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Yves Rocher Volume Elixir Mascara


yves rocher volume elixir mascara


One of my greatest pleasure, to try out new mascaras :D I am so excited when I get my hands-on a new one, I have top open it, I want to analyze the brush, I want to see how it applies and I'm so curious about the results I get. A good mascara can make a great difference in your makeup (that is if we exclude the fake lashes of course) so I think it is a key product in makeup. The Volume Elixir mascara attracts not only because of the elegant gold packaging, but also by what it claims to be able to do, so let me tell you what I think about it after I tried it out.

Una dintre marile mele placeri, sa testez rimeluri :D Sunt atat de entuziasmata cand am unul nou, de-abia astept sa-l deschid, sa vad ce fel de perie are, sa vad cum se aplica, sa vad ce rezultate obtin. Un rimel bun poate sa fac o diferenta foarte mare intr-un machiaj (asta daca nu luam in calcul genele false bineinteles) de aceea il consider un produs cheie in makeup. Rimelul Volume Elixir atrage nu numai prin ambalajul auriu elegant ci si prin ceea ce promite, asa ca l-am testat si astazi vin sa va spun parerea mea despre el.

yves rocher volume elixir mascara
 Name / Denumire: Yves Rocher Volume Elixir - Noir;
Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?: From the Yves Rocher brochure / Din catalogul sau de pe site-ul Yves Rocher;
How many colors are available? Cate culori sunt disponibile?: 3 colors available / 3 culori;
 Price? / Ce preţ are?: $11 (from $19) / 45 lei (pret intreg: 60 lei).

First of all let me tell you a little bit about the packaging. I think it looks elegant (the fact that that it is golden thrills me), it is made out of plastic, but it looks and feels really nice. The brush has double fibers and even though it is very different from the one from They're Real mascara the feeling I get when I apply the mascara is similar to when I was using They're Real and by that I mean you can feel when the brush combs through you lashes and coats every lash. It applies nicely and I think that the brush is perfect for every eye shape and eye size, the color is intense, it doesn't move until I take it off and you can easily remove it. I like the fact that my lashes remain curled even after a few hours after I applied it.

Inainte de toate vreau sa va spun cateva cuvinte despre ambalaj. Mi se pare ca este tare elegant (faptul ca este si auriu pe mine ma cucereste imediat), este realizat din plastic, insa pare si se simte a fi calitativ. Periuta este realizata dintr-un strat dublu de fibre si desi arata total diferit fata de cea de la They're Real de la Benfit mi se pare ca este foarte asemanatoare si cand zic asta ma refer la felul in care prinde genele atunci cand aplic rimelul. Se aplica frumos peria mi se pare potrvit pentru ori forma a ochilor si lungime a genelor, nuanta este instensa, sta la locul lui pana la demachiere si se demachiaza usor. Imi place tare mult faptul ca nu mi se pleostesc genele la cateva ore dupa aplicare.

yves rocher volume elixir mascara

I don't know if it's my fault or if that's just the way it happens with all of them, but it started to get dry in the tube pretty quickly and because of that now my lashes tend to stick together as I apply it. If you are looking for a mascara that will lengthen your lashes, then this is not the mascara for you, but you are looking for volume, then I think this one gets the job done as you can see from the pictures I posted above. After I use it all up (or when it will dry out) I will keep the brush, I like it too much to throw it away haha :))

Nu stiu daca din vina mea sau asa se intampla la toate insa am observat ca se usuca putin cam repede in tub ceea ce impiedica o aplicare usoara, genele tinzand sa se lipeasca unele de celalalte. Daca cautati alungire atunci nu cred ca acesta este rimelul pentru voi, in schimb sunt de parere ca se descurca foarte bine la capitolul volum si asta cred ca puteti sa observati si din pozele de mai sus. Dupa ce am sa-l consum am sa pastrez periuta, imi place mult prea mult ca sa renunt la ea haha :))

Have you tried the new Volume Elixir mascara from Yves Rocher? How do you feel about it?

Ati incercat noul rimel Volume Elixir de la Yves Rocher? Care este voastra despre el?

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***