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NYX Eyebrow Gel



We have talked about eyebrows before, I don’t remember exactly when, but I am sure it was this year. Defining my eyebrows is one of my favourite steps when I am doing my makeup, even though I have quite thick and dark eyebrows, I have a big empty space on both of them which I don’t like and to be honest I like defined brows :) I feel that the makeup look I am wearing comes to life when I put on my brows (funny right? :D), without them I don’t feel that my makeup is complete. I discovered not too long ago a product that I have fallen in love with and also has shorten the time I am spending doing my brows, so I am going to share it with you today.

Despre sprancene am mai vorbit, nu-mi mai aduc aminte cand, insa sunt sigura ca s-a intamplat anul acesta. Conturarea sprancenelor este pasul meu preferat atunci cand realizez un machiaj, desi am sprancene destul de groase si destul de inchise la culoare, au multe goluri care trebuiesc acoperite si de ce sa nu recunosc, imi plac sprancenele conturate :) Simt ca machiajul prinde viata odata cu ele sau invers simt ca fara el machiajul nu este complet. Am descoperit de curand un produs cate m-a cucerit de la prima utilizare si care a scurtat cu mult timpul pe care il acordam acestora, despre el am sa va povestesc astazi.

Name Denumire: NYX Eyebrow Gel – EBG03 Brunette;
Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?: ebay;
Price? Ce preţ are?: $6.29 (fara transport, cu transport in jur de $10)
Shades / NuanteThere are 5 shades available / Sunt 5 nuante disponibile;
Amount / Cantitate: 10ml.

I am sure many of you have heard about the famous eyebrow gel from Mufe called Aqua Brow, it was a product I have dreamed of, but I just couldn’t spend that much on it. This year NYX has released a similar product, many people said that this a dupe for the Mufe one, some have said it wasn’t, I don’t know, but what I know is that this product is great for its price. I can’t find it in the country I live so I had to get in online, from eBay (the seller I got it from now only has the Black shade now available, click HERE to get to the seller).

Cu siguranta marea majorite dintre voi ati auzit de faimosul gel de sprancene de la Mufe si anume Aqua Brow, a fost un produs la care am visat, insa inima nu m-a lasat sa dau atat de multi bani pe un gel de sprancene. Anul acesta insa cei de la NYX au scos propriul lor gel de sprancene, multi s-au gandit ca ar putea sa fie un dupe dupa acesta, unii spun ca este, altii spun ca nu, eu n-as avea de unde sa stiu, insa tot ceea ce stiu este ca pretul mi se pare extrem de bun pentru un produs atat de grozav. Se zvonea la un moment dat ca ar ajunge si la noi, insa se pare ca nu s-a mai intamplat lucrul acesta, asa ca l-am comandat de pe ebay (momentan vanzatorul de la care l-am cumparat mai are pe stoc doar o singura nuanta, nuanta Black – click AICI pentru a ajunge la el).

I received it relatively quickly and I started using it the moment I got it, the shade suits my hair color perfectly, it’s much more lighter the other combo I was using before and I think it looks more natural. It does take a while until you get used to applying it, I found out that not only the method is important, but the brush you are using as well. I don’t have the perfect brush for it, mine are all soft and a little bit to fluffy and they absorb too much product, it is hard for me to have clean lines (an angled brush with stiff bristles would be perfect, I must find one). It is marketed as a waterproof product and I totally agree on this. I remove it using coconut oil, my makeup remover isn’t very helpful, I think I would lose my browse if I would rub them so much.  You must work with is quickly, it dries up in seconds and there is not much you can do when this happens. My advice is if you don’t want to waste product to not apply it on your hand, squeeze a little bit of product through the hole where it comes out and just swipe your brush against it and repeat if you need more product :) I hope that the seller will restock because I definitely want more, I need backups, I don’t think I am ever going to find a similar product that is as good at this one and as cheap.

A ajuns relativ repede la la mine si l-am testat de cum am pus mana pe el, nuanta mi se potriveste perfect, e mult mai deschisa decat combinatia de culori pe care o foloseam inainte si mi se pare ca arata si mai natural. Iti ia ceva timp sa te obisnuiesti cu aplicarea, am aflat ca nu conteaza numai metoda, conteaza si pensula folosita. Momentan nu am pensula perfecta pentru aplicarea acestuia, pensulele mele sunt prea moi, absorb prea mult produs si imi e dificil sa trasez linii curate la baza sprancenelor (o pensula unghiulara rigida ar fi grovaza, trebuie insa sa o gasesc). Este comercializat ca un produs rezistent la apa si sunt total de acord cu asta. Il indepartez folosind ulei de cocos, un demachiant normal nu-si face treaba, as ramane fara sprancene daca as insista atat de mult ca sa-l indepartez. Trebuie lucrat foarte repede cu el, se usuca in cateva secunde si nu prea mai aveti ce face daca vi s-a intamplat lucurul acesta, ca nu pierdeti produs nu va recomand sa-l aplicati pe mana si apoi sa-l luati cu pensula si sa-l aplicati pe spranceana, cel mai bine scoateti cea mai mica cantitate de produs prin orificiul prin care iese produsul, luati cu pensula, apoi repetati :) Sper sa le mai aduca vanzatorul respectiv pentru ca vreau sa-mi mai iau cateva, nu cred ca am sa mai gasesc un produs la fel de bun si accesibil la pret.

Do you define your brows? What’s your favourie product?

Va conturati sprancenele? Care este produsul vostru preferat?

Have a great day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***