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MUA Haul :D


Hey :D

    Acesta este a doua comanda pe care o dau la MUA, au avut o oferta extraordinar de buna: 50% reducere si transport gratuit. Asteptam sa fac comanda asta de pe la inceputul lui Decembrie, special nu mi-am mai cumparat cosmetice in ultima vreme :)) Dati-mi voi sa va spun ca atunci cand ai 50000 de fani pe Facebook si ai de gand sa faci o asemnea oferta o sa fie o mare nebunie si asa a si fost. O mare parte din cei care au comanda luni (in ziua in care s-a lansat oferta) nu au primit confirmarea (m-am aflat si eu pentru ei) de la MUA si am avut de asteptat aproape o saptamana in care n-am stiut daca o sa ne primim sau nu produsele, toata lumea era extrem de nervoasa. Sambata (26.02) am primit in sfarsit raspuns la ticket si mi-au spus ca imi vor expedia produsele in maxim 72 de ore, pachetul a ajuns luni la mine. N-am sa mint, am fost foarte suparata pe toata situatia, daca mai au de gand sa faca o asemenea oferta ar trebui sa lucreze mult mai mult la organizare pentru ca fost un mic haos. Dupa ce mi-am incercat produsele am fost atat de fericita incat am uitat de incident si mi-a mai trecut din suparare haha :)

   This is the second time I order from MUA, they just had an amazing offer: 50% off and free shipping, I've been waiting for this offer from the beginning of December, I didn't buy anymore make-up products because I knew I was going to order some from MUA :) Well, let me tell you, when you have 50000 fans on your Facebook Page and you have this amazing offer things are going to get rough and they did. Some of us who ordered on Monday (when the offer went live) didn't get MUA confirmation on our order and had to wait and wait for our problems to be solved, everyone was pissed, no one knew if we were going to receive our products. After one week of not knowing I finally got an answer and they told me that they will ship my package (26.02) and the package arrived this Monday. I was upset, I'm not going to lie, I do think if they want to plan another offer they should really learn from this experience. AfterI tried my products I was very happy, I forgot about the problems I had with this order and I'm going to order again :)

Sa va arat ce mi-am comandat / Now let me show you what I got:

(sunt cateva produse pentru mama si bunica mea pe care nu le-am mai pozat, dar o sa va spun ce le-am luat :D) / (there were some items for my mom and gradma, but I didn't include them in the haul, I'll tell you what I got for them :D)

    Daca va aduceti aminte de wishlist-ul meu MUA o sa vedeti ca nu mi-am cumparat toate produsele de acolo, m-am tot razgandit :)) /  If you remember my MUA wishlist you will see that I didn't get all the things form there, I changed my mind a few times and I ended up getting those pretty babies from the picture above :)

2 Blushers de la stanga la dreapta / (from left to right) - Blusher Shade 1 and Blusher Shade 4. Pretul unui blush este de o lira / (the blushers are 1 pound each)

4 Pearl Eye Shadows stiu ca am spus ca nu o sa-mi mai iau farduri, dar nu aveam ce sa mai pun in cos ca sa ating suma minima / ( i said i wasn't going to order eye shadows, but i didn't know what to put in my basket to reach the minimum spend wich was 30 pounds) - (de sus in jos, de la stanga la dreapta) / (from top to bottom, left to right): Shade 1, Shade 7, Shade 12 and Shade 26. Fardurile costa 1 lira fiecare / (the eye shadows are 1 pound each)

2 Intense Glosses (sunt absolut minunate) / (I am in LOVE with these) - de la stanga la dreapta / (from left to right) - Lips Are Sealed and Sealed With A Kiss. Glossurile costa 1 lira fiecare / (the lip glosses are 2 pounds each)

Matte Perfect Loose Powder Translucent and Matte Perfect Primer. Pudra costa 2.30 lire si primer-ul costa 4 lire / (the powder is 2.30 pounds and the primer is 4 pounds)

3 lipsticks - Shade 1, Shade 2 and Bare. Rujurile costa 1 lira fiecare / (the lipsticks are 1 pound each)

   Mama a primit un fond de ten Matte Perfect Shine Control si trei rujuri (Shade 6x2 si Shade 12) si bunica mea a primit un ruj (Shade 8). Toata comanda mea a facut 30.80 lire si am platit doar 15.40 lire, asta numesc eu o oferta buna :D O sa le swatchuiesc pe toate in curand :)

   I also got a Matte Perfect Shine Control Foundation and 3 lipsticks (Shade 6x2 and Shade 12) for my mom and a lipstick (Shade 8) for my grandma. My order was 30.80 pounds and I paid 15.40 pounds, now that's what I call a good deal :) I will review them all and you'll see swatches very soon :)

Ati incercat pana acum produsele de la MUA? Ati profitat de oferta acesta? / Have you tried any MUA products? 

   Referitor la micul meu giveaway de la ultima postare, am hotarat sa adaug in lista toate fetele (au fost cateva fete pe care nu le-am recunoscut, sper sa mai treceti in vizita si de acum incolo :D) care au comentat la postare, in afara de Gabriela si Diana care au spus ca nu vor sa participe (sa stiti ca va astept sa va inscrieti la celalalte giveaway-uri :D) si castigatoarea ojelor este:

    Felicitari LAURAAAAAA!!! O sa iti trimit eu un mesaj asta seara pe Facebook ca sa stiu unde sa iti trimit pachetelul cu bunatati :D

Va doresc o seara minunat, v-am pupat :*:*:* / Have a lovely evening, many kisses :*:*:*