I wouldn't have mind a few snowflakes in my photos, I think they would have looked awesome, unfortunately you can't get what you want when you want it. Maybe if it snowed it wouldn't have been that cold, I have always said that if it snows then the weather gets friendlier and for someone who is always cold I don't want any other kind of weather, This was definitely the fastest photo shoot we ever did, I ran to the car to warm up a bit and then i was out in the cold again because I had to get somewhere special, Julie was celebrating her 1st blogiversary ♥
"A-nceput de ieri sa cada
Cate-un fulg, acum a stat..."
Nu m-ar fi deranjat niste fulgi de zapada, cred ca s-ar fi potrivit de minune, insa din pacate nu poti sa ai tot ceea ce iti doesti exact atunci cand iti doresti. Poate daca ningea nu mai era nici atat de frig, intotdeauna am fost de parare ca atunci cand ninge vremea devine mai prietenoasa, iar pentru o friguroasa ca mine nici ca-mi doresc altfel de vreme. Aceasta cu siguranta a fost cea mai rapida sedinte foto, am fugit rapid catre masina sa ma incalzesc nitel, iar apoi am infruntat din nou frigul cu un motiv tare frumos, trebuia sa ajung la petrecerea aniversara a blogului lui Julie ♥
I wouldn't have mind a few snowflakes in my photos, I think they would have looked awesome, unfortunately you can't get what you want when you want it. Maybe if it snowed it wouldn't have been that cold, I have always said that if it snows then the weather gets friendlier and for someone who is always cold I don't want any other kind of weather, This was definitely the fastest photo shoot we ever did, I ran to the car to warm up a bit and then i was out in the cold again because I had to get somewhere special, Julie was celebrating her 1st blogiversary ♥
"A-nceput de ieri sa cada
Cate-un fulg, acum a stat..."
Nu m-ar fi deranjat niste fulgi de zapada, cred ca s-ar fi potrivit de minune, insa din pacate nu poti sa ai tot ceea ce iti doesti exact atunci cand iti doresti. Poate daca ningea nu mai era nici atat de frig, intotdeauna am fost de parare ca atunci cand ninge vremea devine mai prietenoasa, iar pentru o friguroasa ca mine nici ca-mi doresc altfel de vreme. Aceasta cu siguranta a fost cea mai rapida sedinte foto, am fugit rapid catre masina sa ma incalzesc nitel, iar apoi am infruntat din nou frigul cu un motiv tare frumos, trebuia sa ajung la petrecerea aniversara a blogului lui Julie ♥
Infinity scarf / Fular: Accessorize;
Jacket / Jacheta: PersunMall;
Pants / Pantaloni: No name;
Bag / Geanta: JollyChic;
Boots / Ghete: MOA.
If I am not wearing a hoodie, a hat, or a headband that will keep my ears warm then I am definitely wearing these fluffy pink ear warmers, they own up to their name :)) The outfit I am wearing today is a simple casual one, very comfortable, you know I am all about the comfort. The blouse is made out of two different materials, the sleeves are made form cotton (I don't the exact percentage of it) and the rest of the blouse is made out polyester...I think. The shirt looks and feels amazing, the sleeves are a little bit too short, but I got used to this, what can I do if I have long hands? :)) I don't think I will say goodbye to these boots when winter comes I like them way too much haha :D
Daca nu port o gluga, caciula sau o bentita mai groasa care sa-mi stea bine pe urechi atunci cu siguranta port pufoseniile acestea roz care-mi incalzesc urechile de mama focului haha :)) Tinuta de astazi este simpla, insa este extrem de confortabil, dupa cum bine stiti eu pun foarte mare pret pe confort. Bluza este confectionata din doua materiale, un bumbac (nu stiu cat la %) la manceci si un material asemnator cu voalul in rest. Singura problema pe care o am cu ea este ca imi este scurta la maneci, dar deja m-am obsinuit cu asta, n-am ce sa fac daca am mainile lungi :)) Materialul este insa foarte placut si calitativ. Din ghetele acestea nu mai ies, daca ma chinui putin le port si la iarna :D
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***