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B.O Metallic Nail polish


Hello! :D

I know what you are going to say, what is wrong with this girl? Is she actually showing us a nail polish? Haha :))  I know, I know it has been a while, but those of you who have the same problem as I do and by that I mean they loooove to pick on the skin around their nails will definitely understand why I kept my fingers hidden :)) Nobody wants to see booboo’s and red fingers, I've been trying to not harm my fingers for years, but no luck, I have to keep trying! But enough about that, let's get straight to the subject, I think you remember how trendy were the metallic gold and silver nails (nail stickers) I don’t know though if there are nail polishes now that can imitate that effect perfectly, but let me show you what nail polish I have discovered!

Stiu ce o sa ziceti, doamne ce-a patit fata asta? Chiar ne arata o oja? Haha :)) Stiu, a trecut atat de mult timp de cand nu v-am mai aratat una, cele care au aceeasi problema ca si mine, adica isi rup pielitele din jurul unghiilor cu siguranta vor intelege de ce mi-am tinut degetelele ascunse pana acum :)) Nimeni nu vrea sa vada rani sau degete rosii, incerc insa de ani de zile sa ma las de “sportul” acesta, nu prea reusesc, dar continui sa incerc! Lasand as la o parte haideti sa trecem direct la subiectul postarii de astazi, imi plac la nebuie ojele metalice, cred ca stiti ca la un moment dat a fost a adevarata nebunie cu cele aurii si argintii (folii) nu-mi mai aduc aminte daca a aparut vreo oja care sa fie la fel de grozava ca acele folii, insa ia uitati ce descoperire am facut eu!

Name / Denumire: B.O Metallic Nail Polish;
Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?:;

Price? / Ce preţ are?: $2.85;
Shades Available / Culori disponibile:  1 shade available /  1 nuanta disponibila.

(It applies smoothly, you need two coats for it to be opaque, it dries quickly, without a top coat it wears away quickly at the tips, with a top coat about 3 - 4 days, please bear in mind that nail polish never last a lot on my nails / Se aplica frumos, doua straturi pentru a fi complet opaca, se usuca repede, in ceea ce priveste rezistenta, fara top coat se toceste foarte repede la varfuri, cu top coat 3 - 4 zile, va rog sa luati in calcul faptul ca mie in general nu-mi rezista oja foarte mult pe unghii)

If you find something interesting on the website and you want to make a purchase I have a 10% coupon code for you to use RAH10 (it is not an affiliate code).

Dacă găsiţi ceva interesant pe site, am un cupon de 10% reducere pentru voi (nu este cod de afiliat) RAH10.

Do you like metallic nail polishes?

Va plac ojele metalice?