Dupa cum spuneam si pe Facebook, astazi a fost o zi tare productiva :D De altfel se pare ca a venit vara, eram sigura ca o sa intram direct in 25+ grade si nu zic ca nu ma bucur, dar mi-ar fi placut sa ma pot bucura putin si de primavara, acum trebuie sa fac wishlist-ul de vara haha :D Astazi o sa vorbesc despre un subiect care s-ar putea sa va intereseze, mai ales daca va confruntati cu aceleasi probleme ca si mine si sper sa va ajute :) Pana sa am blogul recunosc ca nu petreceam cel putin 40 de minute sa ma machiez (nu va imaginati ca fac asta in fiecare zi, imi place sa-mi las cat mai mult tenul sa respire) si nici nu stateam sa-mi analizez atat de mult trasaturile fetei :)) O data ce-am inceput sa le analizez s-a dezlantuit iadul: aaa...spraceana aia sta mai sus, ochiul stang nu seamana cu cel drept, ma enerveaza forma ochilor (in general astea sunt cele doua probleme ale mele care imi mananca viata: ochii si sprancenele) :D
As i was saying earlier on Facebook this was a very productive day :D It also seems that summer is here, I was pretty sure that we were going straight into 25+ degrees and I'm not saying I don't like it, but I wanted spring to stay a little longer, now I must prepare my summer wishlist haha :D Today I'm going to talk about a subject that it might interest some of you, especially if you are dealing with the same problem as I am. Until I started blogging i would never ever spend almost 40 mimutes to do my make-up (don't think that I do that every day, i like to wear as less make-up as I can) and I wasn't analysing my face features every change I got :)) once I started doing that all hell broke loose: umm...that eyebrow is higher than the other one, the left eye doesn't look like the right one, I don't like my eye shape (yeah I have two big problems: my eyes and my eyebrows) :D
Astazi o sa vorbesc despre ochi si cum am descoperit eu ca de aproape doi ani liniutele pe care le trasez cu eyeliner-ul nu-mi avatanjeaza deloc forma ochilor (fustrare maxima pentru ca nu intelegeam de ce la mine nu arata bine niciodata). Primul lucru pe care trebuie sa-l facem este sa ne dam seama care este forma ochilor nostri, eu am ochii mici, intre rotunzi si migdalati (mai mult spre rotunzi) si cu pleoapele destul de cazute, o adevarata bucurie :D Vreau sa va spun ca nu sunt vreo specialista, vorbesc doar din propria experienta.
I just discovered that I was applying my eyeliner totally wrong for the last two years (humongous frustration because I never understood why I never get it right). The first thing we have to do before applying eyeliner we must know the shape of our eyes, for example: I have small eyes, roundish - almond eyes and they are hooded, oh the joy :D Before I start I just want to tell you that I'm no specialist, I'm just talking from my own experience.
Atunci cand aplicam eyeliner-ul urmarim sa alungim forma ochiului (sau cel putin eu urmaresc asta), acesta este rezultatul la care vrem sa ajungem. Exista o gramada de tutoriale pe Youtube sau pe blog-uri si sunt foarte mare ajutor, dar trebuie sa gasiti forma ideala pentru ochii vostri, cu asta trebuie sa porniti la drum :)
When we are applying the eyeliner we want to elongate the eye, to achieve that awesome cat eye shape (or at least that's what I'm trying to achieve). There are a lot of Youtube tutorials and blog posts about applying the eyeliner, they are very, very helpful, but if you don't apply it accordingly to your eye shape it won't look good, so you must determine your eye shape before applying eyeliner :)
Revenind la ochiul meu: eu nu-mi pot linia tot ochiul, intr-adevar pot face o linie foarte subtire, dar tot imi ia din pleoapa (exact asta nu vreau sa se itample) si imi rotunjeste si mai mult ochiul facandu-mi-l si mai mic. Apoi trebuie sa am mare grija la codita pe care o trasez la capat pentru ca daca o ridic prea sus sau continui linia de mai jos o sa stea exact unde este pleopa cazuta si o sa am o codita tare ciudata.
Now let's return to my eye: I can't line the entire eyelid, I can do a thin line, but it takes up eyelid space and it will make my eye look even smaller and super round. I also have to be very careful when I do the tail because if I do it too high or I just follow the lower line, then it will sit right where the hooded area is and it will look really weird.
(in poza codita este facut corect (pentru forma ochiului meu si dupa parerea mea) pentru ca am trasat linia dupa ce am pozat codita, dar puteti observa ca nu mi se vede culoarea pe care am aplicat-o pe pleoapa / the tail is done the way it should be done for my eye shape (that's my opinion) because I did it before applying the eyeliner on my lid, you can't see the color on my eyelid)
Mai exista si varianta cu linierea jumatatii din partea exterioara, dar nici acea forma nu-mi avatajeaza forma ochilor, tot rotunzi arata. Intamplator in urma cu o saptamana jucandu-ma cu eyeliner-ul am descoperit (va dati seama ca mi-a luat aproape 2 ani haha :D) ca nu trebuie sa-mi liniez ochiul ci sa fac doar codita, putin mai jos decat o faceam inainte in asa fel incat sa nu mai cada pleoapa peste ea si sa am grija bineinteles sa o conectez frumos cu linia genelor incat sa nu se vada ciudat si culmea imi ramanea si pleoapa vizibila incat se vada si saracele culori pe care le aplic, sa nu fiu nevoita sa merg cu ochii inchisi ca sa vada lumea ca m-am machiat =)))
You can also use eyeliner on half of you eyelid, but for me it's the same situation, it just makes my eyes look rounder than they allready are. Last week I was playing with my eyeliner and somehow I just started with the tail and I said: hey this looks awesome and I did that to both eyes and I was like: Wow, how in the world it took me almost two years to find this out? I just have to make sure that the tail is connected to the eyelash line so it won't look weird and now people can see that I'm wearing eye shadow, I don't have to walk with my eyes closed so they can see the actual eye shadow =))
(in ultima poza puteti vedea ca nu-mi avatajeaza deloc forma ochiului eyeliner-ul aplicat la ochiul drept / you can see that the eyeliner shape from my right eye doesn't compliment my eye shape at all)
Nici nu pot sa va spun cat de incantata sunt ca am facut o asemenea descoperire, earm foarte suparata cand ma machiam si voiam sa postez machiajul pe blog pentru ca daca stateam cu ochii deschisi nu se vedea absolut nimic :( Nu spun ca o sa mearga la toata lumea, trebui sa incercati si sa exersati ca sa vedeti cu ce tip de liniuta va sta cel mai bine, dar s-ar putea ca pe cateva dintre voi sa va ajute (sincer sper din tot sufletul sa va ajute pe toate cele care va confruntati cu aceeasi problema) :D
I can't even tell you how happy I am, I was really upset because every time time I wanted to post a make-up look on my blog if I had my eyes open you couldn't see the eye shadows :/ I'm not saying that this will work for eveyone, but it might help some of you (I really hope it will help all of you that are having the same issue as I was having) :D
Intampinati probleme atunci cand folositi eyeliner-ul? Ati incercat metoda acesta pana acum? :D / Are you having problems when you're applying eyeliner? Have you ever tried this method? :D
Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :****
Have a lovely evening, many kisses :***