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Kardashian Beauty Hair Lauch / First experience as a model ^_^



I believe that if something awesome is coming your way you should totally accept it and make the best out of it, because it might not come the second time (of course you are going to make a selection, maybe not everything that is coming your way suits you, but if it is, go for it). Last month I was a model, I have never been a model until not, I’ ve done karaoke on a big stage on Mamaia beach (I don’t even sing in front of my family), I did a professional photo shoot, etc., but I have never been model before :D I would have liked to be a model, I remember that when I was little I went to a model agency, but for various reasons I didn’t continue on this path so today I’m not…you guesses what….a model haha J) At the beginning of October I have received a message on Facebook, an invitation to the launch of the Kardashian Beauty products and the invitation ended with a question: Would you like to be one of the Kardashians for one night and go on a stage? Ummm…hell yeah!!!!

Sunt de parere ca atunci cand se ivesc anumite ocazii in viata e bine sa le accepti pentru ca s-ar putea sa nu mai ai ocazia a doua oara sa le faci (evident ca faci si o mica selectie inainte, pentru ca poate nu toate ti se portivesc, insa daca e ceva ce te intereseaza go for it). Luna trecuta am fost model, n-am mai fost model pana acum, am facut karaoke pe o scena din Mamaia (eu care nu cant nici macar in fata familiei), am participat la o sedinta foto profi, etc, insa pana acum nu s-a ivit ocazia sa fiu model :D Mi-ar fi placut sa fiu, ba chiar tin minte ca am fost la o agentie, dar din diverse motive nu am continuat, asa ca azi nu sunt model haha J) Pe la inceputul lunii octombrie am primit un mesaj pe Facebook, o invitatie, la lansarea produselor Kardashian Beauty in Romania care s-a incheiat cu o intrebare: Ti-ar placea sa fii una dintre surorile Kardashian si sa defilezi pe scena? Ummm…da!!!!

I have waited for the day of the event very anxiously, I did question myself a few times what the hell was I thinking when I accepted the invitation (I always do), but the fact that I went with Cristina, my sister for the evening, I somehow managed to calm myself down and we got there just in time. Backstage the atmosphere was just like you see it on FashionTV, a lot of models, a lot of staff, everybody was busy, running to grab something, I love this kind of atmosphere! I loved the way my makeup looked and for that I have to thank Carmen Burci, she’s a makeup artist from Cluj, she was just lovely and she is very talented! My hair was the masterpiece of more than one hairstylist, unfortunately I haven’t memorized the names of everybody that I’ve met, but thank you again for the amazing hairstyle, I could wear it every day if I could! Here are some photos from the event:

Si-am asteptat ziua cu mari emotii si entuziasm, timpul a trecut repede si iata-ma in ziua cu pricina intrebandu-ma ce a fost in capul meu, in ce m-am bagat (ca de fiecare data, e ceva tipic mie), insa mi-am infruntat teama si de manuta cu Cristina, sora mea pentru o seara, am ajuns cu bine la destinatie. In backstage a fost ceva asemanator cu ce vezi pe FashionTV, multe modele, mult staff, agitatie si forfota. Imi place genul asta de atmosfera! La machiaj am nimerit cum nu se putea mai bine, am intalnit un om extrem de dragut si pe sufletul meu, Carmen Burci. O sa va spun pe scurt ceea ce stiu despre Carmen, este make-up artist la Sisters Point in Cluj si e foarte priceputa in ceea ce face pentru ca m-a facut sa arat superb in ziua respectiva ♥ Pe partea de hairstyling s-au ocupat mai multi oameni de mine si din pacate in agitatia de acolo nu am retinut numele tuturor, insa le multumesc inca o data pentru coafura frumoasa. Iata si cateva fotografii:

(Alina, eu si Cristina)

The Kardashian Beauty line includes the following products (I do have some of them and I am testing them as we speak, you might read about them in the near future ^_^) (+ three hair brushes and a comb):

Gama Kardashian Beauty contine urmatoarele produse si sunt distribuite in Romania de Beauty One Distribuiton si le puteti achizitiona de pe: ( momentan testez si eu cateva asa ca este posibil sa mai cititi despre ele pe blog ^_^) (3 perii si un pieptane)

It was an amazing experience and I am really happy that I attended. Would I repeat the experience? Sure, why not!

A fost o experienta tare draguta si ma bucur ca am reusit sa scap de emotii si sa ma bucur de eveniment. As mai participa la astfel de evenimente? Cu siguranta! ;)