Nu mi-am mai cumparat oje de ceva vreme si ma tot plangeam ca nu am culori potrivite pentru primvara/vara asa ca sambata m-am decis sa arunc un ochi dupa oje, am gasit doua oje Orkide intr-un cosulet pe care am dat fabuloasa suma de 6 lei :)) Intotdeauna mi-a placut oja galbena la alte persoane, am avut impresia ca eu nu as putea sa o port, dar se pare ca mi-am schimbat parerea. Culoarea m-a inveselit foarte tare zilele astea, se pare ca mai nou imi place tare mult galbenul, mi-am cumparat si cateva haine galbene si tare bine ma mai dispune culoarea asta :D Si inca un motiv pentru care sunt FOARTE, dar FOARTE fericita este noul aspect al blogului meu, mai ales al header-ului la care am muncit toata ziua si care in sfarsit arata asa cum mi-am dorit :D
I don't even remember when I bought my last nail polish and as you remember I did mention that I don't have pretty colored nail polishes for spring and summer so on Saturday when I went shopping i was on the lookout for some pretty colors :D I did find two nail polishes that I really liked, I paid the "fabulous" sum of 2 dollars for both of them :D I always admired yellow nail polish on other people, I thought that I can't pull off that color, but it seems that I changed my mind now :) It seems that I like yellow, it's a very cheerful color, I now have clothes that match my nails haha :D Aaaaand I'm also really, really happy about the way my blog looks now, especially my header, it took me some time to make it, but oh boy, it looks awesome, just the way I imagined it would look :D
Nu stiu in ce magazine se gasesc produsele Orkide, dar cred ca pe la marea majoritate a buticurilor care vand si oje o sa le gasiti, eu le-am cumparat din Auchan. A trebuit sa aplic trei straturi pentru a obtine o acoperire opaca, se aplica foarte frumos si se usuca foarte repede (ceea ce e perfect pentru mine pentru ca eu nu am rabdare :D). Mi-am facut unghiile duminina si nu am aplicat top coat, astazi arata aproape la fel de bine, cred ca rezista cel putin 5 zile fara nicio problema. Nu stiu daca pateaza unghiile, dar o sa editez postarea in momentul in care o sa le sterg si o sa va spun :) Ceea ce nu mi-a placut a fost ca atunci cand s-a uscat si-a schimbat putin culoarea, dar tot o culoare draguta a ramas :)
I don't know in which stores you can find Orkide products, but I think they sell them in every small shop that sell nail polishes, I bought them from Auchan. I had to apply three layers to get an opaque coverage, I had no problems when I was applying it and it dries really fast (you know I am so impacient when I'm doing my nails :D). I painted my nails on Sunday (I didn't apply a top coat) and today they look almost as good as they did on Sunday, I'm sure they will still look good even after 5 days. I don't know if it stains, I will update this post after i remove the nail polish :) The only thing that i didn't like about this nail polish is that once it dried it changed color, the color is a little bit darker, but it's still a pretty color :)
Pozele sunt facute la lumina naturala (era destul de innorat afara) / Photos taken using natural light (it was pretty cloudy):
(pe inelar am aplicat essence - make it golden)
Now I'm on the search of finding the perfect yellow nail polish, I do like this color, but I wanted something different. I think I've already seen the perfect mint nail polish I just have to buy and I'll be happy :)) What do you think about this nail polish, do you like the color? Would you wear it? :D
Va doresc o seara minunata, v-am pupat :*:*:*
Have a lovely evening, many kisses :***