Hola! :D
Wednesday was that type of day when you are asking yourself: why is this happening to me? :)) We all have days like this, what's important is to get over them quickly and just laugh about them, like I am doing as I am writing this post. Today I am wearing grey and pink, this outfit would have been great for the #wearpinkchallenge (Nicoleta (Oteea Land) I haven't forgot that you have nominated me for this challenge, but unfortunately I just couldn't do it in time, I am really sorry about it), but as 287235 passed since then it is a little bit too late now :( I've always loved pink in all its shades and even though it is not that present in my wardrobe and is very present on my lips :D
Miercuri a fost genul acela de zi in care te intrebi: de ce mi se intampla mie toate astea? :)) Mai avem si zile de genul acesta, important este insa sa trecem cu bine peste si apoi sa ne amintim de ele razand, exact cum fac si eu acum. Azi port gri si roz, ma incadram cu tinuta aceasta cu siguranta la #wearpinkchallenge (Nicoleta (Oteea Land) nu am uitat ca m-ai nominalizat insa am fost pusa oarecum in dificultate din numeroase motive si n-am reusit sa ma tin de promisiunea facuta), dar cum au trecut 23847623 luni de atunci, e prea tarziu acum :( Insa rozul il port de fiecare data cu drag, imi place rozul in toate nuantele lui si desi nu este extrem de prezent in garderoba mea, este foarte des prezent pe buze :D
Blugi: Kiabi
Pantofi: Deichmann;
I've been wanting a college jacket for the longest time, I
wanted a simple one, without any decorations (maybe with some sequins,
I wouldn't have mind :D), I was jumping up and down with joy, doing
somersaults and having a big smile on my face when I saw it...ok I am
really exaggerating, I wasn't jumping and I wasn't doing somersaults
because I can't do them and I might not be able to get up if I would try haha
:D The point is that I really, really like it and what
I particular like about it are the leather insertions at the sleeves,
yes it has leather sleeves YAY! You have already seen all the other pieces of
the outfit, I wanted to go for a sporty-chic outfit and I am managed to achieve
the look I was going for, what do you think? :D
Imi doream de foarte mult o jacheta college, dar voiam una
simpla, fara desene, scrisuri sau alte ornamente de genul (niste paiete
slipicioase nu m-ar fi derajant insa :D), salturi in sus de bucurie, tumbe si
multe zambete atunci cand am vazut-o....ok, am exgerat cu primele doua, in
afara de faptul ca nu pot face tumbe, probabil ca nici nu ma mai ridicam de jos
haha :D Ideea e ca-mi place mult, foarte mult si ceea ce-mi place in mod
special la ea sunt insertiile de piele de la manceci, am ramas extrem de
surprisa cand am vazut-o live pentru ca am crezut ca manecile sunt din material
textil. Celalate piese le stiti deja, am vrut sa obtin o tinuta oarecum
sporty-chic si cred eu ca am cam reusit, voi ce ziceti? :D
(Thank you Julie for the amazing pictures :*)
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***