Buenos Dias! :D
Am ajuns intr-un Second Hand din intamplare, aveam treaba in DM-ul din Real Vitan (cautam samponul cu zmeura de la Bubchen, pe blogul Georgianei gasiti un articol despre el), dar bineinteles ca eu habar nu aveam ca nu mai era DM acolo ci in locul lui se deshisese un nou magazin SH, culmea, chiar cautam unul si ma plangeam ca nu stiu pe unde sunt cele cu haine frumoase si de ce sa nu si recunosc, sunt si lenesa sa le caut. Acum am o scuza, de fiecare data cand ma duc in Real (gasiti magazinele SH si in celalalte Real-uri din Bucuresti) intru si in SH haha :)) Magazinul e destul de mare si am vazut o gramada de haine super frumoase, au haine pentru doamne cat si pentru domni, iar kilogramul de haine este 50 de lei. Am fost de doua ori pana acum, hainele pe care le veti vedea in postarea de astazi sunt de la cele doua sesiuni de shopping. Nu avea rost sa-mi iau mai multe pentru ca urmeaza sa aduca hainele de primavara si alea ma intereseaza cel mai mult (pe 15 aprilie le aduc, momentan au reduceri la cele de iarna - 25 lei kg).
I wanted to go to DM to look for the raspberry Bubchen shampoo (you can find a review on Georgiana's blog)), but when I got there instead of the DM store there was a thrift store and oh how EXCITED I was :D I wanted to go to a thrift store for some time now, but I don't know where to find them and I'm too lazy to look for them :D Now I can go and look for cool clothes every time I go to buy stuff from Real :)) The thrift shop is pretty big, you can find clothes for women and clothes for men, 14 $ for 1 kg of clothes. This is the second time I go there, I saved some money to buy more clothes, I didn't get too many because they had winter clothes (and some summer/spring clothes) and I don't need them right now, I'm waiting for them to bring out the spring and summer clothes, I'm gonna spend all my money on them haha :))
Bluza am gasit-o din intamplare, se pare ca mai nou imi place animal print-ul si mi-am dorit un articol vestimentar cu acest print, materialul e foarte placut (s-ar putea la vara sa am probleme cu el, pentru ca e putin cam calduros) :)
It seems that now I like animal print so I couldn't say no to this cute blouse, I like the material, but i think that I'm not going to be able to wear it when it's too hot outside.
Geaca am gasit-o intamplator, e de la Esprit, e foarte frumoasa si de calitate si mai e si maro :X De fiecare data cand am fost frumos afara am purtat-o, imi place foarte foarte mult :X
This jacket was just sitting there, I don't know how anybody didn't see it, well I guess i'm lucky, it is from Esprit, really nice quality and it fits me perfectly, from the moment I got it I've been wearing it almost every day :X
M-am reintors la magazin saptamana trecuta pentru ca aveam cativa banuti de cheltuit si aveam si un cupon de reducere (care nu a mai fost valabil pentru ca aveau deja reducere de 50%) si m-am pus pe cautat, nu cautam ceva anume, am probat cam tot ce mi-a atras atentia si m-am hotarat asupra urmatoarelor:
I went back to the store last week because I had some money to spend and I also had a discount coupon (which I didn't get to use because they were having a sale) so I went looking for more cute clothes and this is what I found:
De cum am vazut acest puloveras m-am indragostit de el, e foarte frumos si de-abia astept sa-l port, m-am decis sa port si rochite anul acesta si cred ca s-ar potrivi de minune la ele ♥
I fell in love with this cute sweater the moment i saw it, it is so beautiful i can't wait to wear it, i want to buy more dresses now, i think they will go so good together ♥
Vestuta am luat-o pentru Paste haha (si nu numai) :))) E atat de vesela si colorata si deja stiu la ce o sa o port, dar pentru asta trebuie sa se incalzeasca mai repede afara :D
I want to wear this vest for Easter haha :)) It's so colorful and cheerful I already know what to pair it with, but it's a little bit to cold for my idea :D
Am uitat complet de bluza asta :)) E putin mai ciudatica, dar arata super bine, nici nu stiu exact cum sa explic ca ar trebui sa vina :D Tocmai pentru ca a fost mai ciudata mi-a si placut, a si pentru ca e super comoda :D
I forgot about this blouse lol :)) This is a really weird looking blouse, I can't even explain how it looks, but it's really cool, I picked it up because I like weird looking clothes and it's really comfy :D
Camasa de blugi nu era in plan, dar pentru ca mama s-a oprit fix langa ele am aruncat o privire si acolo si cand am vazut camasa asta am fugit cu ea :)) E atat de placut materialul si desi este oversized si mi se pare ca arat ciudat in ele, camasa aceasta imi vine perfect, am luat-o ca sa o pot purta la colanti (sunt o mare fana a colantilor). Mai nou am devenit o marea fana si a hainelor din blugi, asa ca probabil in curand o sa vedeti mai multe, sper sa pot face si cateva OOTD-uri dupa ce-mi mai maresc garderoba, pana acum n-am avut lucruri intersante sa va arat :))
I didn't plan to buy a denim shirt, but my mom was sitting right next to them and I said to myself: hey, why don't I look through them? and I found this awesome oversized denim shirt, which fits me so well and I said it has to be mine, I'm gonna wear it with my leggings (I love leggings :D). I hope I can do some OOTDs once I get more clothes, until now I didn't really have what to show you :))
Momentan acestea au fost hainele pe care mi le-am ales, pe 15 aprilie o sa ma duc sa vad ce au adus pentru primavara, mi-am pastrat banuti pentru ca sunt sigura ca o sa gasesc ceva care sa imi placa :D
So this were the clother that I bought for the moment, I'm gonna go again on the 15th of April when they have their spring/summer clothes, I'm sure I am going to find some awesome things there :D
Obisnuiti sa va luat haine de la SH? :D / Do you buy clothes from the thrift shop? :D
Va doresc o seara placuta, v-am pupat :***
Have a lovely evening, many kisses :***