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Gerovital Happiness Foaming Gel Cleanser



In the short blogging break I took I had tested a lot of products I didn’t get the chance to tell you about. I have tested a few cleansing products, some which I liked, some which I didn’t, but the general idea is that I have on my list a few products that I would like to mention when I will get the chance to. I will start with the one I am currently using, a foaming cleanser gel from a very know brand in Romania named Gerovital.

In scurta pauza pe care am avut-o pe blog, cea din vara, am mai incercat cateva produse despre care nu am apucat pana acum sa va povestesc. Am testat mai multe produse pentru curatarea tenului, unele care m-au impresionat mai mult, altele care m-au impresionat mai putin sau chiar deloc, cert este insa ca am cateva pe lista despre care vreau sa va povestesc. Am sa incep cu cel pe care-l folosesc acum, un gel spumant demachiant ce apartine unui brand foarte cunoscut, tare indragit la noi si anume Gerovital.

I have a very good relationship with Gerovital products, I’ve been using their purifying foaming gel for years and I still like it a lot, but you how it is, after using a product for a very long time you feel like trying something new and that’s how I got to buy Gerovital  Happiness (if I am not mistaken this is a new range of products), who doesn’t want to wash their faces with happiness ? :D The Happiness foaming cleanser gel is for oily/combination skin, the blueberry extract is known to take care of this type of skin. The product comes in a plastic bottle, with an opening in the cap (you have to push the cap to get to the opening) where the product comes out (I for one prefer pumps).

Name / Denumire: Gerovital Happiness Foaming Gel Cleanser / Gerovital Happiness Gel Spumant Demachiant
Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?: din magazine sau de pe site-ul Farmec;
Price? / Ce preţ are: 8-12 lei.

Cu produsele de la Gerovital am o relatie foarte buna, pentru mult timp am folosit gelul spumant purifiant care mi-a placut extrem de mult, insa stiti si voi cum este, dupa o folosire indelungata vrei sa mai incerci si altceva si asa am ajuns la Gerovital Happiness (daca nu ma insel o gama nou lansata), cine nu are vrea sa isi spele tenul cu fericire? :D Gelul spumant demachiant Hapiness este destinat tenului gras/mixt, exactul de afine ajutand la intretinerea lui (asa afirma cei de la Gerovital). Produsul vine intr-un recipient de plastic (250ml), avand un capacel pe care se apasa ca sa iasa la iveala locul prin care iese produsul (personal prefer produsele cu pompita).

My first curiosity was about the smell, I can’t use products that don’t smell good or products with a strong smell. The cleansing gel smells nice, sweet, not too strong, like blueberries, but the scent is pretty artificial so you might get bored of it by the time you use up all the product. The gel contains small exfoliating particles, they are cute and pink, but they are way too small and just enough of them to actually exfoliate the skin. I love the fact that I don’t have to use a lot of product to clean my skin, it makes a pretty decent foam, even a small amount is more than enough to do so. It is gentle with the skin, no rashes or redness after using it, but as all cleaners do, I feel my face a little bit dry after using it. You can easily wash it off the and it leaves my skin feeling clean. I haven’t found many cons, but I won’t be repurchasing it after using it all up, there are many more products out there and I would like to ry something else next time.

Prima mea curiozitate a fost in legatura cu mirosul, eu nu pot sa folosesc produse care nu miros bine si nici nu suport mirosurile puternice. Acesta are un miros moderat, dulceag, de afine, insa unul artificial, s-ar putea ca pana la terminarea produsului sa va plictisiti de miros. Gelul contine mici particule exfoliante care desi sunt acolo, din punctul meu de vedere sunt mult prea putine ca sa efectuze si o exfoliere a tenului, insa sunt dragute asa colorate. Imi place ca nu trebuie sa folosesc o contitate mare pentru a imi curata tenul, gelul face o spuma destul de densa, chiar si o cantitate mica este suficienta.  Curata bland tenul, n-am avut probleme: usturimi,iritatii etc. , insa la fel ca toate celalate geluri de curatare, dupa folosire imi simt tenul uscat, e ceva de asteptat la mine asa ca nu-l mai consider un minus. Se clateste usor iar dupa folosire imi simt tenul curat. Desi mari minusuri nu i-am gasit, nu-l voi reachizitiona dupa ce-l voi termina, sunt mult prea multe produse pe care care nu le-am testat asa ca as vrea sa mai incerc si altceva.

Ati incercat gelul spumant demachiant de la Gerovital?

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***