Howdy! :D
I felt like today was the perfect time for a wishlist, if you asked me about 5-10 years ago about dresses, well that was a subject I didn't care about, I didn't even care to look at them let alone wear one, except my wedding dress. Time passes, people change and that's what happened to me. Today I picked 5 dresses I would wear to 5 special events, maybe not all of them are that special, but in their own way they are. These are dresses that I would love to wear, they fit my mix of styles I like to wear and I know I would feel awesome in them.
Astazi vin la voi cu un wishlist, daca ma intrebati acum vreo 5-10 ani despre rochii, in afara de faptul ca nu ma interesa foarte mult subiectul, n-aveam nicio atragere catre ele, singura rochie pe care mi-o putea imagina purtand-o era rochia de mireasa. Insa timpul trece, oamenii isi mai schimba gusturile, asta mi s-a intamplat si mie. Am ales astazi 5 rochii pentru 5 evenimente speciale, poate nu toate la fel de importante in ochii tuttor, insa cu siguranta speciale. Acestea sunt rochii pe care le-as purta cu drag, rochii care se potrivesc cu sigrunta amestecului meu de stiluri si in care sunt sigura ca m-as simti minunat.
For my weeding day - I can't imagine a dress without lace and definitely an A line design. I would love a backless dress, but since I have not tried one yet I don't know if it would look good on me so I am not saying no to a lace back on the dress. I think that lace is delicate, elegant, timeless I love the vintage feel it gives to the dress.
Pentru ziua nuntii - nici nu-mi imaginez o rochie fara dantela, neaparat a line ca si croiala. In principiu as vrea sa aibe spatele gol, insa pentru ca inca nu am probat inca una cu spatele gol si nu stiu daca m-ar avantaja, nu scot din calcul una intreaga. Dantela mi se pare delicata, eleganta, imi place arerul vintage pe care i-l da rochiei.
For my birthday - I would go for this dress, but I would like it in another color, luckly I can choose what color I want on the website, there are a lot of options, I would go for Pearl pink and I would wear my hair in a sleek high pony tail because I love the zipper in the back, some gold accessories and I am ready to party!
Pentru ziua mea - Modelul ales este acesta, insa as opta pentru o alta culoare, din fericire pe site imi pot alege si culoarea dorita si sunt destul de multe optiuni, as opta pentru un Pearl Pink, si as purta neaparat parul strans intr-o coada de ponei inalta si dreapta pentru a se vedea mai bine fermoarul din spate care este un detaliu care-mi place extrem de mult. cateva accesorii aurii si sunt gata de petrecere :D
For prom - This was a very tough decision to make, for a second my eyes were on the colorful dresses with small sequin details (I need to have something sparkly or else it wouldn't be me haha :D), but then my hearts skipped a few beats when I saw this vintage inspired dress, after all black is my favourite "color" and the way this dress is made it has my name written all over it :))
Pentru balul de absolvire - A fost o decizie foarte grea, ochii imi fugeau catre rochii colorate, cu mici aplicatii sclipicioase (altfel n-as mai fi fost eu, nu-i asa?), insa inina mi s-a oprit din batut pentru cateva secunde cand am vazut rochia aceasta de inspiratie vintage, pana la urma nergru e "culoarea" mea preferata, iar felul in care este croita aceasta rochie..parca a fost gandita pentru mine haha :))
For Christmas - If it's Christmas then I am definitely wearing something red, so if I would go twards a dress, then is the one, in red of course, with a pair of black opaque tights or with some over the knee boots I think it would look awesome. I love the fact that it has long sleeves because I am always cold :))
Pentru Craciun - Nici nu concep ca in ziua de Craciun sa nu port ceva rosu, asa ca daca m-as indrepta spre o rochie asa alege-o pe aceasta in varianta ei rosie, o pereche de dresuri negre opace sau o pereche de cizme peste genunchi cred ca ar completa perfect tinuta. Am ales o rochie cu manecile lungi pentru ca sunt o friguroasa hiar si in casa trebuie sa ma infofolesc :))

For New Years Eve - I wanted to go with a long dress, but I love dancing and I am having a really hard time sometimes to dance in a long dress, so I went again with a short one, it has a little bit of glitter in the waistline and I love the color :D
Pentru petrecerea de Anul Nou - Voiam sa ma indrept din nou catre o rochie lunga, dar n-as stare de Revelion, vreau sa dansez, sa ma msic in voie si intr-o rochie lunga mi-ar fi putin mai greu, asa ca am mers tot pe o rochie scurta si-as alege-o pe aceasta (are si ceva sclipicel :D):
You can find all of these dresses on, an website that sells thousands of dresses, I am absolutely sure after I browsed the site for almost half a day that it is impossible to not find the dress of your dreams. The prices are decent, they have sales and what I liked the most is that you all of the dresses came in many colors and that means you have options you are not limited to 2 or 3 colors. So take a look on the website and tell me what you like ^_^
Toate rochiile din acesta postare le gasiti pe, un site care comercializeaza mii de rochii, sunt absolut sigura dupa ce am navigat aproape o jumatate de zi pe site ca e imposibil sa nu va gasiti rochia dorita. Preturile mi s-au parut pentru toate buzunarele, gasiti si rochii la preturi reduse, iar ceea ce mi-a placut cel mai mult, este ca rochiile sunt disponibile in mai multe culori, nu sunt limitata la a alege doar dintre doua sau trei culori. Asadar va invit sa le vizitati site-ul, nu uitati sa-mi spuneti ce ati gasit ^_^
Tell me about your 5 dresses :)
Cum arata pentru voi cele 5 rochii?
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***