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Fashion Wednesday: Tricky weather!


Heyaaa! :D

I don’t know why, but every time we have to take photos for an outfit, the weather is mocking me. For example every week-end the weather sucks, if it isn't snowing, then it is raining and if is not raining, then it is cloudy (with a chance of meatballs ha!). This week-end or to be more precise this Sunday we went out, we were too hungry to take the photos first so we went to eat instead only to find out that a crazy rain started, luckily as we approached our neighborhood the rain sort of stopped and we could take some photos. I don’t know what’s wrong with my hair, I just can’t make it to stay the way I want it  :D But what can you do?  Things will get better for sure.

Nu stiu de ce dar toate intamplarile mele la sedintele foto sunt legate de vreme. Spre exemplu in week-end tot timpul vremea e nasoala, fie ninge, fie ploua, daca nu atunci singur e inorat. Week-end-ul acesta, duminica mai bine spus am zis sa facem pozele dupa ce mancam, proasta decizie insa, a inceput o ploaie torentiala, iar eu eram in pantofi haha :)) Noroc ca pe masura ce ne apropiam de cartierul nostru ploaia s-a mai domolit si-am putut sa tragem cateva cadre. Bad hair day e putin spus, de ceva vreme sunt intr-o horrible hair day continua :D Dar ce sa-i faci? Ii dai inainte si speri ca totul sa fie din ce in ce mai bine! 

Jacket / Jacheta: Here;
Shirt / Bluza: MiniTake;
Pants / Pantaloni: Pimkie via Kurtmann:
Shoes / Pantofi: Deichmann;
Clutch / Clutch: Front Row Shop.

The jacket I am wearing today is surely interesting, it is made out of a soft material, not very thick so you can get pretty cold In it right now, but if you are in the coziness of your own car, then you will be ok, it is a little bit tricky to wear something thick underneath I don’t think you will be able to move freely. You can wear it in two different ways, you can either wear it closed or you wear it opened,  I prefer the second way to wear it, though I don’t like how it looks in the back, it sits a little bit weird, away frm the body. If I close it I don’t like the way it looks in the front or maybe I don’t know how to wear it, I do think though it looks a little bit different from the one on the website. The blue spotted pants are a new acquisition, they are super comfortable , I wore them with sneakers and I wore them with heels and they look great any combo. And finally I get to show you my new heels from Deichamnn, I paid about $5 on them haha, I love the heel height and the color they go with pretty much everything.

Jacheta pe care o port e una tare interesanta, e confectionata dintr-un material moale, nu foarte grosut, acum e potrivita doar daca circulati cu masina, e destul de complicat sa purtati ceva mai gros pe dedesubt. Dintre cele doua modalitati in care poate fi purtata imi place mai mult cea de-a doua, cea in care e deshisa, desi la spate vine ciudat, cam mult prea departata de corp. In momentul in care e inchisa mi se pare ca face cute inestetice in fata, poate nu stiu eu sa o port, insa mi se pare ca pare putin diferita fata de cum arata pe site. Pantalonii albastri patati sunt si ei o noua achizitie, sunt extrem de confortabili, i-am purtat atat cu adidasi cat si cu pantofi cu toc si se potrivesc de minune in orice combinatie. Materialul este destul de subtire, insa e mai mult decat ok pentru vremea de acum. Si in sfarsit va arat si pantofii pe care i-am cumparat cu numai 19 lei de la Deichmann, de-abia asteptam sa ii port, au tocul perfect pentru inaltimea mea si o culoare ce poate fi asortata cu usurinta la aproape orice.