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Yves Rocher Anti-Age Global - Complete Anti-Aging Mask


Heya! :D

Ever since I’ve tried my first Asian face mask, you know, the ones made out of material and soaked in all kind of serums, I knew I was going to have a special relationship with them. They are the only masks that I like to use and if I could I would use them daily. Yves Rocher surprised me this autumn with some new goodies they have launched and amongst them there was the mask I am reviewing today, a mask that is slightly special than the other ones I have tried until now,  if you have your patience with you today and keep reading my ‘’novel’’ that I just wrote about it then you will find with it’s on the special side.

De cand am incercat pentru prima data mastile asiatice, cele din material imbibate cu fel de fel de serumuri, am stiut ca o sa avem o relatie extrem de speciala. Sunt sigurele tipuri de masti pe care imi place sa le folosesc si daca as putea as folosi cate una zilnic. Yves Rocher m-a surprins de curand cu noutatile de toamna printre care se afla si o astfel de masca, o masca putin mai speciala decat cele incercate de mine pana acum si daca aveti rabdare sa cititi tot ‘’romanul’’ meu o sa aflati de ce spun asta.

* Before I start talking about it I would like to let you know that this is a first impression type of review, I have tested the mask once and I can only talk about the short term advantages, if you want to know the long term advantages than you definitely need to try it more than once. *

* Inainte de a incepe sa va povestesc despre acest produs as vrea sa va spun ca acest review este doar o prima impresie, am testat masca o singura data deci nu va pot spune decat despre efectele pe termen scurt, pentru a vedea efectele pe termen lung aceasta trebuie utilizata mult mai des. *

Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?: from the brochure or from the online website / catalogul Yves Rocher sau de pe site -  yves-rocher.rol

Price? / Ce preţ are : 29 lei.

I had the opportunity to test another product from the Anti-Age Global range and that was the day face cream with SPF (review here) and if you remember I really did enjoy the face cream so I was really curious about the mask. The mask comes in a very stylish packaging, first it is packed in a cardboard package where it gives you all the info about the mask and the way you are supposed to use it and after you open the cardboard packaging you see the plastic packaging where the mask is in, you will also find the same info on the plastic packaging as you do on the cardboard one.

Din gama Anti-Age Global am avut ocazia sa testez si crema de fata de zi cu SPF (review aici) de care am fost foarte multumita, asa ca am fost foarte curioasa sa testez masca din aceeasi gama  Masca se prezinta intr-un amabalaj extrem de elegant, vine ambalata intr-un carton pe care afla informatii atat despre masca cat si despre cum se utilizeaza. Deschizand ambalajul din carton ajungem la masca care este amabala intr-un plic de plastic pe care gasim cam aceleasi informatii ca si pe carton.

I was saying that this mask is a little bit different from the material type ones I have used and thats because this mask is made out of a pretty thick gel soaked in serum. It is divided in two parts, a part that goes on the first part of your face and another part that goes the second part of your face. I found it a little bit difficult to remove the plastic sides that where covering the actual mask, I was afraid I will break the mask but I managed to apply it intact. It is really soaked in serum, it fits the face perfectly (some are much bigger and it is hard to apply them) and it sits in place until you take it off. It is difficult to eat with it, if you try to open your mouth it the second part of it comes off so yeahit was not a good idea.

Spuneam ca aceasta masca este putin diferita fata de cele din material imbibate in serum pentru ca aceasta masca este ca un gel mai gros imbibat in serum. Este impartita in doua parti, o parte care vine inclusiv pana pe nas si una care vine de sub nas pana la barbie. Mi s-a parut putin dificil sa o dezlipesc de pe cele doua fasii din plastic care se aflau pe o parte si alta a mastii, mi-a fost frica sa nu rup masca cumva, insa am reusit sa o aplic intreaga J Este foarte imbibata in serum, se aplica bine (unele sunt prea mari si sunt greu de incadrat) si sta la locul ei pe toata perioada in care o aveti aplicata. E dificil de mancat insa, eu am incercat sa mananc cu ea pe fata si mi se dezlipea cea de-a doua parte asa ca am renutat.

I kept it on for about 20-30 minutes and after I took it of I made sure to spread the serum also on my neck. The only thing I dont like about these serums is that they make my face sticky but I keep them on so I enjoy the benefits they have. I cant say that I have noticed any results after I took of the mask but my skin did feel very hydrated. The next day I woke up with the most luminous, hydrated and velvety skin ever, love it! I also havent noticed any changes in my wrinkles, but I would pamper my skin with it once or twice a month for the velvety skin. I personally think you should really give it a change, at least once, I am sure you skin will thank you for the taking care of it in such way.

 Am tinut-o in jur de 20-30 de minute aplicata apoi am intins tot serumul bine de tot pe fata si pe gat. Un lucru care m-a deranjat la toate mastile de genul pe care le-am folosit pana acum a fost faptul ca imi ramane fata foarte lipicioasa, insa suport pentru ca vreau sa ma bucur de toate beneficiile serumului. Nu pot spune ca am observat ceva diferit la tenul meu dupa aplicarea mastii, insa am avut intr-adevar tenul foarte hidratat. A doua zi de dimineata m-am trezit insa cu cea mai luminoasa fata si  cel mai hidtratat si catifelat ten posibil. Nu am observat imbunatatiri in ceea ce priveste ridurile, insa mi-as rasfata tenul o data pe pe luna cu ea, poate chiar si de doua ori pentru tenul de-a doua zi. Eu personal zic ca merita sa ii acordati o sansa, cel putin o data, sunt sigura ca tenul vostru o sa fie multumit de micul rasfat.

What do you think abou these types of face masks ? Have you tried the new mask from Yves Rocher?

Ce parere aveti despre mastile de genul ? Ati incercat noua masca de la Yves Rocher ?

Have a lovely week-end, many kisses :***

Va doresc un week-end minunat, v-am pupat :***