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Rimmel Lasting Finish 25H Foundation



For a very, very long time I was in love only with Asian BB creams, they had everything I was looking for in a - let’s call it - face covering cream, but somehow I started missing the trying out new stuff that I could easily find in stores. So now I’m back at testing out new foundations and I started out with the one I am going to review today. So am I ready to commit to it? :)) Keep you must keep on reading. 

Foarte, dar foarte mult timp am fost obsedata de BB Cream-urile asiatice, am gasit la ele tot ceea ce gaseam la fondurile de ten de la noi, insa parca la un moment dat mi s-a facut dor sa mai incerc si noutatile aparute la noi. Asa ca acum m-am reprofilat pe fonduri de ten si-am inceput cu cel pe care am sa vi-l prezint astazi. Sunt oare gata sa ii spun acestui fond de ten “Da” pentru tot restul vietii? :)) Va invit sa cititi mai departe.

Name / Denumire: Rimmel London Lasting  Finish 25HR Foundation;
Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?: online, hypermarketuri, etc; Available Shades / Nuante disponibile:  11 shades / 11 nuante (nu stiu cate se gasesc la noi).
Price? / Ce preţ are?:  20+ lei la reducere pana la 40 lei;

I’ve heard and read a lot of good things about the Lasting Finish 25HR foundation from Rimmel, it gives great coverage, it lasts super long on the face and it gives a pretty natural finish. You could really go WOW! after reading all of this and ask yourself under which rock you’ve lived until now that you don’t own it? So I had to get it.

Despre fondul de ten Lasting Finish 25HR de la Rimmel am citit numai si numai lucruri bune, ba ca ofera o acoperire excelenta, ba ca rezista pe ten extraordinar de mult, ba ca ofera o acoperire mare insa fara efectul de masca. It cam vine sa exlami: WOW! si sa te intrebi sub se piatra ai trait pana acum de nu l-ai incercat! Si-am zis sa ies de sub piatra mea (unde imi era destul de cald si bine) si sa-l cumpar domne’! Si unde pui ca l-am gasit si la reducere.

Shade 100 Ivory / Nuanta 100 Ivory

So let's see what I think about it.

  • It really is high coverage, but you do have to insist on the areas where for example you have red pimples;
  • It is one the most resistant foundations I have ever tried, it does look pretty awesome even after 12 hours;
  • It doesn't look cakey, but you can clearly see that you are wearing foundation, it has a creamy consistency, not too thick, not too runny;
  • Even the lightest shade is dark for very fair skin. If you have fair skin, then you could work with 100 Ivory, but you have to blend it really well;
  • I would advise you to hydrate your skin before applying this foundation or any other foundation.
  • It has a satin finish, slightly sticky, but the feeling goes away once you set it with powder.
Will I repurchase it in the near future? Probably not, I liked it, but I want to test out other foundations.

Buuun, ce parere am eu despre el?

  • Intr-adevar ofera o acoperire mare, insa consider ca e necesar sa insistati pe zonele unde spre exemplu aveti de acoperit pustule rosii;
  • Este unul dintre cele mai rezistente fonduri de ten pe care le-am incercat, arata bine chiar si dupa 12 ore de purtare;
  • Nu incarca tentul insa nici nu arata ca si cum n-ati purta fond de ten, desi are o textura cremoasa spre lichida, este vizibil faptul ca ati folosit un fond de ten;
  • Chiar si cea mai deschisa nuanta este usor inchisa pentru o persoana cu pielea foarte deschisa la culoare. Pentru o persoana cu tenul deshis se poate lucra cu nuanta 100 Ivory daca este extrem de bine blenduit;
  • Consider ca este foarte important ca inainte de a aplica acest produs sa va hidratati tenul folosind o crema potrivita tipului vostru de ten;
  • Are un finish satinat, usor lipicios care dispare odata cu aplicarea pudrei.

L-as recumpara? Cel mai probabil nu, mi-a placut insa vreau sa mai testez si altele.

Fara machiaj / No makeup/

With Rimmel Lasting Finish 25HR foundation / Cu fondul de ten Rimmel Lasting Finish 25HR 

Full makeup look / Machiaj complet 

Have you tried this foundation? What do you think about it?

Ati incercat fondul acesta de ten? Ce parere aveti despre el?

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***