Hello! :)
I am the type of person who really, really excited about the things I am really interested in. Today I am just excited, I am overly excited and I know I won't be the only one. I have talked about beauty boxes before, where I live they weren't too successful and that's because they weren't....that good. Most of the beauty boxes out there don't ship to Romania and the chance that really awesome beauty box to come here (and by that I mean to be able to get it from Romania) it is really, really small. But recently I have discovered the beauty boxes of all boxes, so let me tell you about it, I have to tell you about it!
Ma entuziasmez repede, insa ma entuziasmez repede doar la lucrurile care prezinta un real interes pentru mine. Astazi nu sunt doar entuziasmata, astazi sunt mega-super-extra-entuzismata si stiu ca nu am sa fiu singura. Despre cutiile cu bunatati care contin produse de beauty surpriza s-a tot vorbit, s-a incercat si la noi ceva, mai toate au disparut la fel de repede precum am si aparut. Marea majoritatea a cutiutelor de afara nu trimit la noi, iar ca una dintre ele sa ajunga la noi (prin asta ma refer sa fim nevoiti sa o comandam din afara) ei bine...din punctul meu de vedere, sansele sunt mici. Insa de curand am descoperit cutia cutiilor, dati-mi voie sa va povestesc despre ea, trebuie sa va povestesc despre ea!
Memebox is a very special box, maybe not for everyone, but for me it certainly is, inside Memebox boxes you can find only Asian beauty products. Besides the standard box, Memebox has also special edition boxes so basically it is impossible to not find a box for you. There are two types of beauty boxes you can choose from:
Memebox este o cutiuta tare speciala, nu stiu daca pentru toti, insa pentru mine cu siguranta este, Memebox cotine numai produse de frumusete asiatice. Pe langa cutia standard, Memebox vine si in editii speciale asa ca in principiu e imposibil sa nu gasiti o cutie care sa va placa. Sunt doua tipuri de cutii dintre care putem alege:
- Memebox - 4-8 full-sized products and deluxe samples;
- Superbox - contains only full-size products.
- Memebox - contine intre 4 -8 produse full-size sau mostre deluxe;
- Superbox - contine numai produse full-size.
The price of box ranges from $19 to $29, they ship to 51 countrie (here is the list: list), and the shipping price costs $6.99 - standard and $18.99 - express.
Pretul unei cutii porneste de la $19 si ajunge la $29, trimit in 51 de tari (lista), iar transportul unei cutiute este de $6.99 strandard si $18.99 express.
I got the opportunity to try out two boxes (I am going to talk about the second one pretty soon), both of them were special boxes, the first one and the one I am going to show you today is the Halloween edition. Let's see what's inside:
Am avut oportunitatea de a incerca doua astfel de cutiute (am sa va vorbesc si despre a doua curand), ambele in editii speciale, prima dintre ele fiind cutituta speciala pentru Halloween si iata ce comori s-au ascuns inauntru:
The Halloween box was a Superbox and as I wrote above, inside there were only full-size products (7products). The box was $23 and the value of all of the products inside was $101, isn't that crazy amazing? :D
Cutia de Halloween a fost o Supebox si asa cum am scris si mai sus, inauntru am gasit numai produse full-size. Pretul cutiei a fost de $23 de dolari, iar valoarea totala a produselor dinauntru a depasit cu muuult valoare cutiei (valoarea totala a cutiei: $101)
The first product in the box was the Revecen Cake Eye Liner that can be used as an eye shadow or as an eyeliner if you use a wet brush. I haven't used it as an eye shadow because I find it to be a little dry, but I did use it as an eye liner and I like it, once you dip the wet brush it gets creamy, you can easily apply it and it is pigmented, it dries matte, it is not super resistant, but it holds up pretty good throughout the day. I'm really pleased with it.
Primul produs dinauntru a fost Cake Eye Liner-ul de la Revecen - este un produs care poate fi folosit in doua moduri: ca fard sau ca eye liner daca umezim pensula. Ca fard nu l-am folosit, mi se pare putin cam uscat, insa l-am folosit la eye liner, devine cremos la contactul cu apa, se intinde usor, e pigmentat, se usuca mat, nu este insa incredibil de rezistent, insa se tine destul de bine. Sunt foarte multumita de el.
Also from Revecen I got this beautiful purple eye shadow, I didn't get to use it yet, but it's creamy, pigmented and it swatches beautifully, I will probably use it as an eye shadow base (or maybe as a lipstick, I just got the idea :D), I was telling you in one of my previous posts that lately I've been pretty busy and didn't have too much time for makeup looks or to test some products.
Apoi tot de la Revecem am gasit un fard crema mov, nu am apucat inca sa-l folosesc, insa este cremos, pigmentat si se intinde frumos, probabil ca am sa-l aplic ca baza pentru machiaj (sau ca ruj, acum mi-a venit ideea :D), v-am povestit ca nu prea mai am foarte mult timp de machiaje, asa ca imi e greu sa testez anumite produse.
I am going to use the white foundation from Revecen as an eye makeup base or as an eye liner (or maybe who knows what other "great" ideas I'll get), I didn't get the chance to use it yet, it is just as creamy and pigmented as the cream eye shadow from the above photo.
Fondul de ten alb de la Revecen am sa-l folosesc tot ca baza pentru machiaj sau ca eye liner (sau poate cine stie ce alte idei imi mai vin) sa vedem cum am sa ma inteleg cu el, pana acum nu am avut sansa sa-l incerc, este insa la fel de cremos ca si fardul crema si pigmentat.
The shade of the gloss looks pretty much like blood haha, it is very pretty and I love the fact that it is not sticky. The thing that I don't like about it it's the fact that it feathers a lot, I haven't tried it over a lipstick because at the moment I wear only matte lipsticks and I also don't like to add a lipgloss on top of a lipstick.
Gloss-ul are o nuanta sangerie, e foarte frumoasa si imi place tare mult faputul ca nu e lipicios. Ceea ce nu-mi place la el este faptul ca ii place sa se stranga in ridurile buzei si are tendinta de a se intinde. Nu l-am incercat inca peste un ruj asta pentru ca momentan folosesc numai rujuri mate si in general nu-mi place sa aplic un gloss peste ruj.
These eyelashes look really cool, the band is a little bit too thick for my liking, but I think we are going to get along just fine, I will be wearing them in my next makeup look.
Nu-i asa ca arata grozav genele acestea false? :D Banda mi se pare putin cam groasa, dar cred ca o sa ma descurc cu ele, am sa le folosesc in urmatorul tutorial de makeup.
I had so much fun with these tattoos, I would like to get a real one, but I haven't found anything special that I would like forever on my skin. You can easily apply them, peel them, put them on your skin, apply a little bit of pressure and you are done :) I did manage to ruin 2-3 of them because I didn't peel them fast enough and they transferred on the other size. They lasted for a few days :)
M-am distrat de minune cu tatuajele, mi-ar placea unul adevarat insa n-am gasit ceva suficient de special incat sa vreau sa-l port toata viata. Se aplica foarte usor, se dezlipesc, se aplica direct pe piele si se transfera imediat. Am stricat insa vreo 2-3 pentru ca nu le-am dezlipit suficient de repede si s-au lipit de cealalta parte. Au fost destul de rezistete, cateva zile nu s-au clintit de la locul lor.
I have seen them on YouTube (other brands), they are fun, but a little tricky to apply, y have to cut them to match your lip shape and the finish is like you are wearing plastic over your lips, I didn't manage to apply them nicely so unfortunately I can't show you how it looks on.
Am vazut ceva asemanator pe Youtube, sunt haioase, insa mi se par greu de aplicat, trebuie sa le decupati dupa forma buzelor voastre, iar finish-ul e ca si cum ai avea plastic peste buze, n-am reusit sa le aplic frumos, asa ca nu am mai pozat rezultatul.
I am really happy with what was in the box, you have inside almost all you need for a Halloween makeup look :D What do you say, is Superbox tempting or not? ♥
Eu una sunt foarte multumita de continutul cutiei, am gasit inauntru aproape tot pentru un machiaj de Halloween. Ce spuneti, am avut dreptate, e tentanta sau nu cutia Superbox? ♥
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***