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March Favourites


Hei :D

  Iata ca luna martie a trecut, a venit aprilie si eu am intarziat cu acesta postare :)) Astept caldura cu atat de mult entuziasm (si nu sunt singura), dar se pare ca nu prea vrea sa se faca simtita, am observat ca atunci cand e frumos afara functionez cel mai bine, in restul timpului sunt o leguma haha :)) Aprilie sa stii ca am asteptari mari de la tine, sa nu ne dezamagesti!!!!! As putea sa aberez asa pana maine, dar nu acesta este scopul acestei postari ci nici nu vreau sa va plictisesc (am scris de cel putin 10 ori acesta introducere :D) ci astazi am sa va arat si am sa va vorbesc despre produsele favorite ale lunii martieeeeeeee ♥

   March is gone, hello April and look at me I'm late with this blog post :)) I'm waiting for the sun, I'm waiting for the hot weather (and I know I'm not the only one), but it seams that we're just not lucky yet, I can't function well when the weather sucks, I just want to sit all day and so NOTHING, no inspiration, nada :/ April I have really high expectations from you, you'd better not disppoint us!!!! I could go on and on about this until tomorrow (this my 10th time i'm writing this introduction :D), but that is not the point of this blog post, today i want to talk to you about and show you my March favourites ♥

Produsele favorite pentru ingrijirea parului:

    De pe pe la inceputul lunii martie am inceput sa testez acest sampon si balsam si sunt foarte multumita de ele, nu va spun mai multe acum, pregatesc cat de curand un review / I am testing out this shampoo and conditioner and i really, really like them, a review is coming up soon:

  • DGJ Organics Hangover Hair Luxury Shampoo;
  • DGJ Organics Hangover Hair Luxury Conditioner;
  • Avon Advance Techiniques Maroccan Argan Oil - love it, miroase absolut bestial si nici nu concep sa nu-l aplica la fiecare spalara, imi lasa parul moale si foarte usor de coafat / I looooove this product, I use it every time I wash my hair, it leaves my hair soft and easy to work with.
Produsele favorite pentru ingrijirea tenului:

  Seara am inceput sa folosesc din nou uleiul de Jojoba si pentru ca aveam crema asta aruncata printr-un colt, m-am decis sa o folosesc, e pefecta pentru noapte, a doua zi ma trezesc cu cel mai fin ten. As vrea sa pot sa o folosesc si ziua, dar imi ingrasa tenul / I started using jojoba oil again and I found this moisturizer around so I wanted to give it one more chance before i throw it out. I use it as night moisturizer, it's too heavy for me as a day moisturizer and it make my face oily, but it's perfect for the night. It does a really great job, when iI wake up in the morning my face is so smooth and soft, I love it :X

  • Iwostin Lipdia Lipid Cream;
  • Dessert Essence Jojoba Oil;
 Produse favorite pentru ingrijirea corpului:

   Intamplator am dat peste acest gel de dus/sampon/spumant de baie acesta Rik&Roc si pentru ca era la reducere si miroasea a ZMEURA l-am cumparat, il folosesc ca gel de dus si ca spumant de baie si iti vine sa-l mananci. Apoi pentru hidratare am folosit untul de corp de la Fennel pe care vreau sa-l termin, dar mi se pare putin cam greoi pentru primvara, poate daca ma misc suficient de repede reusesc sa-l termin pana vine caldura :D / So I was in Auchan and I saw there were some discounted products on a shelf and I went to see what was there, and I saw this shampoo/body wash/bath foam from Rik&Roc (for kids) wich smells like raspberry and I just couldn't walk away and I had to buy it. I'm using it as a body wash and bath foam and i smells sooooo good :D 

  • Ric & Roc Shampping Shampoo;
  • Fennel Avocado Olive.
Parfumul favorit:
  Luna acesta trebuie sa pornesc in cautarea unui parfum pentru primavara, momentan l-am folosit pe cel de Omerta, este unul dintre parfumurile mele preferate, dar mi se pare ca e mai mult potrvit pentru toamna-iarna :) / This month I have to buy a spring perfume (fruity), I used this one a lot (and I do love the smell), but I think this one is really nice for autumn-winter.

  • Omerta - Bourbon Vanilla.
Ojele preferate:

   In luna martie mi-am lasat unghiile sa "respire" cat mai mult, in ultima vreme au inceput sa se exfolieze intr-o veselie si m-am gandit ca e momentul pentru o pauza. Obisnuiesc sa pozez ojele pe care le-am purtat si indragit cel mai mult, chiar daca nu am folosit-o foarte des (pentru ca nu am putut) in luna martie am indragit tare mult (si inca o indragesc) oja pe care am primit-o cadou de la Laura ♥ / My nails exfoliate like crazy and I thought they needed a break from nail polish and so I just painted them once or twice. In my favourites posts i usually talk about the nail polishes i used a lot in that month, but even if i didn't wear this nail as much as i should have (because i couldn't not because i didn't want to), I LOVE IT and I have to mention it again, thank you Laura again for this lovely gift ♥ 

Produse de make-up favorite:

   Pentru ca am inceput sa am probleme cu tenul, am incercat sa evit pe cat posibil sa ma machiez, dar cand m-am machiat am folosit urmatoare produse, poduse foarte dragi mie / Because my skin started to really hate last month I tried to avoid wearing too much make-up, but when I had too I used: 

Melodiile favorite:

   O sa-mi ia o perioada sa depasesc obsesia mea pentru ultimul album al Rihannei :)) In continuare il ascult cu aceeasi placere :D / It will take some time to stop obsessing on Rihanna's latest album, awesome, awesome songs!!!

 Filmul preferat:

   Desi am refuzat si incercat sa evit sa ma uit la filmul acesta, prietenul meu a reusit sa ma convinga (nu-mi plac filmele cu violenta, sange, etc.) si daca puteti sa treceti peste scenele acelea din paranteza mea, filmul este foarte bun, iar actorii sunt pe masura, cel putin dupa parerea noastra :D / I tried to avoid watching this movie, but my boyfriend finally convinced me (I don't like bloody and violent movies) and if you get past the violence and blood oh boy!!!! this is a really good movie with awesome actors, I really enjoyed it :D

(sursa poza:

   La final voiam sa va intreb daca va place noua metoda de a poza produsele (de fundal vorbesc, nu o sa ramana acelasi la fiecare postare)? Mie imi place mult mai mult asa, dar voiam sa aflu si parerea voastra :D / I want to know you opinion: do you like the pictures of the products with or without a background (I will change the backround very often)? I like them with a background, but I wanted to know what you guys think :D

   Care au fost produsele voastre preferate in luna martie sau care a fost filmul vostru preferat (suntem in cautare de filme cat mai bune :D)? / What were your favourite beauty products or what was your favourite movie (we're looking for some awesome movies and we could use your help :D)?

Va doresc o seara minunat, v-am pupat :*:*:*

Have a lovely evening, many kisses :***