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Avon Stardust - Cherry Dazzler



Can you feel the smell of the week-end? I can and because I do I have decided to keep my posts “light” on Fridays and that’s because I don’t want to add stress to your mind and eyes. I must admit that sometimes I use a lot of words to say to too little and at times I can confuse myself too! Today I am going to show you another textured nail polish, from Avon (I have a lot of new Avon nail polishes because my mom always brings me the brochure), but this time from another collection.

Vinerea pentru ca intotdeauna are miros de week-end am decis sa scriu o postare “light” incat sa nu fiu vinovata pentru oboseala mintii si a ochilor pentru ca recunosc ca in general sunt in stare sa folosesc o multime de cuvinte pentru a spune putin. Cateodata reusesc sa ma amestesc si pe mine si uit de la ce plecasem initial, asta da reusita! Astazi am sa va prezint o alta oja, o oja “nisipoasa” ca si cea de acum doua saptamani, tot de la Avon (catalogul lor imi cade cel mai des in mana, am o multime de oje pe care vreau sa vi le arat de la ei) insa de data aceasta din alta gama.

The color of the nail polish it is called Cherry Dazzler and it is from the Stardust collection, I believe it isn’t available at the moment, but at some point they will bring it back. It applies really nice just like the Magic Effects one, opaque from one coat (I do like to add two, I feel the color becomes brighter). It lasts about 2-3 days without a top coat, I discovered that this type of nail polish tends to chip faster on my nails. I would also like to mention that the nails will have a pretty strong smell of nail polish even the next day and it is not as glittery and sparkly as the one from the Magic Effects collection.

Oja in nuanta Cherry Dazzler face parte din colectia Stardust colectie care daca nu ma insel momentan nu se mai regaseste in catalog insa este posibil sa reapara. Se aplica frumos la fel ca si cea din gama Magic Effects, opaca dintr-un strat insa eu trebuie sa aplic intotdeauna doua, mi se pare ca devine mai vie culoarea :D Ca si rezistenta avand in vedere ca nu folosesc un top coat rezista undeva la 2-3 zile, insa acest tip de oja tinde sa sara mult mai usor de pe unghia mea. Un alt lucru pe care as vrea sa il mai mentionez este ca miroase puternic pe unghii chiar si a doua zi si spre deosebire de ojele din gama Magic Effects nu este la fel de sclipicioasa.

Do you own any nail polishes from the Stardust collection? What do you think about them?

Aveti vreo oja din colectia Stardust? Ce paarre aveti despre ea?

Have a lovely week-end, many kisses :***

Va doresc un week-end minunat, v-am pupat?