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Smokey Sugar Box Eye Shadow Palette


Hey! :D

I am going to call the three eye shadow palettes that I have reviewed this month the great affordable trio haha :)) The eye shadow palette I am going to review today is my favourite in terms of the colors inside it, you know I love neutrals, golds, browns, they are my favourite shades, I would only use them if I could but, then it would be boring for you so I have to change it up sometimes. The Smokey Sugar Box is as affordable as the French Rose Novo I Love The Mineral Eye Shadow ones and if you for example don't like the shades in the one I own there are 8 different palettes you can choose from :)

Am sa numesc cele trei palete de farduri pe care vi le-am prezentat luna aceasta cele trei craite de la rasarit haha :)) Paleta despre care va vorbesc astazi este prederata mea din punct de vedere al nuantelor pe care le regasim inauntru, daca ar fi dupa mine nici ca as folosi alte culori la ochi, insa ar fi plictistor pentru voi sa vedeti numai auriu si maro. Si aceasta este la fel de accesibila la pret ca si celalalte doua: French Rose si Novo I Love The Mineral Eye Shadow, iar in privinta nuantelor, nu va faceti girji daca nu va place cea pe care o am, aveti 8 palete dintre care puteti alege :) 

Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?:;
How many palettes are available? Cate palete sunt disponibile?:  8 palettes available / 8 palete disponibile 
 Price? / Ce preţ are?: $4.99.

In terms of packaging it seems to me that this palette has the highest quality out of the three, it has a nice finish and feel to it, it doesn't look cheap. You won't break a nail trying to open it, it comes with a makeup applicator (the sponge type) but unfortunately it doesn't come with a mirror.

In ceea ce priveste ambalajul mi se pare ca aceasta are ambalajul cel mai calitativ dintre toate cele prezentate luna aceasta pe blog. Are finisaj frumos, nu mi se pare ca arata ieftin, se deschide usor. Vine insotita de un aplicator, insa aceasta nu are oglinda.

Inside we find 6 beautiful eye shadows, almost all of them are beautiful in their own way and I am saying almost all of them because: 4 of them are buttery soft and very pigmented and the other 2 are not that pigmented and a little bit stiff in the pan. I don't know if all of the palettes have this problem or it is only the case with mine, but either way I can't say that this palette is a big disappointment. All of the eye shadows are shimmery, you know I like to have at least 1 matte eye shadow in the palette, but they look awesome once you apply them, they are not too glittery and there isn't also a lot of fall out. I will show you how they looked applied in my next makeup tutorial, the one for New Year's Eve party :) 

Inauntru gasim 6 farduri, unul mai frumos ca celalalt, aproape toate speciale in felul sau si spun aproape toate pentru ca: avem 4 farduri pigmentate si cremoase si din pacate doua mai putin pigmentate si destul de uscate. Nu stiu daca problema aceasta este intalnita la toate cele 8 palete sau doar cea pe care o am eu este asa, insa nu pot afirma ca sunt dezamagita de paleta. Se lucreaza foarte bine cu ele (despre cele pigmentate vorbesc), se pot folosi chiar si nuantele mai putin pigmentate, nu sunt prafoase. Toate fardurile din paleta sunt sidefate, stiti ca prefer macar un singur fard sa fie mat, insa dupa ce le-am folosit si am vazut ca rezultatul nu este unul foarte sclipicios sunt foarte multumita. O sa va pot arata asta mai bine in urmatorul machial, cel pentru petrecerea de Anul Nou :)

If you find something interesting on the website and you want to make a purchase I have a 10% coupon code for you to use RAH10 (it is not an affiliate code).

Dacă găsiţi ceva interesant pe site, am un cupon de 10% reducere pentru voi (nu este cod de afiliat) RAH10.

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***