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Menow Generation Liquid Lipsticks


Hey! :D

Oh how excited I am today :D I've been waiting as in like forever to show you the products I am going to review for you today and I have good reason for waiting so long, they took a really long time to arrive. Everything started with my obsession for Kylie's Jenner nude lipstick (this one here), I know what she is using, but I didn't have the money to spend that much on a liner and lipstick so I was looking for a cheaper alternative and that's how I stumbled upon these liquid lipsticks :)) And I ordered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and I know I won't be stopping at this number. Enough with this introductory part, let's get straight to the point and let me show you these beauties.

Doamne cat de incantata sunt astazi :D Astept de-o vesnicie sa va vorbesc despre produsele de astazi, insa a trebui sa le astept cam multicel si de aceea a durat ceva. In ultima vreme (cam de vreo 3-4 luni) am dezoltat o adevarata obsesie pentru rujurile mate. Totul a inceput cu faimosul ruj nude pe care l-am vazut la Kylie Jenner (asta de aici: AICI), am cautat si-am cautat ceva asemantor si mai ieftin si-am dat de produsul acesta haha :))) Si mi-am comandat 1, 2, 3, 4 si 5 si nu ma opresc aici sigur. Gata, nu mai lungesc introducere, dati-mi voie sa va prezint minunatiile!

Name / Denumire: Menow Generations Liquid Lipstick;
Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?: eBay / eBay sau pentru cele din Bucuresti am aflat de la Geanina ca se gasesc la metrou la Universitate (10 lei);
How many shades are available? Cate nuante sunt disponibile?: 32 shades available / 32 de nuante disponibile;
 Price? / Ce preţ are?: less then $1 on eBay / mai putin de 1 dolar pe eBay sau 10 lei la metrou la Universitate;

The packaging looks very similar with the Sleek Platinums packaging from Inglot, the 
product I don't know if it's similar to something else I haven't tried anything like it before :) I forgot to take a photo of the applicator, but it is just the usual doe foot applicator, you can see a similar one here: applicator. The liquid lipsticks from Menow Generation are creamy, but they dry matte in a couple of seconds. I posted a picture of them on my Facebook page and of many of you asked me if they are not sticky, the answer is yes, they are sticky, but there is a way to completely avoid this problem.

Ambalajul e realizat din plastic si mi se pare tare asemanator cu Sleek Platinums de la Inglot, produsul insa nu stiu cu ce sa-l aseman pentru ca nu am mai incercat pana acum un alt produs asemanator :) Am uitat din pacate sa pozez aplicatorul insa este identic cu acesta de aici: aplicator. Rujurile lichide la Menow Generations se aplica cremoase si se usuca mate in cateva secunde. In momentul in care am postat o poza cu ele pe pagina de facebook a blogului, foarte multa lume m-a intrebat daca nu sunt lipicioase. Raspunsul este da, sunt lipicioase insa exista o metoda de a evita in totalitate aceasta problema. 

It is very important that before you apply the liquid lipstick that you don't apply any moisturizing product in your lips, the drier the better. Apply a small amount of concealer on your lips (this acts as a base) and wait a few seconds (don't wet your lips) and then apply the liquid lipstick, be careful to not apply a lot of product, it will take a long time to dry and after I apply it I breathe through my mouth a few seconds to speed up the process :D It is very pigmented and waterproof, you can take it off with a normal remover, but it will take a while to take it off and you will scrub your lips a lot so it is better to use an oil based remover. It has a fruity scent an no taste. I don't feel my lips super dry, but if you know you don't like the feeling of dry lips you can use a lip balm or lip gloss on top of it, but it won't be matte anymore.

Este foarte important ca inainte de a aplica produsul pe buze sa nu folositi absolut niciun un produs care sa le hidrateze, cu cat mai uscate cu atat mai bine. Aplicati un pic de corector pe buze (v-a actiona ca o baza) si asteptati cateva secunde (sub nicio forma sa nu va umeziti buzele), iar apoi aplicati rujul lichid, incercati sa nu aplicati mult de la inceput, o sa dureze mai mult sa se usuce, apoi respir pe gura de cateva ori ca sa grabesc procesul de uscare si ficare a rujului :D Este incredibil de rezistent si este si waterproof, se poate demachia si cu un demachiant normal insa dureaza prea mult si va agresati prea mult buzele, un demachiant pe baza de ulei il curata imediat. Mirosul este fructat, nu am simit sa aiba si vreun gust. Nu simt ca-mi usuca exgerat de mult buzele, insa daca stiti ca nu suportatati aceasta senzatie, puteti aplica peste un balsam de buze sau un luciu, insa atunci nu mai este mat.

(18, 03, 25)

(22, 32)

I'm in love with these lipsticks, they are my favourite lipsticks at the moment they are the only lip products I use at the moment, I can't wait to get more shades :)

Cred ca v-ati dat seama cat de mult le indragesc, in momentul de fata sunt rujurile mele preferate. nici ca mai folosesc altceva, mai ramase sa vad ce nuante imi mai doresc :)

What do you think of these liquid lipsticks, have you tried anything similar? :D

Ca parere aveti despre aceste rujuri lichide, ati incercat ceva similar? :D

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***