Hello! :D
The time has come to talk about the second Memebox I have received, if you don't know what Memebox is then you can read the first post I did about them: Memebox or if you want the shorter version of that post: it is a beauty box you can buy every month or you can buy more than one if there are more that you like. The box I am showing you today is another Superbox box, full of full-sized product, products for oily and trouble skin. Like the last time I was really impressed with the box, let me show you what i found inside:
The time has come to talk about the second Memebox I have received, if you don't know what Memebox is then you can read the first post I did about them: Memebox or if you want the shorter version of that post: it is a beauty box you can buy every month or you can buy more than one if there are more that you like. The box I am showing you today is another Superbox box, full of full-sized product, products for oily and trouble skin. Like the last time I was really impressed with the box, let me show you what i found inside:
A venit randul si celei de-a doua cutii Memebox, despre Membox v-am povestit de curand, puteti sa cititi versiune lunga aici: Memebox sau pe scurt: este o cutiuta plina cu bunatati cosmetice asiatice pe care puteti sa o achizitionati atat lunar cat si oricand apare o cutie care sa va intereseze. Cutiuta de astazi este tot o Superbox si contine numai produse full-size, produse destinate tenului gras si acneeic. Ca si data trecuta si de data aceasta am fost super impresionata de ce-am gasit inauntrul cutiei asa ca fara sa ma mai lungesc haideti sa va arat si voua:
When I have opened the box I was really surprised by the amount of products inside, the box was really heavy. Inside there where 6 skin care products, all of them were full-size and the total value of the product was $161 that is crazy when you think is box costs about $30 + (I can't find it on the website, but I think it was around $30), a real deal, right?
Cand am deschis cutia am ramas surprinsa de cate produse am gasit inunatru, chiar ma intrebam de ce e atat de grea si-am aflat rapid de ce haha :)) 6 produse destinate ingrijirii tenului, toate in varianta full-size, in valoare totala de $161, cutiuta di pacate nu mai este disponibila pe site, insa banuiesc ca valoarea ei + transportul a fost undeva la $30, o adevarata afacere nu-i asa?
Memebox Superbox #55 Free From Oil and Trouble 4
Lindsay Linzi Egg Pack 60g ($12) - two face soaps, one for black heads & cleansing and one for pore tightening, I am using them both, but I haven't seen any changes, I do like the fact that they foam a lot and they clean my skin really well.
Cand am deschis cutia am ramas surprinsa de cate produse am gasit inunatru, chiar ma intrebam de ce e atat de grea si-am aflat rapid de ce haha :)) 6 produse destinate ingrijirii tenului, toate in varianta full-size, in valoare totala de $161, cutiuta di pacate nu mai este disponibila pe site, insa banuiesc ca valoarea ei + transportul a fost undeva la $30, o adevarata afacere nu-i asa?
Memebox Superbox #55 Free From Oil and Trouble 4
Lindsay Linzi Egg Pack 60g ($12) - two face soaps, one for black heads & cleansing and one for pore tightening, I am using them both, but I haven't seen any changes, I do like the fact that they foam a lot and they clean my skin really well.
Lindsay Linzi Egg Pack 60g ($12) - doua sapunuri in foma de ou, unul pentru puncte negre si curatare, unul pentru micsorarea porilor. Le folosesc pe amandoua, n-am observat schimbari pana acum, insa imi plac pentru ca fac foarte multa spuma si-mi lasa tenul curat.
Benenet Herb & Bee A.C Control Serum 60ml ($38) - a serum that I like to use at night combined with another product from this box (insbeau Acnic Blemish Spot Solution). It has a watery consistency, it is trasnparent it has a lovely smell and sinks really fast into the skin. It doesn't leave your skin sticky and it is really moisturizing I don't feel the need to use a moisturizer after. On the little pamphlet inside it says that it contains bee venom which has proven effective in protecting, hydrating and repairing your skin.
Benenet Herb & Bee A.C Control Serum 60ml ($38) - un serum pe care-l folosesc seara atunci cand folosesc un alt produs din aceasta cutiuta (insbeau Acnic Blemish Spot Solution), Are o consistenta apoasa, e incolor si intra foarte repede in piele. Nu lasa pielea lipicioasa si este foarte hidratant, nu mai simt nevoia sa aplic o crema hidratanta dupa aplicarea lui. De pe cartonas am aflat ca are in compozitie venin de albina care ar avea rolul de a proteja, repara si hidrata pielea.
Benenet Herb & Bee A.C Control Serum 60ml ($38) - un serum pe care-l folosesc seara atunci cand folosesc un alt produs din aceasta cutiuta (insbeau Acnic Blemish Spot Solution), Are o consistenta apoasa, e incolor si intra foarte repede in piele. Nu lasa pielea lipicioasa si este foarte hidratant, nu mai simt nevoia sa aplic o crema hidratanta dupa aplicarea lui. De pe cartonas am aflat ca are in compozitie venin de albina care ar avea rolul de a proteja, repara si hidrata pielea.
The Skin House Dr. Clear Magic Tower 130ml ($25) - I really like the packaging, but I was curios about the ingredients and unfortunately alcohol is 3rd ingredient, it does smell like alcohol and it did sting my face when I applied it, I have tried it a few more time after that, but I didn't like it so I have stopped using it.
The Skin House Dr. Clear Magic Tower 130ml ($25) - Imi place tare mult ambalajul, insa am fost curioasa de ingrediente si-am descoperit ca printre primele se afla alcoolul, miroase a alcool si m-as usturat tenul atunci cand l-am aplicat pentru prima data, am incercat sa-l mai folosesc de cateva ori insa am abandonat ideea repede, nu mi-a placut.
The Skin House Dr. Clear Magic Tower 130ml ($25) - Imi place tare mult ambalajul, insa am fost curioasa de ingrediente si-am descoperit ca printre primele se afla alcoolul, miroase a alcool si m-as usturat tenul atunci cand l-am aplicat pentru prima data, am incercat sa-l mai folosesc de cateva ori insa am abandonat ideea repede, nu mi-a placut.
Pro You Aroma AC Cream 60g ($54) - A really rich cream sinks in very fast. unfortunately my skin needs a little bit more hydration right now. It ha a matte finish and it smells plants + menthol, I don't like the smell.
Pro You Aroma AC Cream 60g ($54) - O crema cu o consistenta densa insa care intra foarte repede in piele, din pacate tenul meu are nevoie de mult mai mult hidratare, mai ales pe timp de iarna. In momentul in care intra in piele aceasta capata un aspect mat. Mirosul nu mi-a placut, are un miros puternic de plante + mentol.
IdeeB Goodbye Oil Pact 12g ($12) - I think the packaging is very cute, small, perfect to carry around with you. The powder is translucid, really fine, I find it to be pretty similar with the one that I loving from Ben Nye, my favourite powder. I don't like the fact that it is fragranced, but I am not that bothered by it. It keeps the shne away for a few good hours.
IdeeB Goodbye Oil Pact 12g ($12) - foarte dragut ambalajul, micut, perfect pentru a o tine in geanta. Pudra este translucida, foarte fina, mi se pare foarte asemanatoare cu cea de la Ben Nye, pudra mea preferata. Ma deranjeaza ca este in schimb parfumata, dar nu suficient de mult incat sa nu o mai folosesc. Tine luciul la distanta pentru cateva ore bune.
insbeau Acnic Blemish Spot Solution 15ml ($20) - this product seems to look and act pretty similar with Drying Lotion from Mario Badescu, now I haven't tried the MB one, but from what I've read they do pretty much the same thing. It works really well, it quickly dries up my pimples, I am using it almost every night, I really like it.
insbeau Acnic Blemish Spot Solution 15ml ($20) - Ca si prezentare si scop mi se pare foarte asemanator cu Dying Lotion de la Mario Badescu, nu pot insa sa va spun daca e la fel de bun sau mai bun decat acela pentru ca nu l-am incercat pe cel de la MB, usuca pustulele rapid, il folosesc aproape in fiecare seara, imi place tare mult.
What do you think about this beauty box? :D
Ce parere aveti despre cutiuta aceasta? :D
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***