I love to cook, it relaxes me, it makes me happy haha :)) In my house everybody cooks so I borrowed a little bit of something from everyone, but my passion for desserts I am sure it comes from one of my grandma’s (from my father’s side) :D The only problem I have with desserts is that they stress me out to the max, I am afraid that my batter won’t rise, or my cream won’t taste good or look as it should (it happened to me a million times :D), I get so agitated and in the end there are always two options: I either hate what I did and get really pissed or I really enjoy the result :)) This time I got inspired from this recipe (with minor modifications): Carrot Cake with cream cheese frosting party!
Imi place la nebunie sa gatesc, ma relaxeaza, ma linisteste, ma face fericita haha :)) La mine toata lumea gateste, asa ca am imprumutat de la fiecare cateva ceva, insa pasiunea pe care o am pentru deserturi sunt singura ce e de la bunica din partea tatalui :D Singura problema pe care o am este insa ca dulciurile ma streseaza, ba imi e frica ca nu nu-mi creste blatul, ba ca nu imi iese crema (mi s-a intamplat de foarte multe ori :D), ma agit ca apoi la final ori sa ma enervez si sa zic ca nu mai fac in viata mea vreun tort sau ma bucur de rezultat :)) De data aceasta m-am inspirat din reteta de aici (cu mici modificari): Carrot Cake with cream cheese frosting party!
For the cake we are going to need / Pentru blat avem nevoie de:
- 3 cups of grated carrots / 400gr morcov ras;
- 2 cups of flour / 240gr faina;
- 1 teaspoon of backing soda / 1 lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu;
- 1 1/2 teaspoon of backing powder / 1 1/2 lingurita praf de copt;
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt / 1/2 lingurita sare;
- 1 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinammon / 1 1/2 lingurita scortisoara;
- 4 large eggs / 4 oua maricele;
- 1 cup of oil vegetable oil (I understood this is optional, next time I want to add a lot less) / 200ml ulei (am inteles ca este optional, as alege varianta fara sau cu mai putin data viitoare);
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence / 1 fiola esenta de vanilie.
- any type of nuts you like / alune nesarate, nuci, migdale, alune de padure, etc.
We peel and grate the carrots (through the small grater). In a bowl we mix the flour, backing soda, salt, cinnamon and baking powder. In another bowl we crack the eggs and beat them with the mixer until they get frothy (about a minute) and then we gradually add the sugar, we continue mixing them until the batter has a thick consistency and a pale yellow color. You add the oil slowly in a steady stream while mixing and then you add the vanilla essence. Then we add the bowl where we have the dried ingredients and we continue mixing until everything is incorporated into the mix. After that we add the grated carrots and the nuts and we mix them with a spatula or a plastic spoon. You put the batter into the pan and you put it into the oven, I can’t say for how long because everybody’s oven is different, my cake stayed in there for about an hour.
Curatam si dam morcovul prin razatoarea micuta. Intr-un castron amestecam faina, bicarbonatul de sodiu, sarea, scortisoara si praful de copt. Intr-un alt castron spargem cele 4 oua si cu ajutorul mixerului le batem pana devin spumoase (cam 1 minut), apoi adaugam treptat zaharul, continuam sa mixam pana cand aluatul se ingroasa si are o culoare deschisa. Incepem sa adaugam uleiul, cu un flux constant, iar la sfarsit fiola de esenta de vanilie. (nu va opriti din mixat). Adaugam catronelul in care am amestecat ingredientele uscate si mixam pana cand se incorporeaza in aluat toate ingredientele. Dupa ce-am facut facut toate acestea cu ajutorul unei spatule sau lingure de plastic amesteca morcovii rasi si alunele/nucile/migdalele/etc. Turnam aluatul optinut in recipientul in care il coacem si il bagam in cuptorul deja incalzit. Timpul pe care acesta il va petrece in cuptor depinde de cuptorul vostru, al meu cred ca a sta vreo ora si ceva pe acolo.
We take it out of the oven once it is done and we let it cool off a few minutes, I cut mine in two and after that, I took it outside on the balcony to completely cool off so I can add the cream.
Bun dupa ce l-am scos, l-am lasat putin sa se raceasca, l-am taita ca sa obtin doua bucati, l-am dat afara ca sa se raceasca, am asteptat inca o ora si apoi m-am apucat de crema, crema care se obtine in felul urmator.
For the cream we are going to need / Pentru crema avem nevoie de:
- 1/2 cup of butter room temperature / 125gr unt la temperatura camerei;
- 14 ounces of cream cheese / 400gr crema de branza (Pilos – 3 lei si ceva 1 la Lidl);
- 50gr of powdered sugar / 50gr zahar
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence / 1/2 fiola esenta vanilie.
Put the butter and cream cheese in a bowl and start mixing them with a mixer, add the sugar and then the vanilla essence, it is that simple :D I added cream on the first layer and then I “dressed” the cake with the same cream, for decorations I used: almond flakes and coconut flakes :D
Se pun untul si crema de branza int-un castron si se bat cu ajutorul mixerului, apoi se adauga treptat zaharul si la sfarsit esenta de vanilie. Am uns prima parte cu crema, apoi am imbracat tortul folosind aceeasi crema, am ornat cu fulgi de migdale si cu cocos :D
I haven’t tried carrot cake until now, but my boyfriend and sister-in-law tried the one from Starbucks and they told me this was waaay better that that one, I can only agree on the first part, it is soooo yummy, I could eat it all, but I won’t, I steal from time to time a small piece :D
Eu n-am mai mancat pana acum tort de morcovi, insa prietenul meu cat si cumnata mea l-au incercat pe cel de la Strabucks si mi-au spus ca a iesit mai bun decat acela, eu sunt de acord cu ei la prima parte, e de vis, as putea sa-l mananc pe tot, insa incerc sa ma abtin, mai fur si eu cate o bucatica haha
Have you ever tried carrot cake? Did you like it? :D
Ati mancat pana acum tort de morcovi? Cum vi s-a parut? :D
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***