Howdy! :D
Well Halloween is now over and I know you are going to ask yourself what is wrong with me? I've gone straight to Christmas? Since it snowed last week-end in Bucharest, I really feel that the holidays are coming, I have an excuse haha :)) Now let's get real we are not there yet, but that doesn't mean we can't talk about sales, to be more precise Christmas sales because lets be honest, WHO DOESN'T LOVE SALES? :D The awesome thing is that the sales I am talking about today are taking place right now so you don't have to wait for another two months.
Bun, Halloween-ul a trecut, o sa ziceti, ce-a patit domne asta? A trecut deja la Craciun? Pai la cum a fost vremea in Bucuresti week-end-ul trecut, zau ca am avut impresia ca vin sarbatorile, am o scuza haha :)) Mai avem ceva pana acolo (desi eu sunt extrem de entuziasmata de pe acum), dar asta nu inseamna ca nu putem sa vorbim despre reduceri de pe acum, pentru ca sa fim seriosi, CUI NU II PLAC REDUCERILE? :D Ce e mai misto este ca reducerile despre care va povestesc astazi sunt deja active, deci nu trebuie sa asteptati pana in perioada respectiva.
Maybe you are looking for a new coat, a new dress, or maybe a new pair of shoes, some beautiful accessories or a bedding set, maybe you are not even looking for something for yourself, but you want a gift some someone special in your life Tidebuy comes to your aide with awesome sales, up to 75% off. And I have some ideas for you today because what can we do, we tempt each other, the thing is that sometime I tempt myself and now I have added some new stuff on my wishlist haha :))
Va cautati o haina, o rochie, o pereche de pantofi, noi accesorii sau poate o noua lenjerie de pat? Sau poate nu cautati neaparat pentru voi, poate vreti sa faceti un cadou, Tidebuy s-a gandit la asta deja si vine in intampinarea voastra cu preturi reduse la 70%. Iar eu vin in intampinarea voastra cu cateva idei, ca acum ideiile acestea s-au u trecut intre timp si pe wishlist-ul meu, ei bine, asta e cu totul si cu totul alta poveste, dar ce sa ii faci? Ne tentam una pe cealalta si cateodata reusim sa ne tentam si singuri, ca si in cazul de fata :))
So here are my Tidebuy Christmas Gift Ideas for 2014 / Asa ca iata ideile mele:
For more offers I invite you to check up the website: / or shop Christmas bedding sets, your eyes are going to wonder all over the place, it was hard for me to chose only 6 products to show you :)
Pentru si mai multe oferte va invit sa vizitati site-ul: /, e greu sa alegi cateva produse dintr-o mare de produse, iti fug ochii in toate partile, deci cred ca va imaginati cat de greu mi-a fost sa aleg doar 6 produse :)
Did I tempt you with anything? :)
Va tenteaza ceva? :)
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***