Hello! :D
I was thinking the other day that I am now more organized with my blog than I have ever been in the four years I have been writing :D Maybe I am more disciplined now and that’s what is different, things are really going great at the moment and I would like it to be that way forever so that means that I always have to give at least 99.9% in everything I do. Last week-end we were invited to attend one of my colleagues wedding so I did a special makeup for the even and I reserved a couple of minutes for taking some photos of it so I can show it to you. My new obsession is individual flare lashes, I was never good at applying strip lashes so these are super easy to use and the application relaxes me.
Ma gandeam zilele acestea ca sunt mult mai
organizata acum cu articolele pentru blog decat am fost in toti cei patru ani
de cand scriu :D Poate sunt si mai disciplinata si de aici vine diferenta, cert
este ca in ultima vreme simt ca totul imi merge de la foarte bine in sus si asa
as vrea sa ramana lucrurile, deci asta inseamna ca trebuie intotdeauna sa ma
implic cel putin 99,9%. Week-end-ul trecut am fost invitati la nunta uneia
dintre colegele mele si am profitat de ocazie sa realizez un machiaj mai dragut
si mi-am rezervat si cateva minute pentru poze ca sa vi-l pot arata si voua.
Noua mea obsesie sunt genele manunchi, nu m-am descurcat niciodata bine cu cele
cu banda asa ca acestea sunt divine pentru mine, imi place la nebunie
rezultatul si ma relaxeaza aplicarea lor.
You know I like simple makeup looks, the
kind of look that anybody can do so here is how I achieved mine.
Mie stiti ca imi plac machiajele simple,
machiaje pe care le poate realize toata lumea asa ca iata cum l-am obtinut.
- I've applied on my my entire eyelid a nude eye shadow / Am aplicat pe pleoapa mobila un fard nude;
- I've applied in my crease a medium brown / Am aplicat in pliu o nuanta de maro mediu;
- I've applied in the crease a metallic dark blue / Am aplicat in pliu o nuanta de albastru inchis metalic;
- I' ve applied a metallic rose eye shadow on my eye lid / Am aplicat pe pleopa un roze metalic;
- On my lower eyelid I've applied the same dark blue metallic eye shadow as in my crease, a lighter shade of blue and a little bit of highlighter / Pe pleopa inferioara am aplicat acelasi albastru metalic ca si in pliu, un albastru mai deschis si iluminator.
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunta, v-am pupat :***