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End of September, rainy day, autumn day. Fortunately, not too cold outside for me to wear one of my favourite outfits, I am lucky the weather was still nice. Met with my favourite girls (Dorina & JulieCristina we missed you!) for an awesome photo shoot, had a lot of fun as always, I managed to lose the ends of my eyeliner because I was crying with laughter, the girls are hilarious, but luckily this happens after I took the photos so I am looking good :P

Sfarsit de septembrie, zi ploioasa, zi de toamna. Din fericire insa nu suficient de frig pentru tinuta aleasa, am fost de-a dreptul norocoasa ca vremea a tinut cu mine, cu noi. Zic noi pentru ca ne-am intalnit noi trei, trei fete cucuiete (Dorina, Julie si eu) din patru (Cristina nu mai ai voie sa lipsesti ever) pline de voie buna si cu chef de de ras ca intotdeauna atunci cand ne intalnim. Mi-a fost tare dor sa pozez pentru voi, impreuna cu prietenul meu cat si impreuna cu fetele mele dragi, care ma lasa mai nou fara machiaj la ochi :D De la simplul ras la rasul in hohote cu lacrimi am trecut in maxim cateva secunde, adio codite frumoase de eyeliner, norocul meu a fost ca s-a intamplat dupa ce am facut pozele asa ca in poze inca arat bine :P

There are not enough word in the whole wide world to describe how much I love this (dress) shirt, I see myself wearing it forever and I am sure it going to look as good as it does now because of the material it is made out of. You can wear it in any way you want, like as a coat with a pair of high waisted leather pants, a white crop top and a pair of stilettos or cinched at the waist with a pair of ripped black jeans a

Nu exista suficiente cuvine in lumea asta ca sa pot descrie cat de mult iubesc camasa asta, ma vad purtand-o si peste 20 de ani si sunt sigura ca o sa ma tina atat pentru materialul pare a fi extrem de trainic.  Ca o puteti purta in mai multe feluri nu cred ca e cazul sa mai mentionez, pantaloni de piele cu talie inalta, stilettos, crop top alb + camasa deschisa pe post de haina sau prinsa in talie cu o curea subtire/cordon, o pereche de blugi negri cu rupturi si o pereche de tenisi sclipiciosi, etc. Eu am ales sa o port asa:

Shirt / Camasa: FrontRowShop;
Pants / Pantaloni: Stradivarius;
Bag / Geanta: JollyChic.
Boots / Ghete: H&M.

Photo credit: Dorina

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***