, ceva nu e logic, insa ma bucur, nu-mi pun intrebari. Din pozele de mai jos veti vedea ca ofera atat volum cat si alungire, daca-mi imping prea tare ochelarii, mi se opresc in gene. Nu curge, nu se faramiteaza, rezista frumos pe gene toata ziua si se demachiaza usor, ce mai, rimelul perfect! Sunt foarte incantata de el, cred ca o sa ii raman fidela o perioada!

Have you tried The Collosal Volum’ Extreme? Do you like it?

Ati incercat rimelul The Collosal Volum’ Extreme? Ce parere aveti despre el?

Have a lovely day, many kisses :*

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :*