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A little bit of spark for the holidays!


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Hey! :)

The holiday season, the period of the year when you are reunited with family members that you haven't seen in a long time, good food, good times, gifts aaaand the only time in the year when you can try to win a cometition between you and the Christmas tree haha :)) And by that I mean, the way you sparkle, glitter on your nails, glitter in your makeup, glitter on your dresses, preferably not all three at the same time, but you can never wear too much glitter and if it's the season to be glittery, why not take advantage of it, right? For those of you who have parties at the office (formal ones)  and for those you who are celebrating at home or celebrating in your own special way and most definitely for the New Years Eve party today I am going to show you some dresses that I think you are going to like a lot.

Perioada sarbatorilor, perioada in care te intalnesti cu membri ai familei pe care nu i-am mai vazut de mult, mancare buna, distractie, cadouri siiiii singurul moment din an in care te poti lua la intrecere cu bradul haha :D Si prin asta ma refer la stralucire. sclipici pe unghi, sclipici in machiaj sau pe rochii, de preferat nu toate trei deodata, insa nu poti avea niciodata prea mult sclipici asa ca de ce nu sa profiti de ocazie, nu? Pentru cele dintre voi care aveti petreceri la birou (din categoria celor elegante) dar si pentru cele care sarbatoresc impreuna cu familia sau sarbatoresc in propiul fel si mai ales pentru noapte dintre ani astazi vin cu mai multe propuneri de rochii pentru perioada speciala ce urmeaza.

For the parties at the office I thought about something without too many bling-bling, less cleavage, less glitter and longer dresses, no matter the place we are going we only want to draw positive attention. I find that the dresses in the collage would be perfect for this kind of event (the white one is my favourite ♥)

Pentru petrecerile la birou m-am gandit la ceva mai formal, mai putin decolteu, mai putin sclipici si rochii nitel mai lungute, indiferent de locul in care ne aflam vrem ca atentia pe care o atragem sa fie una pozitiva. Rochiile din colajul de mai jos mi se par perfecte pentru un astfel de eveniment (rochia alba fiind preferata mea ♥)

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But at home (or in other special places) we can go all out, I for example I could wear a dress made out of garlands hahaha :D Neah, I was kidding, but I do feel that at home we can can get away with much more, I would go for a sparkly dress, I can't describe in words how much I like the dresses you see down below, it's a battle between the second and the third dress, but I think the second one is the winner in my eyes, I love a thing for gold :D

Acasa insaaaaaa (sau in situatiile speciale) lucrurile stau altfel, eu spre exemplu as putea sa port o rochie din ghirlande hahaha :D Nu, glumeam, insa acasa simt ca ne sunt permise mai multe lucruri asa ca eu as opta pentru o rochie super stralucitoare, nici nu pot sa explic in cuvinte cat de mult imi plac rochiile de mai jos, e o batalie tare mare intre cea de-a doua rochia si cea de-a treia, insa cred ca cea de-a doua castiga, am ceva pentru auriu :D

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For many, many more cheap cocktail dresses you can check out Tidebuy website: I am sure you are going to find something you will like :)

Pentru si mai multe rochii va invit sa vizitati site-ul:, sunt sigura ca o sa gasiti ceva pe gustul vostru :)

How does the perfect dress for the holidays look for you?

Cum arata pentru voi rochia perfecta pentru sarbatori?

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***