Parul vostru este mahmur? Haha :)) Mi s-a parut foarte haios numele pe care-l poarta samponul si balsamul de la DGJ Organics, un mare plus pentru numele foarte invetiv pe care l-au gasit pentru acesta gama :) DGJ vine de la Daniel Galvin Junior care este un foarte cunoscut hairstylist din Anglia (s-a ocupat de parul multor vedete) si care de foarte mult timp a adoptat un stil de viata organic. Toate produsele sunt facute cu ingrediente naturale derivate din plante si imbunatatite cu uleiuri/extracte esentiale organice. Sa vedem ce am de spus despre ele :)
Is your hair having a hangover? Haha :)) I thought the name of the DGJ Organics Shampoo and conditioner is so funny, so a big thumbs up for a cool name. You might wonder what DGJ stands for, DGJ stands for Daniel Galvin Junior, he is a celebrity hairdresser who is very passionate about living an organic lifestyle. All of the products are made with plant derived natural ingredients enhanced with Organic essential oils/extract. It says on the packaging that this is an intensive detox for dull tired & stressed hair. So let's see what I have to say about them :)
Denumire/Name: DGJ Organics Hangover Hair Luxury Shampoo & Luxury Conditioner ***;
De unde il pot achizitiona?/Where cand i buy it from?:;
Cat pret are?/Price?: Sampon / Shampoo: 5.99 lire (pounds) / Balsam / Conditioner: 5.99 lire (pounds);
Cantitate: 250 ml;
Ingrediente / Ingredients:
Sampon / Shampoo:
Balsam / Conditioner:
Alte informatii / Other informations:
- Pentru toate tipurile de par / For all hair types;
- Produsele nu contin parabeni, nu contin Sodium Laureth/ Lauryl Sulfate / No parabens and no Sodium Laureth/Lauryl Sulfate.
Dupa cum bine stiti in urma cu vreo doua luni m-am vopsit si din pacate nu mi-a placut tare mult cum imi statea cu noua culoare asa ca am indepartat culoarea folosit Color B4 (cititi despre experienta mea cu acest produs aici). Atunci cand am primit Color B4 am primit si samponul si balsamul de la DGJ Organics, la momentul respectiv parul meu avea nevoie de o ingrijire mult mai speciala pentru ca il zapacisem de tot. Am folosit samponul si balsamul din momentul in care le-am primit si le folosesc de aproape o luna si jumatate (aproape am terminat samponul). In primul rand trebuie sa spun ca imi imi place ambalajul, nu este foarte special, este simplu, dar in acelasi timp elegant si este mov haha :D Ambalajul este facut dintr-un plastic dur, iar capacelul este foarte usor de folosit si tine bine produsul inauntru.
As you all know I dyed my hair about two months ago, didn't like the color and removed it with Color B4 (read about my experience here). When I received Color B4 I also received the DGJ Organics Hangover Shampoo and Conditioner and yes at that time my hair was having a hangover :)) It was really dry, not shinny and really hard to work with because all of the stuff that I did to it :/ I started using the shampoo and conditioner right away and i've been using them for about a month and almost a half now (I almost finished the shampoo). First of all I have to say that I really like the packaging, nothing too fancy, but I like simple yet elegant packaging and I also like it because I like purple:)) The packaging is made out of hard plastic and the tube cap (I don't really know how to call it) keeps the product secure, there is no leakage.
Primul lucru pe care-l fac atunci cand imi cumpar un produs este sa-l miros, sunt destul de sensibila la unele mirosuri asa ca trebuie sa verific neaparat acest lucru :D Nu as fi ales acest produs pentru ca miroase a lavanda si lavanda are un miros care mie pur si simplu nu imi place, mirosul este destul de puternic incat sa fie deranjant pentru cineva care este sensibil. Mi-a fost destul de greu sa-l folosesc o perioada, nici acum nu-mi place foarte mult, dar cat de cat m-am obisnuit cu mirosul. Cateodata simt nevoia sa-mi spal parul de doua ori cu sampon (mai ales cand folosesc fixativ), cu acest sampon chiar daca am folosit fixativ am impresia ca imi curata parul foarte bine chiar din momentul in care incep sa-l spal (scartaie haha :D) :)
When I first pick up a product I smell it since I'm very sensitive when it comes to smells, I have to be very careful when buying a product. I would have never - ever picked these two products, I don't like the smell of lavender and they both have a pretty stong scent. It was really hard to use them for the first couple of times, it still bothers me, but not as much. as it did in the beginning. Sometimes I feel the need to wash my hair twice using shampoo (especially if I use hairspray), but with this shampoo even if i used hairspray I would feel how my hair was getting super clean as I lather it up (squeaky clean haha :D) :)
Suntem avertizati pe spatele ambalajului ca acest produs nu face mult spuma ceea ce eu consider ca e destul de enervant pentru ca trebuie sa foloses mai mult produs decat obisnuiesc sa fac cu alte sampoane. Samponul este transparent si are o consistenta destul de apoasa.
You do get warned that it won't foam as much as other shampoo's do and that is pretty annoying because I have to use much more shampoo than I usually do. The shampoo is clear and it has a runny consistency.
Balsamul functioneaza ca un balsam, dar ca si o masca, trebuie lasat pe par in jur de 20 de minute. Eu il lasa cam, 15 minute, pot sa ma duc cu el foarte aproape de radacina pentru ca nu-mi ingrasa parul, asta mi s-a parut foarte interesant la el.
The conditioner acts like a mask and conditioner. You have to leave it up to 20 minutes and after that rinse, I usually keep it about 15 minutes and the cool thing about this conditioner is that I can put it almost near my roots without the fear of having greasy hair after.
Parul meu se incurca intotdeauna cand il spal, are el un loc in aproape de crestetul capului unde ii place sa se incurce serios asa ca trebuie sa folosesc de fiecare data balsam ca sa-mi usurez munca si sa nu rup nici prea multe fire de par, balsamul acesta e minunat, ma ajuta sa-l descurc si cum spuneam mai sus nici nu-mi ingrasa parul. Balsamul are o culoare alba si o consistenta cremoasa.In perioada in care am folosit samponul si balsamul de la DGJ Organics au fost momente in care am folosit si tratamentul de la Avon cat si momente in carenu l-am folosit ca sa pot observa diferenta. Am observat ca atunci cand folosesc tratamentul parul este mai stralucitor la varfuri si se asaza mult mai frumos.
My hair always gets tangled at the top of my head when I wash it so I have to use a conditioner to help with the detangling, but I'm always scared to use it because my roots get oily reaaaaly fast, with this conditioner my hair is super happy :) After using these two products, my hair is clean, shinny and looks healthy and I can see that there has a been an improvement. I did use both of them with my Marocan Oil treatment and without it and there is not such a big difference, with the treatment my hair is easier to style and it looks shinier at the ends, that's the part where it usually gets dry. The conditioner it has a creamy consistency and it is white.
Si acum cateva poze cu parul meu, am vrut sa-l pozez afara, dar din pacate nu a avut cine sa ma ajute in ziua respectiva :(
And now some pictures with my hair, I wanted to take the pictures in direct sunlight, but there was no one to help with the camera :(
In lumina naturala / In natural light (primele doua poze sunt cu varfurile parului / the first two pictures are of my ends):
Cu blitz / With flash:
As cumpara aceste doua produse? Probabil ca nu, desi produsule imi plac tare mult, mirosul este mult prea mult pentru mine :/ Mi-ar placea insa sa incerc alte produse de la DGJ Organics: Wild ‘n’ Crazy Kids Shampoo - Banana & Berry si Glossy Brunettes mi-au facut cu ochiul :D
Would I purchase them? Probably not because, i do like the products but the smell is toomuch for me :/ I would love to try other shampoos from DGJ Organics, like the Wild ‘n’ Crazy Kids Shampoo - Banana & Berry and the Glossy Brunettes :D
Ati auzit de DGJ Organics pana acum? Ati incercat produsele? :) / Have you ever heard about DGJ Organics? Have you tried their products? :)
Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :***
Have a lovely evening, many kisses :***