Trebuie sa recunosc ca mi-a placut tare mult tag-ul acesta (dar care tag nu-mi place mie? :D) si cu ocazia aceasta am aflat ca foarte multe dintre noi avem aceleasi probleme :)) Am vrut special sa am mai mult timp de gandire ca sa fiu sigura ca nu omit ceva si sper ca n-am uitat nimic :) Acestea sunt lucrurile legate de frumuste la care nu ma pricep sau nu le respect, desi ar trebui :D
This is such a fun tag (but what tags are not fun for me? :D), I found out that so many of us have similar "problems" :)) I did take some time to think about the beauty things I suck at because I was pretty sure there were some (not that maaaaany :D) and I didn't want to forget to mention something and I really hope I didn't :) So let's skip the part where I talk to much and let me tell you what are the:
La capitolul ingrijirea pielii corpului stau extrem de prost, uit si imi e lene tot timpul, desi am nevoie de hidratare pentru ca am pielea uscata. Mi-am tot mutat unturile de corp cat si cremele de maini peste tot prin camera special ca sa le pot vedea mai bine, dar se pare ca ori nu le vad ori ma fac ca nu le vad :)) La fel de prost stau si la aplicarea cremei cu SPF, vara acesta trebuie neaparat sa ma obisnuiesc cu aplicarea ei pentru pielea mea foarte deschisa la culoarea chiar nu suporta soarele (toata lumea ar trebui sa foloseasca pe corp creme cu SPF, nu conteaza daca aveti pielea deschisa la culoare sau inchisa, trebuie sa ne protejam pielea).
When it comes to applying body moisturizer or hand creams I really suck at doing this, I do need them, but I always forget or I'm just too lazy. I moved the body butters and hand creams somewhere close to me so I can always see them, but it seems I don't see them or I just don't want to see them :)) I also suck at applying SPF body lotions, but I really have change this bad habit this year because I'm very fair and my skin needs to be protected from the sun (everyone should use a SPF lotion, it doesn't matter if you have fair skin or darker skin, your skin needs to be protected from the sun).
I always have a problem with applying hair masks, I don't know why is it so hard for me to do this, I had a schedule once, but it seems that somehow I got lost and forgot about it very quickly. Now i'm using a hair conditioner that acts like a mask too, sooo whoopee for me :D
(sursa poza:
Cand vine vorba despre ingrijirea tenului cu greu reusesc sa folosesc crema pentru ochi si sub nicio forma nu pot sa ma mobilizez sa folosesc masti (si sincera sa fiu nici nu-mi plac atat de mult mastile pentru ten). Mi-am tot cumparat masti, am fost entuziasmata de ele doua-trei zile apoi mi-am dat seama ca imi e "tare greu" sa le folosesc si au sfarsit in cosul de gunoi. Mi-am facut si acasa masti si tot timpul zic: o sa aplic una pe saptamana, dar apoi zic lasa ca imi fac maine :))
O always forget to apply my eye cream and I can't remember and don't really like to use face masks. I always end buying masks because of what they say they do, I'm really excited about them two or three days, but after that i loose my enthusiasm very fast and i end up throwing them. I sometime make some DYI masks and I always say: oh, i'm gonna use it once a week, but I never do it :))
(sursa poza:
Desi am primit numeroase complimente in legatura cu aplicarea eyeliner-ului (va multumesc tare mult :*), doar un singur ochi imi iese asa cum trebuie (asta si pentru ca un ochi are alta forma decat celalalt - foarte putin vizibil), de foarte multe ori am doua linii complet diferite si e atat de enervant, mai ales cand nu pot sa le mai sterg si am facut si un machiaj care imi place foarte mult :) Tot la capitolul acesta: nu pot face linii subtiri, am incercat, dar nu reusesc, zic: hmmm....astazi vreau o linie subtire, subtire si baaaaam identica cu cea din ziua in care am vrut una mai groasa (mai adaug putin, mai adaug putin :D)
Even though I get a lot of compliments about the application of my eyeliner (thank you very much :*), only one eye usually looks decent (I do have two different eye shapes - not that visible, but i know they are) and most of the time I have two different looking eyeliner lines (and it's really getting on my nerves especially when I can't remove it and i have a really nice make-up on). I also can't draw thin lines, I tried, but I just can't, I'll say to myself: i want a thin, thin line and baaaaam it looks exactly as it did yesterday when I wanted thick line (I will add just a little bit more eyeliner I say :D)
(sursa poza:
Imi place tare mult sa am unghiile "pictate", dar pentru mine e foarte mult de munca atunci cand ma apuc, nu exista data cand sa nu-mi intind oja si peste degete, mai ales atunci cand folosesc oja inchisa care are tendinta de a nu se mai curata cum trebuie :)) Recunosc ca mi-ar placea tare mult ca cineva sa-mi fac unghiile ca sa scap de grija asta :D Ah si era sa ma pricep sa fac modele, nu pot trage linii la manichura frantuzeasca fara ajutorul scotch-ului si nici nu am rabadare sa ma apuc de un asemenea "proiect".
I love my nail polishes and I love to paint my nails, but I have to, I just have to paint my fingers too, and the fun part is to paint your fingers with some dark nail polish that you have a hard time removing it after :)) I would love if somebody would paint my nails so they would always look awesome :D Oh and I almost forgot: I can't so nail designs, I also can't do a french manicure without using scotch tape (my lines are all over the place).
Cred ca sunt printre ultimele care face acest tag, dar daca mai exista cineva care nu l-a facut pana acum, va invit cu cel mai mare drag sa-l faceti (imi puteti lasa si link-ul in comentarii), daca nu aveti blog imi puteti scrie direct in casuta de comentarii, sunt foarte curioasa de raspunsurile voastre (imi place tare mult sa primesc comentarii ♥) :D
I think I'm almost the last one to do this tag, but if there is someone who didn't do it, please share with us, I would love to read your answers so leave me the link to your blog post so I can read them or if you don't have a blog you can write them in the comment box below (I love comments ♥) :D
Care sunt lucrurile la care nu va pricepeti sau peste care sariti din diverse motive desi nu ar trebui? :D / At what beauty things you suck at and why? :D
Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :***
Have a lovely evening, many kisses :***