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My Week In Photos (16.03 - 22.03)



You know you are going to have a good week if your Monday is great and even if I started the week feeling tired I knew my week is going to be awesome which actually happened, I found out that it really does matter how you think about things, so if you take everything with a positive approach, then things might turn out to be positive and great, so that's what I am doing now, of course I have bad days, but not as many as I used to.

Saptamana buna se cunoaste de luni si desi am inceput saptamana obosita, am simtit ca o sa fie o saptamana grozava, ceea ce s-a si intamplat, de cele mai multe ori felul in care gandim ne influenteaza foarte mult starea de spirit asa ca am inceput sa fiu din ce in ce mai pozitiva si spre surpinderea mea lucrul acesta chiar funtioneza, bineinteles, mai ai si eu parte de zile proaste, dar parca acum sunt mult mai putine :D

Monday / Luni

I am the happy owner of a memory stick in the shape of a lipstick, ever since I got it I take it everywhere with me, it is the coolest memory stick I have ever seen and as you know I love lipsticks so it perfect!  So Monday Melkior accompanied me to work:D

Sunt fericita detinatoare a unui stick sub forma de ruj, de cand l-am primit ma plimb peste tot cu el, e unul dintre cele mai misto stick-uri pe care le-am vazut si cum stiti ca sunt de-a dreptul pasionata de rujuri, e perfect! Asa ca luni am fost insotita la serviciu de Melkior :D

Marti/ Tuesday

I saw that Avon launched a new product for the hair so I had to have it, I got it and I am pretty happy with it, it makes my hair silky smooth and it smells divine! I use it every time I was my hair, I apply it on damp hair :)

De cum am vazut noul produs pentru par de la Avon in catalog am stiut ca trebuie sa-l am asa ca l-am comandat, imi place, imi lasa parul moale si parca si mai stralucitor si miroase incredibil de bine. Il folosesc de fiecare data cand imi spal parul, il aplic pe parul umed :)

Wednesday / Miercuri

My bar got stuck in the machine, luckily I got my money back :D If you haven't tried Dulce de Leche before you must try it, I could eat a whole jar of it that's how good it is!

Idealbar-ul meu a ramas blocat in aparat, noroc ca mi-am primit banii inapoi :D cine nu a incercat pana acum Dulce de Leche trebuie sa il incerce, as putea sa mananc un borcan intreg atat de bun e!

Thursday / Joi

I started my day a little bit later that usual so I took advantage of the free time and did a more complicated makeup look, of course I had to drink my orange juice as I was doing my makeup (I buy it), it's delicious. At work I ate a super good salad, I laughed at first because I never eat salads, but this one was awesome, so filling!!! (I did eat a bun with it) haha :D

Joi am inceput ziua putin mai tarziu, asa ca am profitat de ocazia asta si mi-am facut un machiaj mai special, nu putea sa lipseasca paharul de suc de portocale, e cumparat nu facut in casa (de la Mega, firma lor, la cutie de carton), e super bun! La serviciu am mancat pentru prima data o salata de la FruFru, am ras putin cand am vazut ce-am luat, eu nu mananc salate, insa vreau sa va spun ca abia am putut sa o termin (e adevarat ca am mancat si o chifla) si a fost incredibil de buna!

Friday / Vineri

How cuuuuute is my new owl shirt? Hooooow cute? ♥ I received it as a gift from my boss, I felt like it was my birthday (:D), I couldn't wait to wear it so I wore it on Friday even though it was pretty cold outside.

Cat de cuuuute e bluza mea cu bufnita??? Caaaaat? ♥ Am primit-o cadou de la sefa mea, m-am simtit ca si cum ar fi ziua mea (:D), de-abia asteptam sa o port, asa ca am purtato vineri desi vineri n-a fost o zi calduroasa.

Saturday / Sâmbătă

Saturday is always a day where we run around trying to do as much as we can haha :D Because my boyfriend is no back home he could enjoy the second part of his birthday gift, I got VIP movie tickets and we went to see Insurgent, we both liked the movie :D

Sambata e intotdeauna o zi de alegatura insa in scop de relaxare, vrem sa facem cat mai multe haha :D Pentru ca prietenul meu s-a intors in tara a putut in sfarsit sa se bucure de partea a doua a cadoului sau si anume bilete la film la VIP, am ales sa mergem in AFI, insa n-as mai repeta experienta, intr-adevar a fost mult mai civilizat insa multe lucruri lasa de dorit. Am vazut filmul Insurgent si ne-am placut tare mult, per total a fost o experienta frumoasa :D

Sunday / Duminică

I finally tried new makeup products, I can't wait to share with my opinion on them, but I do have test them for a while before I can do that :D A photo shoot and a long walk in the park kept us busy on this lovely spring day!

Am incercat in sfarsit doua noi produse de makeup, de ambele sunt multumita, de-abia astept sa va pot s va povestesc despre ele dupa ce le testez o perioada :D O sedinta foto si o plimbare lunga in parc ne-au tinut ocupati in aceasta zi frumoasa si calduroasa de primavara!

You can also follow me on Instagram, I post new photos almost everyday: @goldandsilversparkles :D

Va invit sa ma urmăriti si pe Instagram, postez aproape zilnic poze: @goldandsilversparkles :D

How was your week? :D

Cum a fost saptamana voastra? :D

Have a lovely day many kisses! :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***