I haven't talked much about makeup or makeup related products in a while because lately I just find the time to experiment with makeup or try new products, I blame it on hectic schedule, when you have too much free time on your hands you complain that you are bored and when you don't you want it badly :) Not too long about I have showed you the new beauty products that Yves Rocher just launched and I am sure you remember these beautiful quads, I got the opportunity to try one so today I am going to talk about it and show you a makeup look I did with it, just to show you what you can do with it. Let's get to work!
Despre farduri nu am mai vorbit de ceva vreme, adevarul este ca in ultima vreme nu am mai apucat sa experimentez cu ele si nici sa incerc foarte multe produse noi, de vina este timpul pe care cand il ai prea mult la dispozitie te plangi ca te plictisesti si cand nu il ai plangi dupa el :) Nu de mult v-am prezentat noutatile de la Yves Rocher, sunt sigura ca va mai aduceti aminte de aceste quad-uri superbe, am avut sansa sa incerc una dintre palete, iar astazi am sa va spun care este parerea mea despre ea, in plus am vrut neaparat sa realizez si un machiaj cu ea asta ca sa va dau o idee de ce ati putea face cu ea. Sa trecem la treaba!
Name / Denumire: Yves Rocher Quad Eyeshadow Sumptuous Color - Aqautique Subtile;
Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?: From the Yves Rocher brochure / Din catalogul sau de pe site-ul Yves Rocher;
How many quads are available? / Cate palete sunt disponibile?: 9 quads available / 9 palete diferite;
Price? / Ce preţ are?: $11 (from $19) / 49 lei (pret intreg: 66 lei).
I think the packaging looks luxurious, it is true that are fingerprints on it all the time, but it is so pretty. It is made out of a hard plastic, it feels nice it looks nice, you can easily open the lid without breaking or nail or needing any help. Inside there is a pretty big mirror and you can also find two mini sponge applicators. The quad I own is called Aquatique Subtile and it can be used for day and night makeup looks, the eye shadows don't have individual names. We get 3 shimmery eye shadows and a matte one, which is great because there should be a matte eye shadow in every palette in this world so a big plus for this.
Mi se pare extrem de elegant ambalajul, este adevarat ca raman imediat amprentele pe el, insa arata foarte bine. Este realizat dintr-un plastic dur, calitativ, paleta se deschide usor, nu risti sa ramai fara unghii si nici de ajutor nu ai nevoie. Inautru gasim o oglinda maricica si doi buretei. Paleta pe care vi-o prezint astazi se numeste Aquatique Subtile, poate fi folositi atat pentru un machiaj de zi cat si pentru unul de seara, fardurile nu au nume individuale. Avem trei farduri sidefate si unul mat, cred ca in fiecare quad din lume ar trebui sa se afle un fard mat asa ca primeste un plus din punctul acesta de vedere .
The texture of the eye shadows is soft, creamy, but unfortunately there is a lot of fallout, they fly everywhere, all over the palette, all over your face. The most pigmented eye shadow is the blue one, the light ones are ok, the dark purple one is a little bit hard to work with, you have to keep adding to get an intense color. I had problems when I applied them, they don't stick to the skin, when I was applying the blue eye shadow and blending the purple eye shadow the blue I was losing the blue one so I had to apply it using my finger and try to blend carefully (the blue one also stains a little bit). The purple one applied patchy and it was hard to blend it perfectly. I haven't used a primer when I swatched the eye shadows on my hand, but I did use the one from e.l.f when I did my makeup because I know most you like it and have it.
Textura este una foarte fina, cremoasa, insa din pacate fardurile sunt prafoase si zboara peste tot in paleta cat si pe fata in timp ce le aplici. Dintre cele patru cea mai pigmentata este nuanta aceea frumoasa de albastru, nuantele deschise sunt ok, movul inchis insa e ceva de lucrat cu el pana se ajunge la o culoare intensa. Am intampinat probleme atunci cand am realizat machiajul, fardurile tind sa nu se prinda pe pleoape, cand aplicam albastrul si blenduaim cu movul imi disparea prima culoare, pana la urma am aplicat cu degetul culoare ca sa fiu sigura ca sta si am incercat sa lucrez cat mai usor cu pensula (fardul albastru pateaza putin pielea). Nu sunt incantata nici de cum s-a blenduit nici movul, a trebuit sa insist mult cu pensula si sa tot adaug culoarea ca obtin intensitatea dorita. Culorile in poza de mai jos sunt aplicate direct pe piele, fara a aplica un primer in prealabil, in machiaj am folosit primer-ul de la e.l.f. asta pentru ca stiu ca e un primer foarte indragit si multe dintre voi il au.
(1, 2, 3, 4)
I went for an evening makeup look because of the glitter I think it would look awesome for New Year's Eve party. There is not much to say about it, I've applied color 2 in the inner corner of the eye, color 3 in the middle, color 4 in the crease and on the lower lash line and I used color 4 as a highlighter on my brow bone.
Am realizat un machiaj de seara, un machiaj care datorita sclipiciului spre exemplu l-as purta la petrecerea de Revelion. Nu sunt multe de spus despre el, am aplicat culoarea 2 in coltul intern al ochiului, culoarea 3 in mijlocul pleoapei, culoarea 4 in pliu si pe pleoapa inferioara, iar culoarea 1 am folosit-o pe post de highlighter pe arcada.
Have you tried the new quads from Yves Rocher? What do you think about them?
Ati incercat noile palete de farduri de la Yves Rocher? Ce parere aveti despre ele?
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***