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My Week In Photos (17.11 - 23.11)


Hello! :D

This week I was lazy, lazy with a big L. It happens sometime not often, but it happens, long period of time where I don’t feel like doing nothing, I feel like my thoughts are going through my mind in slow motion and  I work really, really slow. So then I prefer to nothing or to do less instead of doing everything wrong.  But I am not worrying, I now it’s a phase, better days are coming, I have to stay positive no matter what :)

Saptamana aceasta am fost lenesa, lenesa cu L mare. Mi se intampla, nu des, dar mi se intampla, perioade mai lungi in care  n-am chef sa fac nimic, gandurile mi se misca in slow motion si oricat as munci mi se pare ca muncesc in reluare. Si atunci prefer sa nu fac nimic sau sa fac mai putin decat sa fac totul prost. Insa nu ma ingrijorez, stiu sigur ca vor urma saptamani mai bune, in orice caz, trebuie sa raman pozitiva :)

Monday / Luni

Who would have thought I would have a hard time putting together these masks? :)) It took me a while before I figured out how to make them :D Too bad we didn’t have them for Halloween this year, but we’ll save them the next one :)

Cine credea ca mastile astea ma vor pune in dificultate? :)) Mi-a luat ceva pana mi-am dat seama cum sa le asamblez haha :D Pacat ca nu le-am avut de Halloween, le pastram insa pentru anul viitor :)

Tuesday / Marți

I was craving some meatballs, I bake them, I try to avoid as much as I can frying food at home. I wanted to eat them while watching MasterChef, unfortunately  the TV-show was canceled because of a football game, so I had to watch something else instead.

Marti mi s-a facut pofta de chiftelute, la cuptor, evit sa mananc prajeli pe cat posibil acasa. Am asteptat sa ma bucur de ele la MasterChef, insa mare mi-a fost dezamagirea cand am aflat ca nu difuzeaza emisiunea din cauza meciului de fotbal, asa ca m-am bucurat de ele uitandu-ma la altceva.

Wednesday / Miercuri

I can’t even remember when I was the last time when I did my homework haha :)) So I thought I would take it easy so I started with the letter A :)) You do everything you can to convince a child to do his homework :D

N-am mai facut teme deeeee…nici eu nu mai tin minte de cand haha :))) Am zis sa o iau incet, cu A :)) Faci orice ca sa convingi copilul sa faca teme :D

Thursday / Joi

It was a rainy, gloomy day, I was tired and on top of that I had a headache :/ I managed to feel better with one of my favourite drinks: rum cappuccino :D Oh and here is the outfit I wore :)

Zi ploioasa, obosita si cu o mare durere de cap :/ Mi-am pus pe picioare destul de repede cu bautura mea calda preferata: capuccino cu rom (de la La Festa) :D Si iata si tinuta zilei :)

Friday / Vineri

Friday kind of…..sucked :)) I woke up at 6, I couldn’t get back to sleep, I placed an order on one of my favourite online clothing shop. Of course I was sleepy all day and I didn’t feel like ding anything, it wasn’t a good day at all.

Vineri a fost o zi…..nasoala :)) M-am trezit de la 6 si pentru ca n-am avut stare sa mai adorm la loc, am facut o comanda pe Kurtmann. Am fost adormita mai toata ziua, fara chef de nimic, n-a fost o zi buna.

Saturday / Sâmbătă

My order from Kurtmann arrived, I am super excited about the things I got, I can’t wait to wear them and show them to you :D In the evening with the help of my grandma I made my favourite cake, biscuit pudding cake woohoo! :D

Mi-a ajuns comanda de pe Kurtmann, sunt mega-extra-super incantata de ce mi-am comandat, de-abia astept sa le port si sa vi le arat si voua :D Spre seara am facut impreuna cu bunica mea tortul meu preferat, tort de biscuiti wohoooo! :D

Sunday / Duminică

Sunday was a very special day, we had a blogiversary to celebrate! Julie’s blog turned 1 yupiiiiii :D We ate, we talked and then we ate some more, we laughed and then we talked some more to make sure we get every subject covered haha :)) I also met Pinkie, the cutest little dog ever, ahh hhihih :D Once again Happy Blogiversary to your blog Julie :***

Duminica a fost o zi tare speciala, am avut un sarbatorit si anume blogul lui Julie care a implinit frumoasa varsta de un anisor :D Si-am mancat, si-am povestit si iar am mancat, apoi ne-am pozat, am ras si stat la povesti ca sa fim siguri ca nu ratam niciun subiect haha :)) Cu ocazia aceasta am intalnit-o si pe Pinkie, catelusa lui Julie, de care m-am indragostit iremediabil hihihi :D La multi ani inca o data bloguletului tau Julie :***

You can also follow me on Instagram, I post new photos almost everyday: @goldandsilversparkles :D

Va invit sa ma urmăriti si pe Instagram, postez aproape zilnic poze: @goldandsilversparkles :D

How was your week? :D

Cum a fost saptamana voastra? :D

Have a lovely day many kisses! :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***