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Miss Sporty So Matte Foundation



Every time I wanted to purchase a cheap makeup product I’ve always went with Miss Sporty, if it’s cheap then you don’t necessarily waste money and if it is cheap and great, then lucky you! As you all know, Miss Sporty products are super affordable, I see them targeted to teens mostly and maybe that’s because of the packaging, but that doesn’t mean I can’t use them :)) The lipsticks are amazing, the nail polishes are nice and when it comes to their face products…well…some of them are hits or misses for me.

De fiecare data cand am vrut un produs cometic ieftin m-am indreptat catre Miss Sporty, n-am plecat la drum cu asteptari mari insa nici nu m-am gandit ca o sa fiu din prima dezamagita. Dupa cum bine stiti produsele de la Miss Sporty sunt extreme de accesibile, eu una le vad destinate adolescentilor, poate asta datorita desenelor de pe unele ambalaje, insa asta nu m-a descurajat sa le incerc :)) Rujurile mi se par fantastice, ojele mi-au placut, iar in ceea ce priveste produsele pentru ten…ei bine…acestea au fost ori hit or miss.

This is not the only Stay Matte foundation they have/had, there was/still is: Stay Matte 8h, Stay Matte12h, Stay Matte 14h (I’ve tested it, but the color didn’t match) and the new Stay Matte – Instant Matte Finish the one that I am going to review today. The packaging is pretty simple, a colored plastic matte tube. The hole through which the product comes out it is perfect so that you won’t have any problems when you are trying to squeeze out the product.

Acesta nu este singurul fond de ten din gama Stay Matte, au mai fost asa (unele dintre ele inca le mai gasiti online, in magazin nu m-am uitat cu atentie): Stay Matte 8h, Stay Matte 12h, Stay Matte 14h (pe care l-am testat, insa din pacate nu m-am inteles cu nuanta) si ultimul aparut Stay Matte –Instant Matte Finish, cel despre care am sa va si povestesc astazi. Ambalajul este simplu, un tubulet de plastic mat fumos colorat. Orificiul prin care iese produsul este perfect pentru a nu avea suprize atunci cand incercati sa scoateti produsul din tub.

The Stay Matte – Instant Matte Foundation is available in there shades: 001 Light, 002 Medium and 003 Dark. I chose shade 001 Light, which is really light, it is almost too light for my light skin, but that’s ok because I like to have a light shade to mix it up with the other foundations which shades are too dark for me. It has a creamy consistency and a light smell, I always apply a moisturizer because I feel my skin is dry and I don’t like the feeling. It has a medium to full coverage and an almost matte finish. I like that it doesn’t feel sticky on the face. I like to apply it using my brush, I noticed that when I apply it with my hand it doesn’t look flawless, so I use my ecoTools buffing brush and I'm buffing it in or else it will settle in my pores instead of covering them. Now regarding its resistance on the skin I never wore it more than 12 hours, but it always looked good before I took it off so it is pretty resistant. I am on my second Stay Matte foundation tube and I am going to repurchase it because I like, it’s not the best, but it is good to have it, even only for mixing, so if you are looking for a very cheap foundation, give it a try, you might like it.

Fondul de ten Stay Matte – Instant Matte Finish este disponibil in trei nuante:  001 Light, 002 Medium, 003 Dark. Eu am ales nuanta 001 Light care intr-adevar este foarte deschisa, chiar prea deschisa pentru mine insa prefer ca intotdeauna sa am un fond de ten deschis la culoare ca sa-l pot amesteca cu cele care nu mi se potrivesc. Are o consistent foarte cremoasa, in ceea ce priveste mirosul, simt ceva super light, dar nu-mi dau seama a ce miroase, nu e ceva derajant. Il aplic intotdeauna numai dupa ce folosesc  o crema hidratanta si asta pentru ca eu tot timpul imi simt tenul usacat si nu suport acest sentiment. In ceea ce priveste acoperirea, ofera o accoperire medie spre mare si are un finish undeva inspre mat, insa nu complet mat. Imi place insa faptul ca nu se simte lipicios pe ten. In ceea ce privete aplicarea, imi place sa-l aplic numai cu ajutorul unei pensule, mi se pare ca aplicat spre exemplu cu mana nu se aseaza frumos pe ten. Atunci cand il aplic cu pensula am grija sa tapotez pe zonele in care am porii mai mari pentru ca atfel tinde sa se se stranga inestetic in ei, deci necesita mai multa atentie in ceea ce priveste aplicarea. In ceea ce priveste rezistenta lui pe ten, rezista frumos, mai mult de 12 ore nu cred ca l-am purtat pana acum, insa a rezistat frumos pana la demachiere. Ma aflu la cel de-al doilea tub acum, nu mi se pare fondul de ten perfect insa imi place si ma multumeste, asa cum vedeti si din poze arata foarte bine pe ten, asa ca daca sunteti in cautarea unui fond de ten foarte ieftin, eu zic ca merita sa ii acordati o sansa.

Without foundation / Fara fond de ten

With foundation / Cu fond de ten

Complete makeup / Machiaj complet

Have you tried the Stay Matte – Instant Matte Finish foundation from Miss Sporty? What do you think the makeup products from Miss Sporty in general?

Ati incercat fondul de ten Stay Matte – Instant Matte Finish de la Miss Sporty? Ce parere aveti despre produsele de la Miss Sporty?

Have a lovely day, many kisses :*:*:*

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***